Local language editor in Title/Summary

Local Language Editor
Measure colors using the Eye-One line of colorimeters and spectrometers. Transform your spectrometer into a full-featured densitometer, a powerful color-stability analyzer (virtual light booth, color inconstancy, metamerism), a multi-purpose spectrum viewer, a unique instrument dedicated to the analysis of monitors, light booths.
- Publisher: The BabelColor Company
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Language File Editor
Introducing the Kajona Language File Editor, we want to provide a graphical application to edit and manage the text-files of a Kajona installation. Kajona itself is a free Content Management Framework. The editor provides functions to edit already existing language-entries, to create new entries, and to create and manage entries in different languages.
- Publisher: Kajona
- Home page: www.kajona.de
- Last updated: March 7th, 2012

MultiLanguageEditor Application
Multi Language Editor is a Support editor multi language tools [Suppert Unicode File]. It can compare and edit between two language ini file quickly. You just press enter keyword. Auto Create VC++ Code ,and other. Support Unicode Chinese,Janpanese,Korean and so on. Add and delete key files in two language at the same time.
- Publisher: TwoSunday, Inc.
- Last updated: March 19th, 2010
Local language editor in Description

MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2008 - ENU
The MSDN Library is an essential source of information for developers using Microsoft® tools, products, technologies and services. It includes how-to and reference documentation, sample code, technical articles, and more. To find the content you need, browse the table of contents or use search. To get the latest MSDN headlines sent to you via e-mail, you can sign up for the MSDN Flash Newsletter.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: June 20th, 2023

MLEditor Standard Edition
MLEditor (Multi-Language Editor) is a handy but still professional multi-language text editor. MLEditor was designed to help people read and edit ANSI text or text files in a language code other than the language code for the operating system you working on. It provides professional features for language/localization experts as well as for general computer user.
- Publisher: Anasoft Studio
- Last updated: August 21st, 2012

Friendly Net Watcher
With the ability of its intuitive interface and network facility, you can monitor accesses to your computer, keep a record of all the opened and rewritten files, gather the data of the connected users, and kick out the needless connected user. You can get every details of each session like user name, IP address, operating system used by the user and so on.
- Publisher: Andrey Kilievich
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2012

Liberty Basic ToolBox
A complete Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the Liberty Basic language.
- Publisher: JSTMM
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Shakti Office
Shakti Office offers a number of applications that have been pinpointed by the Indian user as a must. These applications are enhanced with a number of unique features that make them doubly indispensable.Main features: - Language option available across all applications
- Publisher: C.K. Technologies
- Home page: www.shaktioffice.in
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Additional Local language editor selection

Adobe Support Advisor
Adobe Support Advisor is an application that detects any errors during the installation of product packs from Adobe. With a friendly interface, the program analyzes installer log files to identify the cause of a failure during the installation of Adobe Suites.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: May 20th, 2012

Komodo Edit
Komodo Edit is a text editor that can be used to develop programs in various languages. This program can show proper syntax highlighting on most of the program codes, including Java, JavaScript, Matlab, C#, C++, VHDL, MXML, MySQL, HTML, and VisualBasic.
- Publisher: ActiveState Software Inc.
- Last updated: April 17th, 2020

Typeit! is a language editor especially designed to help users type and edit documents in the Malayalam language, one of the four major Dravidian languages of Southern India. The application includes all the functions of other editing tools and proves to be very easy to use by both beginners and advanced computer users.
- Publisher: LEO Softwares
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

Altova UModel
Altova UModel 2016 Enterprise Edition is the starting point for successful software development. Visually design application models and generate code or reverse engineer programs to UML diagrams. It's the simple, cost-effective way to draw on UML.
- Publisher: Altova, Inc.
- Last updated: December 12th, 2018

Sisulizer can be used to translate strings and/or string resources into localized languages. The program supports most of the programming languages including VB.NET, PHP, and ASP. It can also work with HTML help, JSON, and database files. You have complete control over every word to be translated. You can begin the translation work yourself, and mark each phrase as "translated properly".
- Publisher: Sisulizer Ltd & Co KG
- Last updated: July 23rd, 2014

BibleMax Tagalog Ang Biblia
This program is a module for BibleMax software, an application to read and study the Bible. The module features the Scripture's translation to Tagalog, which is a language spoken in Philippines. You need to install BibleMax's core program for being able to run this and the other BibleMax modules.
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page: www.BibleMaximum.com
- Last updated: January 30th, 2009

ALLSubtitlesSearcher is a program for downloading matching subtitles in all languages. Just click the right mouse button on a movie file and choose from the menu ALLSubtitlesSearcher. The rest happens automatically - the program will download and save the latest subtitles to the same directory where a movie is located.
- Publisher: ALLCinema, Inc.
- Last updated: August 9th, 2011

LiClipse provides a new experience for Eclipse users. Main features: - A fast editor supporting many languages out of the box. View supported languages. - Support for TextMate Bundles. View TextMate Bundles Integration. - A simple way to add support for a new language.
- Publisher: Brainwy Software Ltda.
- Home page: www.liclipse.com
- Last updated: February 28th, 2016

Jahnabi Multilingual Input Tool
Jahnabi Multilingual Input Tool has been designed to enable a user to write Assamese in both Unicode and Non-Unicode methods. Moreover, an advanced user having knowledge on Unicode can create his own keyboard for any Language by modifying a layout file.
- Publisher: jahnabi.org
- Home page: jahnabi.org
- Last updated: May 28th, 2015

Alarm Master
Alarm Master is an alarm clock and a PIM application. It has an original design, with a simple and easy-to-use interface. Set up the alarm for the current day or any forthcoming date. Set up template alarms: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly notifications or certain date notification.
- Publisher: Brigsoft
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2009