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Loco connection failed in Title/Summary



A crisis is brewing in Fruitopolis! The new year's produce of fruits and vegetables is ready, but it now needs to be distributed to local grocery stores as quickly as possible! Thousands of fresh and juicy apples, pears, and grapes could spoil if they aren't transported in time!

Loco Christmas Edition

Loco Christmas Edition

A crisis is brewing in the North Pole! Santa's workshop is running at full capacity. Elves are working overtime, but alas, production is not enough for Christmas Eve! Thousands could be left without presents, and YOU might be one of them! Trains will be passing through every town, headed for North Pole Central. Help Santa stock enough Christmas presents by loading each train to the brim.



LOCO – Land Of Chaos Online is a Tactical Online Action RPG that combines the best elements of MMORPG, TPS (Third Person Shooter) and Tactics to a very unique genre mix you have never seen before. Step into the role of the different heroes in LOCO, combine their abilities and evolve the right strategy according to the enemies’.

  • Publisher: DanalEnt
  • Last updated: November 26th, 2011

Loco connection failed in Description

Absolute Futurity Rapid-Emailer

Absolute Futurity Rapid-Emailer

This program called "Rapid-Emailer" is a bulk email sender that can be used to send HTML content, RTF, or regular text. It’s a very fast email sender, using multiple threads for DNS sending and also has the capability to send through a SMTP server. With this tool you will be able to save email campaigns, so you can be able to track them. Each one contains all the settings that were used.

  • Publisher: Absolute Futurity
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2010
Cloud Turtle

Cloud Turtle

Cloud Turtle connects you to three different storage services: Amazon S3, Nirvanix and Timeline Cloud. Cloud Turtle features: multi-task operations such as upload, download and delete; multi-threaded download and upload; can pause and resume upload and download and can be set to auto retry failed tasks in case of a failed connection.

  • Publisher: Genie9
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2011
Active Phone Server

Active Phone Server

Active Phone Server (AP Server) is an application designed to manage your incoming and outgoing phone calls.

  • Publisher: SoftCab
  • Home page: www.softcab.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Linsys IPSec Tool

Linsys IPSec Tool

A small tool/utility to configure, establish andmonitor ipsec "profiles" in windows 2000 or/and XP. Using wxwidgetsand ipsec2k lib. This program is full of options. You can set the Echo request interval, number of Failed Attempts, view the status of the connection and other options.

  • Publisher: enmaca
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2010
ProxyInspector for WinGate

ProxyInspector for WinGate

Analyze log files of your WinGate proxy server and produce comprehensive report on the corporate Internet connection usage. Reports include bandwidth consumed by each user, sites visited, hourly and weekly usage, attempts to access blocked sites etc.

  • Publisher: ADVSoft
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2010

Additional Loco connection failed selection

Internet Download Manager

Internet Download Manager

Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.

Virtual Router

Virtual Router

Virtual Router is a simple little application that lets you create a virtual WiFi spot (a wireless hotspot) with minimal configuration required. It's very lightweight, neat, and best of all, it's also open source, therefore you can use it for free and without costing you anything.

  • Publisher: Chris Pietschmann
  • Last updated: February 3rd, 2015


UseNeXT offers fast, easy and unfiltered access to the Usenet with over 2,500 terabytes of data available and 6,000 Gigabytes added daily.

  • Publisher: Tangysoft Ltd.
  • Home page: www.usenext.com
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2021
Remote Desktop Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Connection Manager

RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections. It is useful for managing server labs where you need regular access to each machine such as automated checkin systems and data centers. Servers are organized into named groups. You can connect or disconnect to all servers in a group with a single command.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2014
Avanquest Connection Manager

Avanquest Connection Manager

Avanquest Connection Manager detects your preferences for set up of printers, email, disk drives for each location, and saves them. When you come back to a location, with Avanquest Connection Manager, your default printer, email accounts, security settings, your web browser, and others, are automatically configured.

  • Publisher: Avanquest Software
  • Home page: www.avanquest.com
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2010
Mobile Connection Manager

Mobile Connection Manager

O2 Connection Manager will help you to manage your internet connections by getting you connected to the fastest available network. Helps you to keep track of your data usage by giving you an indication of how much data you have used against usage allowance on the O2 network.

  • Home page: www.o2.co.uk
  • Last updated: July 9th, 2012


ZenMate is a VPN based Internet security tool for web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. Whether you are at home, travelling, or using a public WiFi network, this application encrypts and secures your connection. It also helps you to unlock blocked websites.

  • Publisher: ZenMate
  • Home page: zenmate.com
  • Last updated: July 23rd, 2015
Dell ControlPoint Connection Manager

Dell ControlPoint Connection Manager

Dell Controlpoint Connection Manager application enables you to easily set-up and automate their network connections and profiles from a single utility. The DCP Connection Manager replaces multiple utilities that were required in the past to configure network connections and settings.

Free Mobile Helper

Free Mobile Helper

Free Mobile Helper is a program that enables users to manage their mobile phones. It is suitable for both Android and iOS users. With this application you can easily manage your address list, SMS, calendar, tasks, apps both on your mobile and PC and stay updated with the latest Android and IOS apps.

  • Publisher: Macrobile Tech LTD
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2013
Connection Keeper

Connection Keeper

Connection Keeper is a program for dial-up Internet users. It simulates Internet browsing (at a random interval) to prevent your connection from appearing idle, thus preventing your ISP from dropping the connection due to inactivity. Connection Keeper can also close various popup windows, such as those asking if you wish to stay connected.

  • Publisher: Gammadyne Corp.
  • Home page: www.gammadyne.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024