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Law firm use case diagram in Title/Summary

Case Management for Lawyers

Case Management for Lawyers

MicroArea Case Management is the ideal software for lawyers and law firms, as it creates order and efficiency in your law practice. Case Management provides all the professional services lawyers need to manage their cases and clients. This software offers client data files, address directories, time sheets and billing, tax support, case management, calendars,



YouWinLaw is a legal case/matter management all-in-one software dedicated to your documents and emails. You can easily create and compile documents and emails; organize the folder structure in windows explorer to reflect your ideas; use the built-in Placeholders to get the information needed in the template; create your own fields to be used as placeholders, and more.

  • Publisher: WinYou Law Inc.
  • Last updated: November 29th, 2017
WinYou Law

WinYou Law

WinYou Law is an application designed to help you manage and organize your law office. This utility is tailored to the activities in a law firm, with the aim of making the user’s daily chores easier and more efficient and of providing the best possible assistance to users for all of their administrative tasks.

  • Publisher: JL Inc.
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2012

Law firm use case diagram in Description

Legal Suite Universal

Legal Suite Universal

The Legal Suite provides a full range of case management functionality. It can handle an unlimited number of cases or clients.The Legal billing software provides client management, time, billing, accounting, date tracking, and calendaring from a single repository. Legal Suite is quickly becoming the standard for those who want flexibility without sacrificing convenience and ease-of-use.

  • Publisher: Mdansby.com LLC
  • Home page: www.mdansby.com
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018


Easily record time and expenses and produce comprehensive reports on unbilled work across the firm. Turn lost time into revenue with timekeeping tools such as automatic timer in time entry to help you capture more billable hours. Take advantage of powerful, easy-to-use billing features that help you bill faster and deliver professional looking bills to your clients.

  • Publisher: ESI Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2018
RTG Bills

RTG Bills

RTG Bills is easy-to-use timekeeping and billing software for law firms. RTG Bills software uses standard Windows features. If you've used Windows before, you'll be comfortable using RTG Bills and RTG Timer. Context-sensitive help answers your questions immediately.

Stock Works

Stock Works

Stock Works is Stockholder/Stock Certificate Management Software for the Small Business Corporation. If you track stockholders and stock certificates for the small business corporation, use Stock Works to spend minutes to save yourself hours.

  • Publisher: HBank & Associates
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2015


UML .FRI is visual diagram editor. It's aimed towards diagram types commonly used by people involved in IT.Main Features:Currently, it's possible to create and edit:- UML class diagram - UML object diagram - UML activity diagram - UML use case diagram- UML state diagram - Flow chart diagram

  • Publisher: Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2010

Additional Law firm use case diagram selection

Altova UModel

Altova UModel

Altova UModel 2016 Enterprise Edition is the starting point for successful software development. Visually design application models and generate code or reverse engineer programs to UML diagrams. It's the simple, cost-effective way to draw on UML.

  • Publisher: Altova, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2018
CaseComplete 2010 R2

CaseComplete 2010 R2

CaseComplete allows you to manage functional requirements of a system. It uses case diagram shapes, GUI controls, callouts, basic shapes, connectors, and more accessories to represent the sequence, the interaction between the actors (customer, loan officer, etc.), and the system itself.

  • Publisher: Serlio Software
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2010
Mary le Chef - Cooking Passion Platinum Edition

Mary le Chef - Cooking Passion Platinum Edition

Mary le Chef - Cooking Passion is a time management and cooking game for Windows users. You will enjoy 60 restaurant levels, and 30 extra challenge stages across 6 charming chapters. You must prepare 70 different dishes, and upgrade your restaurants and menus.

  • Publisher: Cateia Games
  • Last updated: February 18th, 2017
EventStudio System Designer

EventStudio System Designer

It analyzes and catches design errors in success and failure scenarios. The program independently enables the display of message parameters, timers, actions, resources, state transitions. You can analyze the model with a multitude of document types: collaboration diagrams, context diagrams, interface documents, and XML export.

  • Publisher: EventHelix Inc.
  • Home page: eventhelix.com
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2020
Visual Paradigm for UML Community Edition

Visual Paradigm for UML Community Edition

VP-UML Community Edition (VP-UML CE) is a free UML drawing tool which allows you to create professional-look UML diagrams easily and quickly through its award-winning diagramming interface. VP-UML CE supports not only UML but also ERD and SysML. VP-UML CE's extension mechanism allows you to add your own functions to VP-UML by developing plug-in.



MyUML is a powerful UML software modeling tool, which allows you to create UML models, draw UML Diagrams,and generate code for UML models. It supports the most important UML diagrams:Use Case Diagram,Class Diagram,Object Diagram,State Diagram,Activity Diagram,Collaboration Diagram,Sequence Diagram,Component Diagram,Deployment Diagram.

  • Publisher: myuml
NC Child Support Calculator

NC Child Support Calculator

This calculator will automatically determine if your situation requires a calculation based on the primary custody, joint custody, or split custody guidelines. NC Child Support Guidelines only cover families making less than $25,000 per month. Deviations may be made from the guidelines, but are not covered by this calculator.



The UML stencil for Microsoft Visio supports complete UML, i.e. UML use case diagram, class diagram, package diagram, object diagram, interaction diagram, sequence diagram, communication diagram, interaction overview diagram, activity diagram, state machine diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, profile diagram, timing diagram, and all symbols of the UML.

Dean's Law Dictionary

Dean's Law Dictionary

Dean's Law Dictionary offers definitions for complex idiomatic laws such as felony murder, nuisance, negligence, insanity, mens rea, or proximate cause. Dean's Law Dictionary installs on your computer in just a few seconds. Main features: - 320,000 case cites! 7,100 Statutory Legal Definitions from federal statutory law. - 1000's of web address links - 4,500 Abbreviations.

TechnoSolutions Visual Use Case

TechnoSolutions Visual Use Case

TechnoSolutions Visual Use Case is a tool for rapidly defining clear and accurate requirements of an application or a system using the Use Case Modeling technique. It is a comprehensive Use Case modeling workbench for individuals and teams. It features a Use Case Scenario editor, automatic Text to Diagram conversion and Diagrams.