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Line sweep tools in Title/Summary

Line Sweep Tools

Line Sweep Tools

Line Sweep Tools allows users to quickly and efficiently process captured line sweeps, as well as PIM measurements. In addition, it has some capability for handling common S parameter measurements as well as transmission measurements. Marker presets are invaluable when reviewing large numbers of line sweeps.

  • Publisher: Anritsu Company
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2016
Anritsu Tool Box with Line Sweep Tools

Anritsu Tool Box with Line Sweep Tools

Anritsu Line Sweep Tools (LST) is a PC based post-processing program that efficiently manipulates line sweep and PIM traces for reporting purposes. You can verify that the traces are correct using markers and limit lines, collect traces from the instruments and report results in PDF and DAT file format.

  • Publisher: Anritsu Company
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2014
Windows Azure Command Line Tools

Windows Azure Command Line Tools

The Windows Azure Cross-Platform Command-Line Interface (xplat-cli) provides a set of open source, cross-platform commands for working with the Windows Azure Platform. The xplat-cli provides much of the same functionality found in the Windows Azure Management Portal, such as the ability to manage web sites, virtual machines, mobile services, SQL Database and other services.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: June 13th, 2014

Line sweep tools in Description

Anritsu Software Tool Box

Anritsu Software Tool Box

The Anritsu Software Tool Box contains tools to help you make the most of your Anritsu RF Handheld Instruments. The software offers users a choice of which software gets installed, and provides guidance on the purpose of each software tool. The Tool Box includes: - Line Sweep Tools. - Master Software Tools. - Wireless Remote Tools. - easyTest Tools. - easyMap Tools.

  • Publisher: Anritsu Company
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2014


Gtools has plenty of nice tools in it. Gtools includes three GUI tools: - pserv3 - gcalc - dllusage as well as a couple of command-line only tools: - detectduplicates - md5sums - pathed - regdiff - touch - which All tools are completely free, open source, without any license or safety net attached.

  • Publisher: Gerson Kurz
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
XP Utilities Lite

XP Utilities Lite

XP Utilities Lite is a powerful and handy set of tools for your every day use, allowing you to control and modify your system safely and easily. It has been designed specially for use with Windows XP Professional and Home editions.



FlexiStarter™ is the complete text and graphics layout program that can run on the Windows platform. FlexiStarter™ allows you to do both cutting and designing of your signs at same time. This entry-level layout and cutting package features file import and export. The user interface has been long renowned for its ease-of-use.

  • Publisher: Cutterpros
  • Last updated: May 3rd, 2012


MPGUI (Multi Purpose GUI) is a graphical frontend for various command-line based tools such as Lightwaves TESAnnwyn or TES4qLOD or tes4ll. In order to be flexible for possible new versions of each of the tools, MPGUI does not use hard coded elements.

  • Publisher: Gruftikus
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2018

Additional Line sweep tools selection

SweepTools PC Cleaner

SweepTools PC Cleaner

SweepTools PC Cleaner can help your computer run smoothly by fixing various problems that affect performance. Besides, the program preserves your privacy by deleting old and temporary data on your machine. In addition, it lets you uninstall unwanted applications. The tool has a nice and intuitive interface and most of the operations can be done in a couple of clicks.

  • Publisher: Secure Download Ltd.
  • Home page: www.sweeptools.com
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2014


With this tool you can view text files, RTF files (Word can save documents to this format) and web pages in Chinese. By default, whenever you put the mouse over a Chinese character, the pronunciation and English definition will appear in a pop-up window.

RM Colour Magic

RM Colour Magic

RM Colour Magic is the new version of this much loved graphics and painting program. It is now compatible with Windows Vista and Community Connect 4 networks. Colour Magic 3 combines both creativity and versatility. With a range of drawing and special effect tools and a bank containing hundreds of curriculum relevant images, your pupils can really let their imagination run riot!

  • Publisher: Research Machines plc
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2010
Friendly Net Viewer

Friendly Net Viewer

Friendly Net Viewer is a program that draws a map of all computers and devices connected to your network, and allows you to monitor them and execute different administrative tasks such as: getting computer information, viewing shared files, Ping, Trace Route, searching for network services and more.

  • Publisher: Andrey Kilievich
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2012
Soegee Trader

Soegee Trader

Soegee Trader is a software application that allows you to trade currencies, commodities or market stocks. It has Advanced charting capabilities including technical indicators, a Formula Wizard, and line drawing tools, real-time profit & loss monitoring of open positions and much more.

  • Publisher: PT. GCom Teknologi,MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • Last updated: September 3rd, 2014
Chinese Flashcards

Chinese Flashcards

A Java applet to assist in the learning of Chinese characters. Currently the 1,000 most frequently used characters are in the database but I hope to add more as time goes on. Main Features: - Ability to hear the pinyin for the character pronounced. - Common example words using the character. - Indication of stroke order for writing the character.

Line Count Software

Line Count Software

Reliable tool developed to count Words, Character, Lines and Pages in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher, Text, HTML files and calculate cost of typing accordingly. Tool is ideal for transcription and translation industry.

Chinese BoPoMoFo/Pinyin Annotation Macro

Chinese BoPoMoFo/Pinyin Annotation Macro

This macro allows users of Microsoft Word 97/2000 to put the pinyin pronunciation for a character underneath the character OR to put the bopomofo for the character to right of the character. The user must supply the pinyin, the macro merely formats the pinyin to annotate the character. Users with Word 2000 might want to use the new Asian formatting features in that version.

Android SDK Tools

Android SDK Tools

Android SDK Tools is a component for the Android SDK. It includes the complete set of development and debugging tools for Android. It is included with Android Studio. The program enables you to create and test Android applications, enabling you to emulate your Android projects.



This is a set of commandline tools for the nRF52832 Bluetooth low energy IC programmer. This package includes nrfjprog and mergehex programs, and nrfjprog DLL. The nrfjprog DLL (Dynamic-Link Library) lets developers create their own development tools for Nordic Semiconductor nRF5x SoCs using the DLLs API.

  • Publisher: Nordic Semiconductor
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2016