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Line counter for jde code in Title/Summary

Code Line Counter Pro - Java

Code Line Counter Pro - Java

Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version can help you quickly and easily get detailed reports on the source code in Java. With this program you can count the source code in C# language, can create the source version increment report, support sub folders and files count, can export any report to a variety of formats: Excel, plain text and HTML.

  • Publisher: Bistone Software Company, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2011
Practiline Source Code Line Counter

Practiline Source Code Line Counter

Practiline Source Code Line Counter may be helpful for programmers, project managers and other customers who need an overview of a project source code.With the help of Practiline Source Code Line Counter you can quickly and easily get a report on software source code in various programming languages, such as C++, JAVA, PHP, HTML, XML and many others.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022
Code Line Counter Pro - C++ Version

Code Line Counter Pro - C++ Version

Code Line Counter Pro - C++ Version may be helpful for SQA, C++ programmers, project managers and other customers who need an overview of a project source code. This easy-to-use application will help you get detailed reports on the source code. With the help of Code Line Counter Pro - C++ Version, you can quickly and easily get a report on software source code in C++.

Line counter for jde code in Description

Code Line Counter Pro - C# Version

Code Line Counter Pro - C# Version

Code Line Counter Pro - C# Version can help you quickly and easily get detailed reports on the source code in C#. Code Line Counter Pro - C# Version is a very useful software for project managers and programmers. With this application you can: - get comment lines number - get mixed line numbers - get TODO line number - get source code lines - you can view your saved code-line report

  • Publisher: Bistone Software Company, Inc.
  • Home page: www.bistonesoft.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Code Line Counter

Code Line Counter

All Code Line Counter softwares may be helpful for project managers, programmers and other customers who need an overview of a project source code. Code Line Counter can count the source code for any programming language, count normal lines, count source code lines, count comment lines, count TODO lines, count blank lines, count mixed lines, count regular expression lines.

Line Counter

Line Counter

Line Counter is a command-line tool for software developers. This program can report the total number of lines of code and comment lines in C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript and PHP source files. The output may be redirected to a text file. Line Counter is a small VB.NET project which helps you to count how many lines (and chars) you coded in a project

  • Publisher: Noël Danjou
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Code Line Counter Pro - Delphi Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Delphi Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Delphi Version can help you quickly and easily get MORE detailed reports on the source code in Delphi. Able to analyze the source code in Delphi language. Provide the full report on the code: number of source code lines, number of comment lines, number of TODO lines, number of blank lines, number of blank lines, etc.

Practiline Source Code Line Counter Business

Practiline Source Code Line Counter Business

Practiline Source Code Line Counter - an easy-to-use application for counting source code lines. Main Features: - Choice of folder and addition of files from the program without additional dialogues; - Simultaneous support of all format types; - Free selection of available formats; Definition of file format by its type (extension);

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022

Additional Line counter for jde code selection

Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Java Version can help you quickly and easily get detailed reports on the source code in Java. Main features: - Able to analyze the source code in Java language. - Support project management. - Provide the pie chart of source lines, comment lines and blank lines.

  • Publisher: Bistone Software Company, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2021
Code Line Counter Pro - VB Version

Code Line Counter Pro - VB Version

It is a tool which analyzes the source code in Visual Basic or VB.Net language. It provides the full report on the code: number of source code lines, number of comment lines, number of TODO lines, number of blank lines, number of mixed lines (code and comments), percentage of comments, blanks, TODO, and source code.

  • Publisher: CLC Software Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Code Line Counter Pro - Perl Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Perl Version

Code Line Counter Pro - Perl Version may be helpful for SQA, Perl programmers, project managers and other customers who need an overview of a project source code. With the help of Code Line Counter Series products, you can quickly and easily get a report on software source code. If there is any problem while registering or using our products, please contact us



Libusb-win32 is a part of the USB library libusb 0.1 to the Microsoft Windows operating systems (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7; Windows 98 SE and Windows ME for versions up to ). The library allows user space applications to access many USB device on Windows in a generic way without writing any line of kernel driver code.

  • Publisher: LibUSB-Win32
  • Last updated: June 21st, 2012
Insert Code for Windows Live Writer

Insert Code for Windows Live Writer

Insert Code for Windows Live Writer plugin is a boon for application developers and programmers who owns a web blog and like to share their code with the developers community. This plugin is compatible with all the versions of Windows Live Writer, so if you use Windows Live Writer to write your blog post than this plugin is a must for you.

  • Publisher: Omar Shahine
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2009


UHARC CMD integrates the command line compressor UHARC v0.6b, created by Uwe Herklotz, into the Windows shell. UHARC CMD is unique from other. UHARC GUI's in that it doesn't use any compiled source code to interface UHARC with the Windows Shell. It uses a set of batch scripts. The installer and UHARC CMD settings are compiled using NSIS.

  • Publisher: By Sam Gleske
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2009
PV Bean Counter

PV Bean Counter

PV BeanCounter (PVBC) is a software suite that allows you to capture your energy consumption and energy generation information. This information is stored in a local database and summaries of the collected information can be uploaded to PVOutput.org. When summaries of your data are uploaded, you can review your consumption and generation information through a variety of graphical displays.



ZProg, an easy to use, web based application designed to help decoders with the most common radios. It has a build-in I2C eprom programmer, K-Line module to read code from Delco CDR500 / CDR2005. It has detailed pictures with connection to MCU/EEprom for the radios.

  • Publisher: carradiodecoders
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2012
PractiCount Toolbar Standard for MS Office

PractiCount Toolbar Standard for MS Office

With its help you can get a detailed text count report for the document you are working on with just a click. PractiCount Toolbar consists of three word counting toolbars: for MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint. It provides the broadest range of textcount options counting words, characters with and without spaces, nominal lines and lines per set number of characters with or without spaces.

  • Publisher: Practiline Software
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2012


Features: -Preset layouts for common Avery labels and business cards - Data driven text and picture elements - Shape (circle, line, rectange, square) elements - Code 39 barcode font (numeric) - Connect to any delimited text data - Create multiple paged documents - User definable layout and imposition - Sample documents: letter (variable signature), business card and labels (x2)

  • Publisher: Allan Murray
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020