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Library pdf guitar chords in Title/Summary

Guitar Chords Library

Guitar Chords Library

Guitar Chords Library. Novel tool for people who want to learn to play guitar. With this program you can create sheets based on your favorite songs and melodies. Store and unpack the collections at will.

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2023
Guitar Chords

Guitar Chords

Guitar Chords contains more than 1700 guitar chords. They are accommodated by categories: Mayor & Minor, Augmented, Diminished, Suspended, 6th, etc. The chords are expressed in text form (with tab notation). It includes different variations that you can perform with the same chord, and you can export the Chord information into a TXT file in order to print it.

  • Publisher: Ginsh John
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2008
YGS Guitar Chords Help System

YGS Guitar Chords Help System

This is guitar chord help system. More than 600 chord tabs, 37 chord types, 1122 chord letter-and-numeric names (for example Am) in this version. It is useful for beginners and advanced guitarist. Author is professional guitarist (since 1980).

  • Publisher: Yellow Gold Software
  • Last updated: October 30th, 2017

Library pdf guitar chords in Description



Guitar Chords Crash Course is a program developed for teaching guitar chords to the user. Popularly abbreviated as G3C, the application caters to the needs of a wide range of users ranging from the amateurs down to professors of the guitar. The software displays chords and scales from the chord-files, featuring over a thousand chords, 48 scales and 13 tunings.

  • Publisher: bincsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008


Play the bass guitar chords right away - no experience required! The app contains major guitar chords.

  • Publisher: NeonWay
  • Home page: www.neonway.com
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2020
Digital Music Mentor

Digital Music Mentor

DMM is software that helps you get the guitar chords and bass tabs for any pop/rock/country song.

  • Publisher: Sienzo
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2011
Guitar Chord Chart Software

Guitar Chord Chart Software

This software offers a solution to users who want a database of all guitar chords. The user simply chooses chord and pitch and the corresponding chart is displayed. These charts can be saved as a JPG or BMP image.

Alternate Chord

Alternate Chord

Alternate Chord is a program designed to exercise guitar chords and scales. The program is already delivered with a set of chords and scales, but you can also extend them with your own chords and scales. The usage of this program is very simple. Just select one of the base note buttons (or all for all base notes) and navigate through the amount of available chords/scales.

Additional Library pdf guitar chords selection



Ghostscript is an open source interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF. The program displays a command line where the users need to type the proper commands in order to view, render, convert, rasterize, resize and perform other tasks related to PDF documents.

  • Publisher: Artifex Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ghostscript.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
Guitar Chords Help System

Guitar Chords Help System

This is guitar chord help system. More than 600 chord tabs, 37 chord types, 1122 chord letter-and-numeric names (for example Am) in this version. It is useful for beginners and advanced guitarist. Author is professional guitarist (since 1980). OS Windows 98/ME/XP/2000/2003.

  • Publisher: Mourat Djoussoupov
Guitar Shed

Guitar Shed

Integrated software tools for guitarists, bassists, and other musicians. Includes a guitar tuner, tablature organizer, tab finder, chord library, jam machine, song jam, and much more. Everything the guitarist/musician needs, all in one package.

  • Publisher: Astoundit Software, LLC
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
Guitar Power

Guitar Power

Guitar Power is a chord and scales encyclopedia for the guitar that features all the notes of the music scale and the chords and scales derived from them in all their positions and variants. It also includes a tuning feature, a metronome and a function that allows you to listen to evey chord and scale presented. If you are a guitar player of any style, this software is for you.

  • Publisher: Jana Software
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
MIDI Maestro

MIDI Maestro

Midi Maestro is software that is perfect for music editing, recording, converting and performance. It includes powerful editing capabilities. The user can easily convert a MIDI melody into WAVE or WMA to burn it on a CD. An intuitive visualization tool helps you to create your own melodies. Midi Maestro allows to create patch libraries and use them for music creation.

  • Publisher: Perspective Software
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Guitar Chord Buster Pro

Guitar Chord Buster Pro

Guitar Chord Buster Pro is an excellent chords encyclopedia for professional guitarists and for beginners with advanced functions. You can set up and play any chord and pick sequences that may be played on a real guitar. You can also compose a melody and select harmonizing chords.

  • Publisher: Virtual World Software
  • Last updated: May 16th, 2013
Ample Guitar M Lite

Ample Guitar M Lite

Ample Guitar M Lite is a program that brings you the Martin D-41 Guitar sound to your studio. The program supports AU, VST, RTAS, AAX, AAX for Protools11, Doubling Guitars, CPS(Customized Parameters Setting), Manual vibrato wheel designed specifically for guitars and you can combine 2 techniques via pressing 2 keyswitches at the same time.

  • Publisher: Ample Sound Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2014
Spicy Guitar

Spicy Guitar

Spicy Guitar is a free physically modeled acoustic guitar synthesizer. Relying on an innovative technology, its sounds are rich, natural and lively. Piano chords are automatically detected and converted into guitar chords on the fretboard. Most of the chords can also be played without 3rd or without 5th to trigger special voicing without 3rd or without 5th.

  • Publisher: Keolab SARL
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2011
Guitar Power Chords - Metal Maiden

Guitar Power Chords - Metal Maiden

A free lesson for the Music Coach program. Music Coach is free software for playing interactive music lessons that you can purchase online. This free lesson, called Metal Maiden, discusses several techniques used in rock, blues, and heavy metal, and is part of a wider module for learning so-called power chords.



ABCpdf .NET is compatible with ABCpdf for ASP. It incorporates all the ABCpdf features in a package practically identical to the original. ABCpdf .NET adds extra features to allow simple interaction with the .NET environment using standard .NET structures and classes. If you want to mix and match .NET drawing classes with ABCpdf .NET you can now do this simply and easily.

  • Publisher: WebSupergoo Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024