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Local sidereal time in labview in Title/Summary

Sidereal Clock

Sidereal Clock

Most clocks keep "solar time". A solar day is one in which the earth makes one rotation and the sun returns to the same place in the sky. Once you have a SIDEREAL CLOCK on your wall, if you see that it's 5:55 local sidereal time, you know that Betelgeuse and Orion are on the meridian. If it's 18:37 sidereal time, Vega and the constellation Lyra are on the meridian.

  • Publisher: PNC Bank
  • Home page: www.radiosky.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2008
NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine

NI LabVIEW Run-Time Engine

Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine is a free program that offers you full support for executables. The Ni LabVIEW Run-Time Engine allows your browser to display VIs embedded in Web pages. The program permits you to run executables that you build with the Application Builder in LabVIEW 2013.

  • Publisher: National Instruments Corporation
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2013
NI LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolset

NI LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolset

The NI LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolkit is a set of easy-to-use tools you can use to quickly connect to local and remote databases and implement many common database operations without having to perform structured query language (SQL) programming.

  • Publisher: National Instruments
  • Home page: sine.ni.com
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Local sidereal time in labview in Description

Astronomers Digital Clock

Astronomers Digital Clock

Astronomers Digital Clock displays several clocks on your screen. You will be able to see your system´s time both in conventional and scientific format, the UTC time, the current Julian Date, the Greenwich Sidereal Time. It will also indicate your Time Zone, Longitude and Local Sidereal Time (LST). You can choose between three possible color combinations for the program to show.

  • Publisher: Matt Oltersdorf
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2008
Chronograph Lite

Chronograph Lite

Chronograph is a simple award-winning program which synchronizes your local PC clock using atomic-time servers. It has an easy-to-use, nice-looking interface, so you can adjust your time with just two mouse clicks.

  • Publisher: AltrixSoft
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
HS NTP C Source Library

HS NTP C Source Library

HS NTP is a software library in C (supplied with full source code) implements the client side of Network Time Protocol (NTP) over UDP socket layer according to RFC1769 and RFC1305. HS NTP Library allows to synchronise system time to NTP server time

  • Publisher: Hillstone Software
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2014


PolarFinder helps you in determining Polaris position and subsequential the position of North Celestal Pole. The program calculates, just in time, the Sideral Local Medium Time and the position of the Polaris. The time and latitude for calculating Sideral Local Time are read directly from the System and the GPS present in the mobile device.

PresenTense NTP Auditor

PresenTense NTP Auditor

PresenTense NTP Auditor monitors your computer's built-in clock and compares its time to the real time.

Additional Local sidereal time in labview selection



Chronograph is a simple utility that synchronizes your computer’s internal clock to the atomic time. Standard internal clocks are usually very incorrect, and need frequent manual corrections. Chronograph automatically maintains correct time using atomic clock servers of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

  • Publisher: AltrixSoft
  • Last updated: November 12th, 2015
Time Boss Pro

Time Boss Pro

Time Boss Pro is a program that allows you to administrate the usage of any computer by any user in a Windows local network from a remote PC or from Internet. Time Boss Pro control offers a wide range of adjusted useful functions with flexible settings.

  • Publisher: NiceKit
  • Home page: nicekit.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
BatchRename Pro

BatchRename Pro

"BatchRename" is for you to rename files freely with all kinds of rules you defined as many as you like.

  • Publisher: foryoursoft.com
  • Home page: foryoursoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
NTP Query Tool

NTP Query Tool

NTPQuery is a diagnostic tool for NTP and SNTP servers. It help administrators setup and configure time management on their networks. NTPQuery simulates a time client, displaying detailed information about the client request and the server reply without actually modifying the local system time.

  • Publisher: Bytefusion Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2008
Atomic Time Syncronisation

Atomic Time Syncronisation

Once ATS is set up, you can have it periodically set your system clock; plus it even has a built-in NTP server so you can synchronize all of your other computers quickly and easily! You can even specify a custom time offset to ensure that it sets your clock just the way you like it (I like my clocks 10 minutes fast, so I'm always a bit early).

  • Publisher: Pianosoft
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2009
Trend Micro Endpoint Application Control Agent

Trend Micro Endpoint Application Control Agent

Controls and prevents unwanted and unknown applications from executing. Prevents potential damage from unwanted or unknown applications (executables, DLLs, Windows app store apps, device drivers, control panels, and other Portable executable (PE) files). Provides global and local real-time threat intelligence based on good file reputation data correlated across a global network

  • Publisher: Trend Micro Inc.
  • Home page: www.trendmicro.com
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2017
projectFLY Pilot Tools

projectFLY Pilot Tools

projectFLY Pilot Tools is a lightweight application providing you with the following features: VAS Monitor, OOM Warning Alerts, Landing Rate Monitor, METAR Retrieval and Current Local and Zulu Time. This application was developed using C# and the FSUIPC SDK, therefore FSUIPC is required to use this utility.

  • Publisher: Luke Gorman
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2016
BayGenie eBay Auction Sniper Pro

BayGenie eBay Auction Sniper Pro

BayGenie ebay Auction Sniper Pro tracks eBay auctions and places bids in the last seconds of auctions. Features: build-in browser * bidding groups * 16 ebay global sites * all time zones * Auto sniping lead time * SMS status to phone * free upgrades

  • Publisher: baygenie.com
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019
Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player

Many people would agree that Windows Media Player has proven to be one of the most reliable and convenient tools to manage one's media library. There is a lot it can do: organize your files, play videos and music, burn CDs, stream your media to other devices... the list of features is very large and very impressive.

NTP Time Server Monitor

NTP Time Server Monitor

The NTP Time Server Monitor lets the user configure and control a local NTP service with a userfriendly graphical user interface. Secondary the current status of the local NTP services, as well as external NTP services, can be displayed.