Logoff dd-wrt in Title/Summary

OverPlay DD-WRT application allows you to easily connect to over play servers from your router. This is a freeware desktop application and it will automatically update itself with over play current server lists and it supports both OpenVPN and PPTP.You will enjoy the experience of playing online.
- Publisher: OverPlay NET LP
- Last updated: May 17th, 2012

Shutdown Logoff Reboot ActiveX
Shutdown Reboot Logoff ActiveX is an OCX control for software developers which allows to shutdown/turnoff, reboot, logoff, hibernating, or lock PC.Also, this ActiveX can terminate processes, so you can close/terminate any process before you will activate any operation of this control.
- Publisher: Smart-ActiveX
- Home page: www.smart-activex.com
- Last updated: May 13th, 2012

Automatically Shut Down, Reboot or Logoff Computer At Certain Time Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to automatically shut down, reboot or logoff of Windows at specified intervals. This can be set to occur at a specified date and time or after a certain number of hours, minutes and seconds.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: January 30th, 2014
Logoff dd-wrt in Description

Restart Computer
Freelabs Restart Computer is a simple tool that it will restart/shutdown/logoff your computer on a timely basis. It's main window stays on top of your windows, it's small, easy to use and transparent. Main Features: - Intuitive Interface - Restart/Shutdown/LogOff computer only once at specific date and time - Restart/Shutdown/LogOff computer every day at specific time
- Publisher: FreeLabs
- Home page: freelabs.info
- Last updated: October 24th, 2009

DH Shutdown
DH Shutdown is software for initiating the system shut off process with options to logoff or hibernate or standby or restart at a specific time specified. Specific period can be set for a count down or a particular time. Idle option allows the system to idle during the period used for providing a stopgap arrangement.
- Publisher: Ruud Ketelaars
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

DirectShutDown is a free, commercial-quality uitlity for easier ShutDown, Restart, Log Off, Lock, StandBy or Hibernate your PC. When DirectShutDown is running, icon appears on the taskbar on the end opposite the "Start" button. You can choose action you need just click it with the right mouse button to view the context menu.
- Publisher: DLAO Software
- Last updated: September 29th, 2011

Energy Spy
Energy Spy is a small program that lets you schedule a shutdown, reboot, logoff, standby, and hibernation for the local computer to be executed at a specified time. You can set a keyboard shortcut for any action - shutdown, reboot, logoff, poweroff, standby, and hibernation.
- Publisher: FlexibleSoft Co.
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009

Shutdown Manager and Tools
Shutdown Manager is an application that helps to program a Shutdown, Restart, Logoff, Standby or Hibernate event, Power Monitor, with many add-ons and Tools.
- Publisher: D.S.M./Interdesigner
- Last updated: June 10th, 2012
Additional Logoff dd-wrt selection

RichoSoft Logoff Panel
Log Off Panel is an alternative way to Turn Off your Computer, Log Off, Restart or Hibernate. It can run minimised to the system tray, or on your desktop. You can even have it start in the system tray every time you start windows. Comes with 11 skins and transparency options.
- Publisher: RichoSoft
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Wise Auto Shutdown
Wise Auto Shutdown is a very popular automation tool. As its name suggests, it was designed to let you shutdown your system automatically, but there are other things that it can do. It can also restart, log off, hibernate, and power off your computer and even put it to sleep in some cases.
- Publisher: WiseCleaner
- Home page: www.wisecleaner.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

PC Auto Shutdown
PC Auto Shutdown can automatically shutdown, power off, reboot, hibernate, suspend, or log off computers at schedule times. This tool can shut down computers at schedule time even if no user is logged in or when computers are in suspended power conservation mode.
- Publisher: GoldSolution Software, Inc.
- Last updated: January 7th, 2022

Simple Shutdown Timer
Simple Shutdown Timer is a Windows application designed to automatically shutdown, logoff, hibernate, sleep or reboot a computer. It has different options like time setting, closing applications and performing other actions. Also the program supports command line instructions.
- Publisher: PCWinTech.com
- Last updated: June 4th, 2009

System Scheduler
System Scheduler is a Windows utility designed to help you launch programs and run scripts when you're away from your computer. The tool features a comprehensive help manual, provides you with easy-to-configure settings when adding new tasks, and works 100%.
- Publisher: Splinterware Software Solutions
- Home page: www.splinterware.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Timed Shutdown
Timed Shutdown is a simple and useful application designed to automatically turn off your computer at a set time. Timed Shutdown also allows you to schedule tasks like restart, standby, hibernate, logoff, and lock at the time and date that you specify.
- Publisher: Tinnes Software
- Home page: tinnes.org.uk
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

TweakUI amp up Windows XP with a PowerToy that changes the default user interface. The program is designed for advanced computer users only. Tweak UI allows you to customise the user interface of the Windows operating system. Users with older, slower computers can turn off many aspects of the operating system's eye candy, such as fading menus, drop shadows, and cursor shadows.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page: windows.microsoft.com
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Logon Manager
The Partheus Logon Manager is a useful tool to set times that different PC users can access the computer. At the end of the permitted time, Logon Manager will either (forcibly) log the user off, or turn the power off. Logon Manager is free to try (no settings can be saved and the logoff control is disabled), and a bargain at US$10 to buy.
- Publisher: Partheus Software
- Last updated: October 7th, 2011

Perfect Hotkey
Perfect Hotkey is a powerful hotkey managing and overriding utility for Windows. Perfect Hotkey lets you hide programs and windows, instantly shutdown, restart or logoff, insert canned messages, open unlimited amounts of websites, programs, games, files, folders, drives. All with your keyboard.
- Publisher: YL Computing
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Auto Mouse Mover
Auto Mouse Mover Software Utility allows you to move the mouse automatically which prevents your computer from logging off. Auto Mouse Software works with all Windows Operating Systems including Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 2000, Windows 7 and other Windows versions.
- Publisher: MurGee
- Home page: www.murgee.com
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023