Led tv circuits design in Title/Summary
LED Calculator
LED Pro was created to help you make informed and educated flashlight modding decisions, and to calculate aspects of your design, by entering certain known variables. To use LED Pro, you merely enter all but one of the variables and let the program calculate the unknown one.
- Publisher: John Trotto
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Led Display
Led Display is easy to use, functional and manufactured so as it satisfy as much as possible more needs. Main Features : - Several information type such as : text, clock, date, temperature - Tools such as : simulator, priority line, lottery, video converter and much more - Options which provides settings of lighting : auto with Photo Sensor, Timing Light, standard level lighting
- Publisher: Rousis Systems
- Last updated: March 5th, 2011
SoftCollection LED Line
SoftCollection LED Line program lets you make a virtual LED table in the air. You can make simple hardware, as shown in the picture below, that consists of an 8 LEDs line, 9 resistors of 470 Ohm each, a button and a pendulum that presses this button. If you will move LED line left and right 5-10 times per second and desired LEDs will shine at desired moments, you will see words in the air.
- Publisher: SoftCollection
- Last updated: April 28th, 2011
Led tv circuits design in Description
Symica integrates all the tools necessary for circuit design and simulation and allows the user to manage the operation of the various components. The design environment also facilitates the preparation and execution of simulations and the inspection and interpretation of simulation results.
- Publisher: Symica LLC
- Last updated: September 18th, 2012
LogicCircuit is an educational application that can help its users design, simulate and debug simple digital logic circuits. The utility offers tools such as multi-bit buses, a clock, two LED types, for example, from which any user can choose, connect them to one another and then power up the circuit to check if and how it works.
- Publisher: LogicCircuit
- Home page: www.LogicCircuit.org
- Last updated: July 5th, 2016
Xilinx ISE
Xilinx ISE is a complete ECAD (electronic computer-aided design) application. It has the added value of being produced by the world's largest supplier of programmable logic devices and, of course, being free. This application helps you design, test and debug integrated circuits.
- Publisher: Xilinx
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008
PSpice Student
PSpice Student is an analog circuit simulator that was specially designed for Electrical Engineering students in need of simulating circuits and of solving circuits-related calculations. If you find yourself in the posture of not understanding a bit of what your professor is teaching you in Circuit Theory class, then you should definitely try this software.
- Publisher: Cadence Design Systems, Inc
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Solve Elec
Solve Elec 2.5 is a free educational program to draw and analyze electrical circuits. The program can be installed in English or French. The electrical circuits can be of direct or alternate current. Solve Elec features an oscilloscope and performs frequency response graphs.
- Publisher: Physics Software
- Home page: www.physicsbox.com
- Last updated: September 16th, 2008
Additional Led tv circuits design selection
Deeds - Digital Electronics Education and Design Suite
Deeds: Digital Electronics Education and Design Suite is a set of educational tools for Digital Electronics. It covers various areas of digital electronics, like combinational logic networks, sequential logic networks, custom circuit blocks design, micro-computer programming, and more.
- Publisher: Giuliano Donzellini
- Home page: www.digitalelectronicsdeeds.com
- Last updated: September 26th, 2017
PC|SCHEMATIC Automation is a CAD software that provides users, specialized in electrical design, the tools to create and edit partial diagrams and modules, so they can successfully complete their projects. To point it out from the start, this software utility is addressed to engineers and professionals who have a background in electrical design.
- Publisher: PC|SCHEMATIC A/S
- Home page: www.pcschematic.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Lucid Electronics Workbench
Calculate LED Load Resistor Values; Calculate Power Supply Component Values; Calculate Ohms' Law; Caculate Regulator Circuit Component Values, Transistor Circuit Component Values.
- Publisher: Lucid Enterprises, Inc
- Home page: www.lucidcc.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Design circuits quickly and easily with a modern and intuitive user interface with drag-and-drop, copy/paste, zoom & more. Take control of debugging by pausing the simulation and watching the signal propagate as you advance step-by-step. Don't worry about multiple platforms on student computers. Install on both Windows and macOS.
- Publisher: Bowler Hat LLC.
- Home page: logic.ly
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023
Filter Solutions
Filter Solutions is a Windows based software program for the synthesis and analysis of electronic filter circuits. The program features: manual delay equalization for all analog and IIR filters, automatic delay equalization for Low Pass and Band Pass analog and IIR filters, real time design updates from Pole/Zero plot changes to aid in delay equalization and other design requirements, and more.
- Publisher: Nuhertz Technologies, LLC
- Last updated: October 28th, 2015
AnadigmDesigner 2
AnadigmDesigner 2 lets you design and implement dynamically reconfigurable analog circuit. Build your circuit by dragging and dropping Configurable Analog Modules (CAMs), each of which can be used to implement a range of analog functions for which you set the parameters.
- Publisher: Anadigm
- Home page: www.anadigm.com
- Last updated: November 9th, 2015
CircuitStudio is a professional PCB design tool for Windows OS. Main features: - Hierarchical Multi-Sheet Design. - Built-In Mixed-Mode SPICE Simulation Engine. - Altium Industry-Standard Schematic Editor and File Format. - Content Library of Over 350,000 Parts and Growing. - Integrated Live Supply Chain Management and Visibility.
- Publisher: Altium Limited
- Home page: www.circuitstudio.com
- Last updated: July 7th, 2016
LPKF CircuitPro PM
LPKF CircuitPro PM is a suite for All Circuit Board Plotters of the S- and D-Line. All LPKF circuit board plotters include powerful system software for converting layout data into actual printed circuit boards: it takes the data from the design software, edits it for production, breaks it down into individual process steps and guides the user, step-by-step, through the manufacturing process.
- Publisher: LPKF Laser & Electronics
- Last updated: August 4th, 2022
LEDMaster is an all-in-one solution to run LED light shows using Kling-Net devices. Your Kling-Net devices will be automatically recognized by the software, after which you can place them on the Canvas. It features support for MIDI controllers and Art-Net DMX consoles, easy MIDI, DMX and keyboard mapping with learn function and UI overlay, and more.
- Publisher: ArKaos s.a.
- Home page: www.arkaospro.com
- Last updated: March 9th, 2017
MPLAB Mindi Analog Simulator reduces circuit design time and design risk by simulating analog circuits prior to hardware prototyping. The simulation tool uses a SIMetrix/SIMPLIS simulation environment, with options to use SPICE or piecewise linear modeling, that can cover a very wide set of possible simulation needs.
- Publisher: SIMetrix Technologies Ltd
- Last updated: January 16th, 2017