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Learn egyptian arabic vocabulary in Title/Summary

Egyptian Arabic dictionary

Egyptian Arabic dictionary

Egyptian Arabic dictionary allows you to learn Egyptian Arabic language. It is equally easy to use for Egyptians and Europeans, and is suitable for occasional use or for serious students. Egyptian words are written both in arabic script with tashkyl (short vowels) and in european writing, and there are recordings of somebody saying the main forms of each word.

  • Publisher: lisaan masry
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2015
Egyptian Arabic Grammar

Egyptian Arabic Grammar

Egyptian Arabic Grammar is a comprehensive introduction to the grammar of Egyptian Arabic. It explains in simple terms the differences between English and Egyptian, with over 1,500 examples and detailed explanations. Each example is presented with English pronunciation, Arabic writing, and a sound-clip.

  • Publisher: Mike Green
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2017
LingvoSoft FlashCards English-Arabic for Windows

LingvoSoft FlashCards English-Arabic for Windows

With LingvoSoft FlashCards 2014 English Arabic learning software for Windows it is easier than ever to improve your vocabulary and learn thousands of new words. Including Business, Computer, Medical, and Legal terminology and three different levels of general vocabulary, FlashCards 2014 is first choice among teachers and students.

Learn egyptian arabic vocabulary in Description

Arabic School Software

Arabic School Software

Learn Arabic Fast and easy - offers interactive multimedia Arabic lessons suitable for beginners, and ideal for children.

  • Publisher: Learn Arabic
  • Home page: www.arabicsp.com
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2008
ReadWrite Arabic

ReadWrite Arabic

ReadWrite Arabic is a very useful program for learning classic Arabic. The application is divided into 15 lessons. Each lesson has five parts: Letters, Writing, Reading, Listening, and Multichoice. We can learn the language at our own pace. There is no hassle, no timer, and we can even select which letters we prefer to learn first.

EZ Arabic

EZ Arabic

EZ Arabic is a project with the missionary in mind. Each part of the program is designed for folks wishing to serve the Lord in the Middle East or North Africa. Main features: - Add words you learn into the dictionary for future reference. - Write words you learn and share it with your friends or even with us. - Learn the Arabic Alphabet



Voca, previously known as Vocatude, is a free vocabulary trainer for Windows and Linux. You will learn foreign language vocabulary faster and perhaps you will even find it fun! Voca can be used for any language, or even other things you want to memorise. You only need a word list, which you can create yourself or download from this website.

  • Publisher: Oriente
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2009
Declan's Italian FlashCards

Declan's Italian FlashCards

Declan's Italian FlashCards is a useful shareware program that helps us learn the Italian vocabulary. Each FlashCard displays a word or phrase, its pronunciation and meaning. A word's pronunciation is played as well. The vocabulary is divided into word files, and organized by topic (weather, jobs, cars, sports, food and so on), common expressions, common verbs, nouns, etc.

Additional Learn egyptian arabic vocabulary selection



Vocaboly is a vocabulary builder for SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, TOEIC and general vocabulary. The program contains five books: SAT, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and VOA Special English; with more than 12,000 words, each word is provided with meaning, phonetic symbol and pronunciation. Many words also have sample sentences to illustrate their usage.

  • Publisher: Vocaboly Software
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2018


Teachmaster is a foreign language vocabulary building tool. It provides the framework for people who want to acquire vocabulary learning skills. Basically, the application itself is no good for building vocabulary. Actually, it contains no vocabulary, as It is the end-user who creates vocabulary lists that are then used.

  • Publisher: Teachmaster
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2009
Learn to Speak French Deluxe

Learn to Speak French Deluxe

Learn to Speak French Deluxe offers you the possibility to learn French with beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons, as well as with vocabulary exercises, speech recognition, and fun games. Have conversations with native French speakers in over 40 interactive, real-world scenarios. You can even learn on-the-go: In your car, or on your MP3 player. You will be speaking French in no time!

  • Publisher: eLanguages
  • Home page: www.elanguage.com
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2008
WordBanker English-Arabic

WordBanker English-Arabic

WordBanker is a unique and fun method of helping you to learn a foreign language. Rather than bog you down with complicated grammar it deals only with building a vocabulary.



Vocabilis is an advanced flashcard vocabulary builder for Windows 8®, Windows 7®, Windows Vista®, Windows XP® with unique features. Its principle task is to help you as a language learner to build a strong vocabulary in the language(s) you are studying. Main Features: - Spaced Repetition System. - Vocabilis can handle any languages including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

  • Publisher: Alexei Vinidiktov
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2013
Mandarin Player

Mandarin Player

Mandarin Player is a free program that helps you learn Chinese. It allows you to practice listening and speaking with more than 50 short interactive dialogs, build your vocabulary by reviewing keywords using Chinese flashcards and deepen your understanding of new words with any of over 1,000 Chinese sentences for keywords.

  • Publisher: Learn Mandarin Help
  • Last updated: October 23rd, 2013
Open Book

Open Book

Vocabulary builder Vocabilis Mutilingual automates your language studies. Learn ready-made French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian word lists. Make your own word lists with the included word list editor and learn them too.

  • Publisher: Vinidiktov Software
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2010
Dictionary Application

Dictionary Application

Free, lightweight program which serves as an aid for learning a second language. It features the complete list of words of the Cambridge English Dictionary and their Czech translations, as well as a test feature that lets you try your knowledge. Also, you can create your own dictionaries. The program is absolutely free.

  • Publisher: POKLUDA
  • Last updated: March 24th, 2008
ReadWrite Chinese (Simplified)

ReadWrite Chinese (Simplified)

The Learning List Status windows displays the Learning List statistics including the number of character successfully learned. By clicking on an individual character in the Learning List a summary of its meaning and pronunciations is displayed in the Selected Word Details window. See the "Character Summary" screenshot to the right.

Train Your Brain

Train Your Brain

Train Your Brain allows you to improve your memory. This is done by the memorization of graphic cards. You can use many featured cards. Each card can be edited and you can create your own cards with text, pictures, and symbols. The program shows the cards you select randomly and you have to rank each card. Your performance will be tracked.

  • Publisher: Digital Dominion, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 11th, 2012