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List of muslim explorers in Title/Summary

Muslim Explorer

Muslim Explorer

Muslim Explorer features a Word Index for the Koran. We can customize the text font, size and color in Arabic and any other language. The statistic window provides full information on how much we have used this software since installation, plus the number of read/unread verses.

  • Publisher: Ekabakti
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
Scan List Magic

Scan List Magic

Scan List Magic Will upload your scans directly to List-In-Hand® Mobile List. ListMagic will get scans from the BatchMagic and LaserChamp II scanners and upload directly to the Restock.com List-In-Hand™ List Service, then display the list in the browser on the PC. A List-In-Hand account is required to use ListMagic

  • Publisher: Restock
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011
Email List Validator

Email List Validator

Email List Validator (Email List Validation and Email List Cleaning) - a free, easy-to-use email list check tool providing full-service email list validation and cleaning (free for 100 email addresses).

List of muslim explorers in Description

Hajj Screensaver

Hajj Screensaver

Hajj Screen Saver will show the annual trip to Mecca on your screen. This unique screen saver will take you on a trip to Makkah and the Kaaba. This beautiful screen saver will show you different sights of the events of this journey. You will be able to delight yourself with night scenes of Makkah and the reunion of people around the Kaaba.

  • Publisher: Netmuslims
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008
Quran_2 Screen Saver

Quran_2 Screen Saver

Quran_2 Screen Saver will teach you about the Muslim’s sacred book. This unique screen saver will allow you to see beautiful images with themes related to Allah, and at the same time listen to chants and prayers common for these people. Quran_2 Screen Saver will transport you to the Muslim world, and will share with you all their belief in Allah.

  • Publisher: Hua Software(web site:)
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Family Organizer

Family Organizer

Family Organizer is unique software that allows:-Keep database of your relatives and friends -Show your genealogy tree -Creates family's photo album - Calculate Biorhythms - Calculate compability test - Get astrology and numerology information

  • Publisher: SetupGroup, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2012
Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition Collector's Edition

Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition Collector's Edition

Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition Collector's Edition is a game in which you and Addie lead an expedition of stalwart explorers through long forgotten lands. You can create campsites for explorers to keep them safe, relive the artifact's tale of an ancient civilization as you travel to sandy beaches, through dense jungles, over high mountains and deep into mysterious caves.

  • Publisher: Jumb-O-Fun Games Inc.
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2013
Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition

Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition

With a priceless artifact as your guide, you and Addie lead an expedition of stalwart explorers through long forgotten lands. These explorers are relying on you to create campsites for them to stay safe and warm as they brave the unknown. In this game you will encounter quirky characters, discover hidden treasures and rebuild ancient structures.

Additional List of muslim explorers selection

Swift To-Do List

Swift To-Do List

Swift To-Do List is powerful, but still super-easy and fast to use. It will never get in your way or waste your time. It lets you have a complete control over all your information organized in an unlimited hierarchical tree and a scheduling calendar and manage all kinds of tasks and notes, lists, goals, projects, reminders, information, files, etc.

Karaoke Song List Creator

Karaoke Song List Creator

Karaoke Song List Creator is the complete karaoke disc database. The Karaoke Song List Creator workplace has three main areas: Disc MF Codes, Track List and Tool Area. The program allows you to: - Create karaoke song lists. - Quickly find a specific song or artist. - Commercially Print Karaoke Song Lists. - Add or delete your own karaoke discs.

  • Publisher: Airwer Ltd
  • Home page: www.airwer.com
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018
Daily To-Do List

Daily To-Do List

Daily To-Do List is a simple personal organizer that allows you to organize your daily tasks and appointments in an easy way to ensure that you never forget any of your important events. You can organize your tasks by category, establish their priority and set reminders.

Excel Inventory List Template Software

Excel Inventory List Template Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to create a simple inventory. Excel fields are automatically generated and editable. Use blank entries for fields such as "Quantity in Stock" to manually enter on printouts. Excel 2000 or higher.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2009
Album List for Winamp

Album List for Winamp

It you have used the latest version of Windows Media Player than you must have seen the media library in which the audio and video are shown as an album art. You can select your media based on this album art. Now you can also add this functionality to Winamp using a free and simple plugin named Album List for Winamp 2.0.

  • Publisher: Safai Ma
  • Last updated: August 4th, 2013
combit List & Label Report Designer

combit List & Label Report Designer

With the List & Label Report Designer you can quickly and easily enhance your application with powerful features. You can enhance your applications by adding only a few lines of code to include all types of evaluations: reports, subreports, multi-tables, crosstabs, charts, Gantt charts, gauges, forms, labels, serial letters, more than 50 barcode formats, web reporting.

  • Publisher: combit GmbH
  • Home page: www.combit.net
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2012
Efficient To-Do List Free

Efficient To-Do List Free

Efficient To-Do List Free is a cross-platform task manager. It makes every effort to assist you in following the "First Things First" principle and brings you the sense of on-time job accomplishment. And you can sync data across PC and mobile phone.

  • Publisher: Efficient Software
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Task List Guru

Task List Guru

Task List Guru is a free task list organizer ideal for personal task management and small project management. You can organize not just tasks, but also task lists, notes and reminders. Task List Guru has a hierarchical task list tree with icons that allows you to organize all your todo lists and notes in a structure with icons.

  • Publisher: Jiri Novotny, Dextronet
  • Home page: www.dextronet.com
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2015
Islamic Prayer Times

Islamic Prayer Times

Islamic Prayer Times 1.0.0

  • Publisher: Data Orbit
  • Home page: dataorbit.com
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2014
Enterprise Mode Site List Manager

Enterprise Mode Site List Manager

Enterprise Mode is a compatibility mode that runs on Internet Explorer 11 (Windows 8.1 Update and Windows 7 devices), lets websites render using a modified browser configuration that’s designed to emulate Internet Explorer 8, avoiding the common compatibility problems associated with web apps written and tested on older versions of Internet Explorer.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2014