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Lds ward bulletins in spanish in Title/Summary

Ken Ward's Zipper

Ken Ward's Zipper

Ken Ward's Zipper 1.4 is a free file compression utility. With this basic utility, you can create and extract ZIP archives. It works fine but it's useless if you have Windows XP or Vista, because you can create, open and extract ZIP archives within Windows Explorer without the help of any additional program.

  • Publisher: Ken Ward
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
LDS Activities

LDS Activities

LDS Activities For Windows is a collection of puzzles and games. Activities include Articles of Faith, Books of the Book of Mormon, Books of the New Testament, GospelTration, Crossword Puzzle, Gospel Tic-Tac-Toe, President of the Church, and more.

LDS Temple Screensaver

LDS Temple Screensaver

LDS Temple Screensaver it is easy to install and fun to have on your computer!Use this screensaver as unique gift to family and friends. You can also use this screensaver as promotional items, giveaways, or even sell them as a download or CD!built as an executable (.exe) installation file that is easy to run and install onto the users' computer.

Lds ward bulletins in spanish in Description

LDS View

LDS View

LDS View is a Gospel Library reader program available for Windows® desktop and laptop computers, and for Windows Mobile® handheld devices and phones with a touch screen. The LDS View is available in English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

  • Publisher: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 11th, 2012
DX Bulletin Reader

DX Bulletin Reader

DX Bulletin Reader is a tool for viewing, archiving and searching the DX news bulletins. In Dx Bulletin Reader, every highlighted item has a tooltip with extra information, such as IOTA group name and prefix, country of the callsign, and latitude/longitude of the Grid Square. Also , the the Find function performs full text search in all archived bulletins.

  • Publisher: Afreet Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.dxatlas.com
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2012
Phantasmat: Behind the Mask Collector's Edition

Phantasmat: Behind the Mask Collector's Edition

The Ward estate is in disrepair and its inhabitants are just as damaged.You’ll soon discover that being a member of this family isn’t just challenging – it could be deadly. Search through level after level of hidden objects and mini-games to unlock the secrets of the Ward Estate.

QB - Spanish

QB - Spanish

QB - Spanish is an easy to use Windows program that lets you expand your Spanish vocabulary. -Contains over 600 Spanish words and expressions with audio recorded by a native Spanish speaker. -Automatically adjusts to your way of learning to make it more efficient and fun. -Nice interface and funny sounds

  • Publisher: Sierra Vista Software
  • Home page: www.quiz-buddy.com
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2009
Spanish Phrases Buddy

Spanish Phrases Buddy

Spanish Phrases Buddy is a light, simple yet useful free program for learning many of the most useful phrases in Spanish. You can use it before tripping to a Spanish-speaking country or community, or as a refresher tool if you already speak Spanish. The tool also can be viewed online at the developer's site.

  • Publisher: Sierra Vista Software
  • Home page: www.quiz-buddy.com
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2009

Additional Lds ward bulletins in spanish selection

English-Spanish Interpreter Professional

English-Spanish Interpreter Professional

If you need to translate documents from English to Spanish and vice versa, then you may want to try English Spanish Interpreter (now called Translator Professional Plus). This is a comprehensive program with lots of capabilities, like a built-in spell checker, dictionary and thesaurus, as well as many other features for rendering quality translations.

  • Publisher: Word Magic Software
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Ken Ward's Makeup

Ken Ward's Makeup

Makeup is a free program that enables you to reduce the file size of JPEG images. It also does a few other things too. JPEG images have a compression quality, where the size of the image is reduced and its quality is reduced too. Usually, you can reduce the quality of the image to make the file size much smaller, as when you wish to put the image on the internet or send it by email.

  • Publisher: Kenneth J Ward
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2008
NextUp-ScanSoft Javier Mexican Spanish Voice

NextUp-ScanSoft Javier Mexican Spanish Voice

NextUp-ScanSoft Javier Mexican Spanish Voice is a voice addon for the TextAloud text to speech software. It is one of the most natural-sounding Text to Speech voice available, with spanish accent. Text to Speech software for the Windows PC converts your text from MS Word Documents, Emails, Web Pages and PDF Files into natural-sounding speech.

  • Publisher: NextUp Technologies, LLC
  • Home page: www.nextup.com
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2008
Lexibar Spanish

Lexibar Spanish

Lexibar Spanish gives rapid access to Spanish special characters not available on your keyboard. This little tool is very useful for those who talk spanish and want to communicate with friends, family etc. Is easy to install and easy to manipulate. The orientation of Lexibar Spanish can be changed by pressing the keyboard space bar.

  • Publisher: Lexicool
  • Home page: www.lexicool.com
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2010
Adobe CS6 Spanish Speech Analysis Models

Adobe CS6 Spanish Speech Analysis Models

Adobe CS6 Spanish Speech Analysis Models is a language pack that lets you convert spoken words into text in a fast and easy manner. These Speech Analysis Models are design to work with Adobe Premiere Pro CC and CS6, increasing the functionality of the mentioned applications.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2014
LDS Scriptures

LDS Scriptures

Until now, studying the Scriptures on your Desktop probably didn't happen much. Plus you didn't have your highlights, notes, and bookmarks. Now with LDS Scriptures for PC you can study on your PC and your mobile device, and have all the highlights, notes, and bookmarks in both places.

  • Publisher: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2008
Spanish Accents CapsLock

Spanish Accents CapsLock

Spanish Accents CapsLock is a simple hotkey program that provides a quick and intuitive way to type accented characters used in Spanish. You can hold down CapsLock and press ‘a’ to type ‘á’ and hold down Shift as well to type Á. You can also hit the CapsLock key twice in rapid succession to turn CapsLock on and off.

Buensoft Spanish

Buensoft Spanish

BuenSoft Spanish is a free innovative listening-based interactive program with 14 interactive games designed to give learners of all ages a fast and easy way to have fun and improve their Spanish.

  • Publisher: Buensoft.com
  • Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Spanish-English translation dictionary

Spanish-English translation dictionary

The Spanish-English Translation Dictionary by IdiomaX is a comprehensive reference for those people who wants to learn or gain proficiency in any or both of these languages. It also includes a verb conjugation feature, which is a very handy addition to an already useful program.

  • Publisher: IdiomaX
  • Last updated: May 9th, 2008
Italian-Spanish translation dictionary

Italian-Spanish translation dictionary

Ideal for students and businesses, this Spanish-Italian dictionary lets you translate words and phrases and conjugate verbs in an instant. So many more features than your average Spanish to Italian dictionary. this dictionary software provides on-screen translation that tells you the type of word, gender (male or female in Spanish, for example), verb conjugation, and some common usages of the word

  • Publisher: IdiomaX
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2010