Local smtp server pro serial in Title/Summary

Local SMTP Server Pro
Local SMTP Server Pro is a SMTP server program that lets you send email messages without help of your ISP, directly from your local PC to recipient mailboxes. Security Tools - security tools to password-protect PC Bulletproof Public PC - public access PC kiosk PC Security Tweaker - tweak to secure Windows PC Lock My Computer - limit access to Windows PC
- Publisher: PC-Safety
- Home page: www.pc-safety.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

SMTP Server Pro
This is a powerful easy-to-use SMTP POP3 mail server program designed for satisfying the requirements of huge organization in high-volume messaging. It is simple, light-weight and reliable; it has security features to prevent DDoS attacks and block SPAM. It can be installed on several computers in different custom forms what lets you keep the common message queue.
- Publisher: IM-Soft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Advanced SMTP Server
Advanced SMTP Server is a system-tray local SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send email messages directly from your computer to recipient mailboxes. Along with a subscription-based mass mailer the program can be used as a relay server for sending requested newsletters, distributing messages to different mailing lists, etc.
- Publisher: Softstack
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Local smtp server pro serial in Description

Advanced Business Mailer LE
Advanced Business Mailer LE is powerful, flexible and easy to use program for mass mailing. Advanced Business Mailer LE - program capable of sending customized e-mails to desired customers fast and easily. When Sending Emails Advanced Business Mailer LE can use an external SMTP Server for faster processing or can send the mails one by local SMTP Server.
- Publisher: TAU software
- Last updated: March 5th, 2011

Email Privacy
Email Privacy is a utility that ensures your email security and privacy by sending email messages directly to recipient mailboxes without leaving any traces on your PC and on the Internet.
- Publisher: IM-Soft
- Home page: www.softstack.com
- Last updated: April 30th, 2015

Local SMTP Relay Server
Local SMTP Relay Server is a SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send email messages directly from your computer. It can be used along with virtually any mailer or email program including Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape and The Bat, and it is ideal for laptop PC users who travel a lot and have to use different Internet Service Providers (ISP) on the run.
- Publisher: Getfreefile
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Guidelines for applications using Serial/IP to access serial devices using public/private networks and wireless data services. Use remote serial devices on TCP/IP networks through Serial/IP virtual COM ports that work like local COM ports. Serial/IP virtual COM ports appear in the list. Selecting a port shows its current settings.
- Publisher: Tactical Software, LLC
- Home page: www.tacticalsoftware.com
- Last updated: July 19th, 2012

Best Mail Server
Best Mail Server is an ultra fast SMTP/POP3 server program. You can use this program in many environments ranging from being a local server for your corporate offices to a standalone SMTP relay for your laptop. Its unique blend of features allows you to send mail from any mail client that is complaint with SMTP protocol.
- Publisher: Ixis Research LTD
- Home page: www.softheap.com
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011
Additional Local smtp server pro serial selection

OPC UA Local Discovery Server
OPC UA Local Discovery Server is a special OPC-UA service that provides information about other OPC-UA servers available. If you want to retrieve a list of OPC Unified Architecture servers registered on a local or remote computer, call the DiscoverServers method, passing it the name or address of the remote machine (use empty string for local computer).
- Publisher: OPC Foundation
- Home page: opcfoundation.org
- Last updated: August 5th, 2016

Personal Mail Server Pro
Fully-featured SMTP/POP3 mail server program with a range of security features and options to use along with any mail client as a personal local SMTP server or as a stand-alone mail server. It works in the logoff mode; SMTP gateways are supported.
- Publisher: PC-Safety
- Home page: www.pc-safety.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

UltiDev Web Server Pro
UltiDev Web Server Pro (UWS), also known as UltiDev Cassini Pro, is an an advanced, redistributable web server for Windows that can be use as a regular web server to host web sites and ASP.NET applications, or packaged with your ASP.NET web application and installed on your customers' systems along with your web app or site, free of charge.
- Publisher: UltiDev LLC
- Home page: ultidev.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Windows SMTP Server
Since later versions of Windows (e.g. Windows 7) do not include the SMTP store-and-forward client, Windows SMTP Server application project creates a Windows service to offer similar services. Windows SMTP Server is an easy to use application and is a freeware.
- Publisher: WinSMTPServer
- Last updated: May 16th, 2012

PhotoPRINT offers the industry-leading Print & Cut workflow, now made even better! Progressing along with the large format industry, PhotoPRINT is designed to help your productivity ascend to new heights while maintaining SAi’s signature ease-of-use interface. PhotoPRINT ... More Than Just A RIP!
- Publisher: SA International, Inc.
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Golden FTP Server Pro
A personal FTP server for Windows that can be run by any person with basic computer skills only. Features clean friendly interface and requires no special knowledge at all. Supports multi-threaded downloads and anonymous logins only.
- Publisher: X-Powered-By™ XTreme
- Home page: www.goldenftpserver.com
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2009

PostCast Server Pro
This program is an SMTP mail server program that completely replaces your ISP's SMTP server. By making just one change in your e-mail program, you are able to send messages directly from your computer to the recipient of every message you send. What must be changed is the address of the SMTP server or the Outgoing Mail Server, as specified in some e-mail programs.
- Publisher: Gate Comm Software
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

QK SMTP Server
QK SMTP Server is a mail server based on the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is easy to use. QK SMTP Server sends e-mails from localhost to the recipients’ mailboxes getting feedback quickly. QK SMTP server works with the most popular e-mail clients, such as Outlook Express, Eudora, Foxmail, KMail, Pegasus, etc. QKSMTP Server works on Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
- Publisher: SMTP Server Software
- Home page: www.smtpserver.com-http.com
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Easy SMTP Server
Send e-mail messages easily and securely from your portable PC while you are traveling around the world! Using this program you will increase your e-mail security and privacy as well as get rid of annoying change of settings for your e-mail program.
- Publisher: Software Folder, Inc.
- Last updated: February 28th, 2009

1st SMTP Server
1st SMTP Server - is a simplest, easy to use SMTP mail relay server. It is used for relaying your email messages to its destinations quickly and easily. Nowadays, many Internet providers are closing their SMTP servers and filtering all the incoming SMTP traffic to fight Spam. They let everybody in from their local network.
- Publisher: Emailarms
- Last updated: November 26th, 2012