Led resistor calculator exe in Title/Summary

LED Resistor Calculator
LED Resistor Calculator is a simple application written in Visual C++ Expression that can calculate a resistor's value and its power consumption. The calculator is capable of finding suitable standard E12 (10%) resistor value and power for one LED designs.
- Publisher: electronicsblog.net
- Home page: www.electronicsblog.net
- Last updated: May 29th, 2014

Resistor Color Code Calculator
Resistor Color Code Calculator is a helpful little utility that allows you to find the value of a standard resistor without memorizing the color codes. Resistor Color Code Calculator also includes an Ohm Law calculator and a resistor color code quiz that it is under development at this time
- Publisher: Daniel Crowe
- Last updated: May 20th, 2014

LED Calculator
LED Pro was created to help you make informed and educated flashlight modding decisions, and to calculate aspects of your design, by entering certain known variables. To use LED Pro, you merely enter all but one of the variables and let the program calculate the unknown one.
- Publisher: John Trotto
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Led resistor calculator exe in Description

ResCalc Master
ResCalc Master is a resistor calculator outfitted with various tools, meant to aid in work related to resistors. The program provides various tools: a colour code table, an EIA standard value table, decoding examples, resistor orientational dimensions as well as a series, parallel and LED calculator.
- Publisher: BATO
- Last updated: July 16th, 2014

Electronic Calculator
Electronic Calculator 2 is the must have companion for anyone who works with electronics, whether experienced or novice, working on vintage sets or the most up to date of circuits. EC2 is far more than just another resistor calculator (although it does of course offer this facility)
- Publisher: B.E.C. Networks Limited
- Home page: www.becnetworks.co.uk
- Last updated: October 7th, 2008

Electronics Assistant
Electronics students, as well as teachers and other engineers will find Electronics Assistant to be of great use. It is a small yet powerful program that was designed to perform calculations for almost all electronics measurement units. It offers many calculators that you can use to easily find the results of different electronics formulas.
- Publisher: Simon Carter
- Last updated: November 14th, 2012

Lucid Electronics Workbench
Calculate LED Load Resistor Values; Calculate Power Supply Component Values; Calculate Ohms' Law; Caculate Regulator Circuit Component Values, Transistor Circuit Component Values.
- Publisher: Lucid Enterprises, Inc
- Home page: www.lucidcc.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Resistor Colour Code Solver
Resistor Colour Code Solver is a little program that can calculate the value of a resistor from its colour code and vice-versa. Its colour scheme is easily customizable. Moreover, the program is completely portable and is very low on system resources.
- Publisher: Abhishek
- Home page: myfreewares.weebly.com
- Last updated: January 24th, 2011
Additional Led resistor calculator exe selection

Beautiful Calculator
Beautiful Calculator is a scientific calculator that has many features which result in enhanced convenience for your calculation needs, making it a great replacement for your ordinary default calculator. You can see, edit and print the calculations log and support your documents.
- Publisher: Rayslab Inc.
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Resistor Values
Resistor Values is an electrical engineering program that will calculate the value of a 4 band resistor.
- Publisher: Black Knight Software Solutions
- Last updated: June 26th, 2008

NokiaFREE Unlock Codes Calculator
With Nokia Free Unlock Codes Calculator we can unlock our cell phones and we can use it in any company that we want. When we open the program can find eight boxes and one little window. In the first box we can put our cell phone model we can choose between: Alcatel, LG, Maxxon, NEC, Nokia, Samsung, Siemens, Sony, Panasonic and Vitel.
- Publisher: NokiaFREE.org
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

Power Led
PowerLed is an application used to flash and edit the message on the supported LED panels. With the help of the built-in buttons, you can add clocks, text, images, animations, counters, tables, etc. There is also a feature called SYNC that allows you to see the changes in real time.
- Publisher: LED
- Last updated: July 14th, 2017

LSC Demand-led Calculator
The Demand-Led Calculator (DLC) is LSC software tool delivered to support the implementation of the new funding methodology. It enables the user to view his 2006/07 data in the format and language of the new methodology. LSC Demand-led Calculator is free to download and use.
- Publisher: LSC
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

ERICO CADWELD Selection Calculator
To install the CADWELD Selection Calculator, we recommend that you right-click on the link and save the file to your hard disk using the "Save Target As" command. Once this program is downloaded, shut down this program and run the installer (setup.exe).
- Publisher: ERICO
- Home page: www.erico.com
- Last updated: August 4th, 2008

Attenuator Calculator
This calculator can be used to easily calculate the resistor values needed to achieve a specified attenuation in a controlled impedance environment. Just select the type of attenuator configuration you would like, enter the normal for the desired circuit and enter the amount of attenuation desired.
- Publisher: Madsen Circuits
- Last updated: February 25th, 2009

Calculator Plus
Calculator Plus is an amazing interface that can truly replace your pocket calculator. It's the top choice to meet your education, business or household needs calcification. Provides more and more accuracy to the users and also maintains history. Calculator Plus App will be nice addition to your collection of essential apps.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2021

Advanced IP Address Calculator
Advanced IP Address Calculator is an easy-to-use and powerful IP subnet calculator that will allow you to calculate every aspect of your subnet configuration just in a few minutes. This incredible application generates a color-coded bit map, breaking down the network, subnet, and host portion.
- Publisher: Famatech International Corp.
- Home page: www.radmin.com
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Bitcricket IP Calculator
Bitcricket IP Calculator is an IP Subnet Calculator for IPv4/v6, which calculates the subnets. You need to enter the IP address, select the number of subnet bits or the maximum amount of subnets you want, then the host bits number or the number of maximum desired hosts. This input will give you a complete subnets table along with their bit-by-bit addresses.
- Publisher: Bitcricket
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008