Learn chinese speaking in Title/Summary

Word Sudoku to Learn Chinese
Sudoku, sometimes spelled Su Doku(sudoko,sodoku), is a placement puzzle, also known as Number Place in the United States. Print and solve word sudoku to learn Chinese. You can create your own word list.A fun and effective way to reinforce Chinese vocabulary. Your students won't get enough of it!
- Publisher: Sudoku9981
- Home page: www.sudoku9981.com
- Last updated: October 13th, 2010

Learn Chinese
Learn Chinese 6.0 is for people who are serious about learning Chinese language. It's a simple, efficient, and comprehensive tool and designed for the beginners and senior learners to learn Chinese language and culture.
- Publisher: SUAVE
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008

Learn Chinese and Speak Mandarin
Learn Chinese and Speak Mandarin is a revolutionary and award winning new system for learning Chinese designed by language experts. The program contains personalized lessons that give special attention to everyday language and pronunciation.
- Publisher: Learn Chinese
- Last updated: August 1st, 2008
Learn chinese speaking in Description

Mandarin Player
Mandarin Player is a free program that helps you learn Chinese. It allows you to practice listening and speaking with more than 50 short interactive dialogs, build your vocabulary by reviewing keywords using Chinese flashcards and deepen your understanding of new words with any of over 1,000 Chinese sentences for keywords.
- Publisher: Learn Mandarin Help
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2013

Learn Chinese 2007
With this Chinese language program, you can work on reading, writing and memorizing your customized character selections. It also provides character grid-search, translation, pronunciation, handwriting exercises and a dictionary (English, Fr, De)
- Publisher: Lchinese
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

MDBG Chinese Reader
Just point or highlight Chinese text and let MDBG Chinese Reader help you learn Chinese as you use it.Faster than copy+paste to any online service, Chinese Reader works with your favorite browsers and websites. The innovative LiveScan and HighlightScan capabilities also work inside Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) and Adobe PDF Reader.
- Publisher: MDBG
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

Easy Hanzi
Easy Hanzi is an easy-to-use flashcard and dictionary utility to learn Chinese. It provides a simple interface along with advanced features such as a spaced repetition algorithm and a Chinese/English/Pinyin dictionary to help you learn more efficiently.
- Publisher: Laurent Cozic
- Last updated: October 12th, 2015

Clavis Sinica
This easy to use program helps you learn Chinese by unlocking the meaning and structure of the Chinese characters in the texts you want to read. With this tool you can read Chinese stories and articles on the topics that interest you and you can build your vocabulary by exploring connections among related words and characters.
- Publisher: Clavis Sinica
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011
Additional Learn chinese speaking selection

Learn Chinese 2003
With this Chinese language program, you can work on reading, writing and memorizing your customized character selections. It also provides character grid-search, translation, pronunciation and a dictionary.
- Publisher: Lchinese
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

For many people who try to learn English, speaking is the most difficult side of studying. Only long hours of practicing can provide great results. EyeSpeak by Visual Pronunciation Software is an application that was developed to help all people who try to speak English correctly and without accent. The program is perfect for students and businessmen.
- Publisher: VPSL
- Last updated: January 24th, 2012

Easy Sermon Organizer
Easy Sermon Organizer is a program that allows you to catalog all of your sermons using a very simple data entry format. It enables you to enter where each sermon was preached and the reaction you received from the sermon. You can also add illustrations, personal goals and prayer lists.
- Publisher: RCL Software
- Last updated: July 29th, 2014

M-Brush is a program that allows users practice calligraphy, painting and learn Chinese characters and poems in a more convenient and efficient way, by using a graphics tablet pen with pressure sensitivity. It comes with more than 300 Tang Poems with Pinyin and comments.
- Publisher: Share New-Tech Inc.
- Home page: www.m-brush.com
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015

Audio FlashCards (Chinese)
Audio FlashCards is an audio-based Chinese vocabulary flashcard system for Windows Mobile / Pocket PC. The software helps students learn a large number of Japanese words as quickly as possible in a systematic but fun & simple way.
- Publisher: Declan Software
- Home page: www.declan-software.com
- Last updated: December 13th, 2005

Chinese Tutor Software
This software is designed to help those who are learning Chinese. It is especially helpful for those learning Mandarin Chinese. The software comes with a default database of Chinese words and allows you to customize and share your dictionary with other users.
- Publisher: DreamSys Software
- Last updated: August 26th, 2008

L-Lingo Chinese Mandarin Professional
L-Lingo Chinese Mandarin can help you learn Chinese, even if you have no previous exposure to the language. Its simple interface is designed to enable you to more than just "get by." The multimedia lessons set you up for traveling in China, for daily and family life, and for socializing.
- Publisher: L-Ceps Ltd.

Radicals are the basic building blocks of both Chinese and Japanese characters. The knowledge of radicals makes it easier to learn Chinese and Japanese characters. SinoRadicals Desktop is an Adobe AIR application that makes it easy to learn these fundamental characters.
- Publisher: SinoRadicals.com

MyET is like a personal tutor that can help you learn English through speaking practice. MyET's unique and award-winning technology, "Automatic Speech Analysis System" (ASAS©), can analyze your English speech on pronunciation, pitch, timing and emphasis.
- Publisher: L Labs Inc.
- Last updated: September 12th, 2013

Penpower Chinese Expert
Penpower Chinese Expert lets you learn Mandarin from any source such as Chinese web sites, books, newspapers or magazines, in either simplified or traditional Chinese, in addition to our expertly selected lessons. Unlike other Chinese.A lifelong Chinese learning companion!
- Home page: pce.penpowerinc.com
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2011