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Logo quiz games java in Title/Summary

Any Logo Designer

Any Logo Designer

Any logo designer is a powerful logo creator helps you create brand logo, company logo, letterhead, web or email signature, icon for website, blog, forum in simple steps. Main features: -Add JPG, PNG, GIF, SWF and more -Apply special effects with easy clicks -Well-chosen color schemes -Abundant well-designed templates -Plenty of searchable vector graphics

  • Publisher: AnvSoft
  • Last updated: January 11th, 2011


WIN-LOGO is a standalone version of the programming language LOGO, which was developed by Seymore Papert. WIN-LOGO contains a lot of wizards to make the use easier and contains a lot of features as a result of experiences after the use in lessons. Because of this reason it is just right for the use in lessons.

  • Publisher: Gerhard Otte
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2011
Terrapin Logo

Terrapin Logo

Terrapin Logo includes all the features that make Logo a powerful and fun learning environment along with many exciting new ones that extend Logo's capability and make it easier to use. In addition, Terrapin Logo offers multiple turtles, multiple graphics windows and millions of colors.

Logo quiz games java in Description

Biswarup Universe (2009)

Biswarup Universe (2009)

Biswarup Universe - A Complete Software consisting of new cool features. Calculators, Cryptogram, Quiz, Games, Media Player, Easy Image Viewer, Explorer etc. - Calculators - BMI, Loan, Scientific & Standard; - Scientific softwares which help you in your math & science; - Quiz and games which are good to ward off boredom; - Cryptogram which can be used to encrypt & decrypt messages;

  • Publisher: Biswarup Universe Incorporated
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2009
Da Browser Based Games Browser

Da Browser Based Games Browser

Da Browser Based Games Browser is a browser based games web browser that delivers easy access to arcade classics (Pac Man, Tetris, Asteroids, Space Invaders, etc), browser based games, browser based game websites, and web game directories.

  • Publisher: 4ComTech
  • Last updated: April 23rd, 2008


The package AKFQuiz lets you easily make your own quiz games, learning exercises or psycho-tests. These can be used with grquiz in a graphical environment, with diaquiz as a simple GUI program or with scrquiz on the text-console. There is also a line oriented variant, linequiz, which can be used as a backend.



Camfriends is a client for an online video chat community. With this application you can keep in touch with friends and family, chat them with amazing audio and video quality. You can create friends lists and browse subjects on the forums. More that that, you can listen to music or play trivia and quiz games that involve your friends and other users.

  • Publisher: Camfriends
  • Last updated: June 3rd, 2014


Funchatcam is a program that enables you to chat with people on an online webcam community. You can listen to music played or DJ in your own room, play trivia and quiz games, forge new friendships with people worldwide and choose from various webcam chat rooms.

Additional Logo quiz games java selection

MobiMB Mobile Media Browser

MobiMB Mobile Media Browser

MobiMB Mobile Media Browser - a smart and very useful tool that allows you to connect you phone to PC and lets you easily and quickly transfer data.

  • Publisher: W.M.D. Bradley
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2010
Multiple Choice Quiz Maker

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker

Multiple Choice Quiz Maker lets you create MCQ quizzes and tests for your students in HTML format. These quizzes and exercises can be integrated into websites or run as a standalone program. It lets you manage the list of questions in a database, which can be edited later.

  • Publisher: Tac-Soft Limited
  • Last updated: May 18th, 2020
Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Microsoft Games for Windows latest Live version 3.0 is the most stable gaming platform for Windows. It is the outcome of the research done by Microsoft and some of the leading gaming industries of the world. As we all know, Windows has been the world’s most popular gaming platform so far, so most obviously Microsoft Games for Windows Live 3.0 is a much better form of windows.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2020
LogoManager Pro Suite

LogoManager Pro Suite

LogoManager Pro Suite for Nokia phones combines the best features of our popular products MobiMB Mobile Media Browser, Mobius/PX and PolyPhonix Studio. With Pro Suite, just connect your Nokia phone and you can manage your colour logos, polyphonic ringtones, Java games, phonebooks and text messages with a simple-to-use drag & drop user interface.

  • Publisher: LogoManager
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2009
MindPoint Quiz Show

MindPoint Quiz Show

Transform students into contestants by presenting ExamView® content in a game show format and watch classroom participation thrive. Instructors can assess students while the Quiz Show host directs the game. View results by state standard, topic, or learning objective. Challenge the computer or compete against classmates.

  • Publisher: eInstruction® Corporation
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2009
World Flags Quiz

World Flags Quiz

World Flags Quiz is a unique flag quiz which takes the flags of the world to the ...next level. In this flag quiz all country flags are available as well as the most region flags of the world. From the most famous flags like United States or China fl

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2023
Sports & Entertainment Quiz

Sports & Entertainment Quiz

An entertaining and challenging game for all those trivia lovers. You will find questions related to sports, pop and rock music, wildlife and general. You need to be quick at responding, since you have only 20 seconds to answer the question. if you love quizzes and trivia games, this one is definitely for you.

  • Publisher: Justgames.ch
  • Home page: www.justgames.ch
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2008
World Capitals Quiz

World Capitals Quiz

In this game you will be given a question asking you about the capital of a country, then you need to pick up the capital from a choice of 4 cities. You only have 10 seconds for each question. The game is fun and quite dynamic, but unfortunately it has very few questions, which are organized into three levels, and once you complete them the game is over.

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Home page: www.novelgames.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Sonic Quiz 3

Sonic Quiz 3

Sonic Quiz 3 is a mini quiz game about the Super Sonic the Hedgehog from Sega and his friends. Answer the questions about the different sonic series games and characters, like Tails, Knuckles and Robotnik in this small fangame Answer the questions about the different sonic series games and characters, like Tails, Knuckles and Robotnik.

  • Publisher: softendo.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2012
Flip Words

Flip Words

Flip Words is an educational game. Main features: - Create words while solving familiar phrases. - Automatically download new phrases created by others. - Global high scores let's you compare words and scores with others. - Create your own phrases to share with others.

  • Publisher: HipSoft LLC
  • Home page: www.hipsoft.com
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2010