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Loom.net sample in Title/Summary

Wav Sample Rate Converter

Wav Sample Rate Converter

Wav Sample Rate Converter can convert wav/wave format easily. It can change wav file parameters such as sample per second(44100Hz, 22050Hz , 11025Hz , 8000Hz, or custom define), channels (stereo or mono) , bits per second (16bits or 8bits). It also can convert audio to WAV, MP3, MP2, AU, AIF, SND to wav, convert video AVI, WMV, MPG, MPEG, ASF, VCD, DAT to wav.

  • Publisher: DigitByte Studio
  • Home page: www.008soft.com
  • Last updated: November 4th, 2009
AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects

AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects

AvisMap GIS Engine is the basic development platform for AvisMap GIS suites, which is a new generation component GIS development platform for GIS application developers.AvisMap GIS Engine Sample Projects are a bundle of sample of different projects that you can see how they work.

  • Publisher: AvisMap GIS Technologies
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2010
Sample Wrench

Sample Wrench

Sample Wrench is a powerful audio sample editor which works with Windows sound cards and a variety of MIDI-based keyboard and rack-mount samplers. Edit mono or stereo sounds with 24 bit better than CD quality and fidelity at a price that makes the competition look silly. Numerous special effects and processes are at your finger tips.

Loom.net sample in Description



Rapier-Loom.Net is a dynamic weaver for Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in Microsoft.NET. It is part of the Loom.NET that aims to provide comprehensive support for the AOP paradigm in .NET.Realized as a class library, Rapier-Loom.Net allows the language-independend weaving of aspect and target code during runtime.

  • Publisher: LOOM.NET Project
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011
PS: Power and Sample Size Calculation

PS: Power and Sample Size Calculation

This tool helps you perform power and sample size calculations. It can be used for studies with dichotomous, continuous, or survival response measures. It’s a handy tool meant for students and professionals with at least minimal statistical knowledge.

  • Publisher: William D. Dupont and Walton D. Plummer, Jr.
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2014
MikroWin PlateOrganizer

MikroWin PlateOrganizer

MikroWin PlateOrganizer extends the possibilities of MikroWin 2000 concerning input and administration of sample identification data. On the one hand the MikroWin PlateOrganizer is able to distribute sample identification data to up to 10 columns, so that e.g. for each sample, a sample ID, an expiration date, a batch number, a stock location etc. can be assigned to.

  • Publisher: Mikrotek Laborsysteme GmbH
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011


Sample Grabber is a standard DAW plug-in for Flux's Pure Analysis System(PAS).It's functionality was included in PAS in earlier versions,but currently,it comes as a separate plug-in for PAS. It acquires signal samples for PAS from media stream(s) that pass through the Windows filter graph. In a network,it sends sample signals to the central PAS,which,in turn, provides useful analysis information.

  • Publisher: Flux Media, LLC
  • Home page: www.fluxhome.com
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2014
BrainWave Generator

BrainWave Generator

Brain Wave Generator is actually a brain simulator. It can simulate your brain with different states by using your sound card and speakers or ear phone. It actually generates different sound waves with different frequencies, wavelength, pitch and intensity, and when you listen these sound waves as a sound by using ear phone for some time then your brain will be stimulated.

  • Publisher: Noromaa Solutions
  • Home page: www.bwgen.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Additional Loom.net sample selection

Extreme Sample Converter

Extreme Sample Converter

Extreme Sample Converter is intended to help you preview, edit and convert audio samples from a single tool. The program has an intuitive interface that comes with a series of panels called Explorer, Files, Presets, Samples, Graphics and Virtual MIDI Keyboard. Together, these panels help you find the desired file, check its related information and preview its contents.



Use the TWAIN 2 sample data source and application, to test your TWAIN project, or as templates to incorporate TWAIN into your graphic applications or Scanner drivers. The samples are released as open source software and uses a Modified BSD licenses. Features: * Software only virtual scanner * Cross platform TWAIN DS and Applicaion

  • Publisher: TWAIN Working Group
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2011
Nord Sample Editor

Nord Sample Editor

The Nord Sample Editor is a program that lets you load your own WAV files into your Nord keyboard. The Editor will assist you in your editing efforts; it contains powerful tools for various actions that can be applied to a sample. These tools will, for instance, help you in setting a start point of a sample, creating a loop and other tasks.

  • Publisher: Clavia DMI AB
  • Last updated: May 1st, 2017
Lights and Plants Sample

Lights and Plants Sample

This plug-in works with Podium evaluation/ free version so that you can access some of the ready made light fixtures from the full Light Fixture library and some of the plants and tree component/ images from the Plants and Trees program. This plug-in will give you an idea how the Light Fixture and Plants and Trees work with Podium.

  • Publisher: Cadalog, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2009
Sample IME for IME extension API

Sample IME for IME extension API

Sample IME for IME extension API is a browser extension that supports developing IME extension API related codes on Chrome / ChromeOS. By installing this extension, you agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/.

Mastercam X3 Sample Files

Mastercam X3 Sample Files

Mastercam’s comprehensive set of predefined toolpaths including contour, drill, pocketing, face, peel mill, engraving, surface high speed, advanced multiaxis, and many more enable machinists to cut parts efficiently and accurately. Mastercam users can create and cut parts using one of many supplied machine and control definitions.

  • Publisher: CNC Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2008
Mastercam X7 Sample Files

Mastercam X7 Sample Files

Mastercam X7 Sample Files is a free program that brings you a set of predefined toolpaths including contour, drill, pocketing, face, peel mill, engraving, surface high speed and advanced multiaxis. You can use this projects for a better understanding of the Mastercam X7 program.

  • Publisher: CNC Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2014
XML Sample Generator

XML Sample Generator

To generate an XML sample that is easy to read and illustrates the use of various constructs in the given XML Schema.The generated document should be valid with respect to the schema. If validity can not be achieved, it should be signaled by adding comments to the generated document.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2008
OpenArray Sample Tracker

OpenArray Sample Tracker

The OpenArray Sample Tracker Software helps you easily track your samples. Enter sample information for the 96-well reaction plate into the Sample Tracker Software and program automatically maps the sample information to the appropriate locations in the OpenArray 384-Well Sample Plate, providing a pipetting guide and the TaqMan OpenArray plates, for your records.

OPC UA Sample Applications

OPC UA Sample Applications

OPC UA Sample Applications is a program that provides a suite of OPC UA Clients and Servers that demonstrate the OPC UA technology and its most popular functionality. It comes with: - A central dashboard application with the built-in documentation allowing you to launch applications. - Samples that demonstrate DataAccess, HistoricalData and HistoricalEvents, Alarms and Conditions.

  • Publisher: OPC Foundation
  • Home page: opcfoundation.org
  • Last updated: June 25th, 2015