Lock system mouse delphi in Title/Summary

Easy Mouse Lock
Use given below software utility to lock your mouse cusror within defined rectangle / area. Define upto two rectangles to limit the mouse cursor movements. Lock / Unlock Mouse Cursor with a simple key press within defined rectangle or close the Mouse Lock application to unlock mouse cursor and allow the mouse cursor to freely roam on your computer screen.
- Publisher: RTSoftwares
- Home page: www.rtsoftwares.com
- Last updated: October 21st, 2010

System Lock
System Lock is a small utility that was developed for locking the desktop of your computer. The program has a very simple interface so you won't have any problems when using it. It allows you being sure that nobody can use your computer during your absence.
- Publisher: r2 Studios
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

USB System Lock
USB System Lock (USL) is the solution to lock your system by a USB drive.. A computer that is locked by USL can unlock by the USB drive which contain the correct key only. USL can work on MP3 Player(with USB port), thumb-size USB storage, card reader...etc.
- Publisher: Wong Ho Wang - HoWangSoft
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008
Lock system mouse delphi in Description

Password Protected Lock
Password Protected Lock is a useful tool that allows you to protect your computer from being used by others. You can enable password protection on Windows startup, after it has logged into session, or when a screen saver is activated. Besides locking your computer on Windows startup, you can disable the boot keys and the boot menu to avoid using other initialization modes.
- Publisher: SoftFolder Inc
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Bluetooth Passport PRO
Bluetooth Passport is a remote keyless system for PC. It's unnecessary to input user name and password which is always being complex with keyboard and mouse to logon system any more. Your cell phone can help you logon Windows automatically. It gets more safety and much better ease of use. Most Trojan houses and spyware steal password by hooking keyboard messages. Bluetooth Passport can help you to logon system without press any key. After you leave your computer, it even help you to lock system automatically.
- Publisher: Bluetooth Application Lab
- Last updated: August 19th, 2008

Pitaschio is a freeware which makes it convenient to use Microsoft Windows. The Pitaschio includes a large number of useful features. For example : - Snap a window to other windows when moving and resizing - Restrict a window position to inside of the screen - Always keep a window above all other windows - Minimize a window to the system tray - Use small icons in the desktop
- Publisher: ara
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

VIA StrongBox
VIA StrongBox is more secure than other software based secure storage applications due to the fact that it encrypts the data using the VIA PadLock Security Engine, making it difficult for hackers to attempt reading valuable primer information used during the process.
- Home page: www.via.com.tw
- Last updated: May 26th, 2010

Raize Components
Raize Components is a user interface design system for Delphi and C++Builder. Raize Components includes more than 100 component designers focused on simplifying user interface development. The primary focus of Raize Components 6 is on the new VCL capabilities that have been added to Embarcadero RAD Studio.
- Publisher: Raize Software, Inc.
- Last updated: January 10th, 2014
Additional Lock system mouse delphi selection

Predator is a simple, lightweight and affordable program which allows you to keep your computer safe. It works as follows: you need to set up a password and a USB memory to store the password. Then, when you leave your computer, you can remove the USB device, and when the screen turns off, it will be possible to turn it on only by entering the password, or by inserting the USB.
- Publisher: Richard Goutorbe
- Last updated: January 24th, 2018

CrossLoop provides a quick, easy, and completely free way to give a colleague, a friend, or a relative access to your computer. After installation, your PC will be assigned a 12-digit access code each time you start the program. You then give that number to another user to virtually share your desktop. Once connected, that user will have full access to your machine.
- Publisher: CrossLoop Inc.
- Home page: www.CrossLoop.com
- Last updated: January 22nd, 2012

AMP WinOFF 4.5 is the latest version of this system utility software we can download for free from the developer's website. This is an useful tool for shutting down Windows based computers at a given time. We can select the way we want the computer to be shut down.
- Publisher: Alberto Martínez Pérez
- Home page: www.ampsoft.net
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

CryptoPrevent is a tiny utility that enables you to lock down any Windows OS in order to prevent infection by the Cryptolocker malware or ‘ransomware’, which encrypts personal files and then offers decryption for a paid ransom. It allows you to select the executable files to apply the blocks.
- Publisher: Foolish IT LLC
- Last updated: April 11th, 2017

Computer Lock Up
Computer Lock Up is a program that can lock your computer with a password while you are away, and prevent people from ejecting your CD/DVD ROM. The program can lock your PC automatically when Windows boots, upon pressing special hotkeys, or after a specified time of inactivity.
- Publisher: Rixler Software
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Stardust Desktop Lock
Stardust Desktop Lock is a small and convenient tool, useful for quickly locking down your computer system. When a computer is locked down it is "password protected". The program puts your computer into a state, in accordance with policies defined by your machine. During this phase it is either sleeping, displaying a login screen, a screen saver or asking for a password.
- Publisher: Stardust Software
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Get ready to shoot live pool with stunning accuracy and game action. Make bank shots, combination shots, straight shots and shots with English (cue Spin) with the friendliest shooting architecture on the market. Games: 8ball, 9ball, Rotation, Straight Pool, & Billiards. Features: Instant Replay, Undo, Sound. Sharpen your skills. Challenge a friend, or play against the computer. For all ages!
- Publisher: Micro Amusement
- Last updated: June 18th, 2008

The TradeMeSoft hotel software is something that is very simple and is unique in its layout. This software is typically simple in its implementation and its running. The TradeMeSoft hotel software usually comes with diverse security and is laid out in a fashion that makes it simple for someone to utilize.
- Publisher: TradeMeSoft Technology
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

VitaInterface 2014
VitaInterface is a data protection software for Windows. The application offers a high level security for your information. It encrypts files and folders, locks hard drives and restricts access to data. VitaInterface also offers online storage to protect you against data loss.
- Publisher: SoftVit, LLC.
- Last updated: October 11th, 2013

In short, Colock is a software based lock for making your software copy protected. By adding just one line of code to source code of your program, you will be able to use powerful copy protection system of Colock.
- Publisher: Pishgamsoft Co. Ltd.
- Home page: www.pishgamsoft.com
- Last updated: July 30th, 2010