Lotto pattern analysis excel in Title/Summary

Analysis Lotto
This software package can be used to do your own research on lotto and keno numbers. Nearly 150 popular lotto games come already set up, ready to play in a button-push. And adding new lotto or keno games is a snap. Analysis Lotto tracks Delta numbers, and shows you what the distributions and the trends are in those numbers. And, of course, it chooses numbers for you to play.
- Publisher: Dave Muse Media LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 4th, 2013

Lotto Aim
Lotto Aim is equipped with a very comprehensive analysis system, including an original data analysis and seven transformation data analysis. It provides a data diagram entailing more regularity, and its analysis function includes data analysis, arrangement analysis, circulation analysis, positional code analysis and relation analysis.
- Publisher: Lotto Aim
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011

Pattern Lab for Proteomics
Here are a few of the PatternLab most used modules:-The ACFold and TFold methods points differentialy expressed proteins in LC-MS experiments-The Gene Ontology Explorer (GOEx) aids in the biological interpretation of shotgun proteomic data. Besides its nifty GUI, it stands out for providing data such as the global protein fold changes for the GO groups.
- Publisher: pattern recognition software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Lotto pattern analysis excel in Description

LNG - Lottery Number Generator
Main features: -Random number selection (free) -Checking of winning numbers against your played numbers -Storing and retrieval of more than 5000 tickets with 8 boards each -Draw result history with graph -Internet retrieval of draw results (winning numbers-free) -Internet program update check (free) -Combination calculations -Number exclusions -Continuous 'spin' mode
- Publisher: AJ Vosser
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 31st, 2009

Patch Analyst
Patch analyst is an extension to the ArcGIS® software system that facilitates the spatial analysis of landscape patches and the modeling of attributes associated with patches. It is used for spatial pattern analysis, often in support of habitat modeling, biodiversity conservation and forest management.
- Publisher: Rob Rempel
- Last updated: February 8th, 2016

Moyo Go Studio
Moyo Go Studio is an incredible application. Move the mouse over the board and immediately, Moyo Go shows games with the same patterns in the context of your own game. Moyo Go Studio is a powerful pattern analysis program, very useful for joseki, fuseki and shape.
- Publisher: moyogo
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 25th, 2008

SPAGeDi is a computer package primarily designed to characterize the spatial genetic structure of mapped individuals and/or mapped populations using genotype data of any ploidy level.SPAGeDi can also treat data without spatial information, providing global estimates of genetic differentiation and/or matrices of pairwise statistics between individuals or populations.
- Publisher: Olivier Hardy and Xavier Vekemans
- Last updated: May 12th, 2010

Lotto Logic
Lottery Software Lotto Logic tracks lotto history, then processes it through range finder and range tracker technology. Lotto Logic is configurable for any lottery worldwide.
- Publisher: Timersoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2018
Additional Lotto pattern analysis excel selection

SigmaPlot helps you create various kinds of graphs and statistical plots using given data. It comes with a Graph Properties user interface, where you can easily change various properties and values of graphs; the change is immediately graphed on your screen.
- Publisher: Systat Software, Inc
- Last updated: July 26th, 2018

Golf Tracker for Excel
Golf Tracker for Excel is a custom application written for Microsoft Excel and is completely compatible with Excel 2000, Excel 2002 (XP), Excel 2003, Excel 2007 and Excel 2010. It provides comprehensive record keeping and analysis of all your golf statistics. Data entry is simplified through the use of intuitive easy to use forms and interactive dialog boxes.
- Publisher: DJI Computer Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in
Adds data curve fitting, interpolation and data smoothing functions to Excel. Functions include polynomial fits, several types of splines, and local regressions. Filters include moving average, Gaussian smoothing and median filtering.
- Publisher: SRS1 Software, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2020

RExcel Noncommercial
The background technology is available as a set of components for all platforms to easily build custom applications based on the powerful data analysis and graphics toolboxes from R and Scilab. We support a wide range of different languages (e.g., VBA, VB, C#, C++, Python, Java) and different technology platforms (COM/DCOM, .NET, Uno, C, Web Services SOAP/http) to build and integrate solutions.
- Publisher: Erich Neuwirth
- Last updated: March 28th, 2013

ESBPDF Analysis
ESBPDF Analysis allows you to calculate and graph different discrete and continuous probability distributions. You can use different ranges for each distribution. In the case of continuous probabilities you can calculate the range instead of calculating the probability. You can also calculate binomial coefficients, factorials, permutations, and the Gamma and Beta functions.
- Publisher: ESB Consultancy
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 9th, 2008

Enabler for Excel
Enabler for Excel is your gateway to the SFDC database available right from the Microsoft Excel ribbon. You can calculate field utilization percentage, analyze layouts to understand what fields are visible and generate a VisualForce page based on an object layout.
- Publisher: Taralex LLC
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015

Genamics Expression
Genamics Expression is an application designed for DNA and protein sequence analysis. Utilising a novel interface, Expression makes complex computational analyses of sequence information incredibly simple. The Sequence Editor in Expression allows you to fully annotate your sequences with extra information.
- Publisher: Genamics
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 2nd, 2008

ModelRisk is a program that provides advanced Monte Carlo simulation in Excel. The results are presented in a separate window that allows you to customize, save and share a comprehensive range of graphical and statistical analyses. It incorporates a truly complete range of distributions.
- Publisher: Vose Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 15th, 2014

Sigma Magic
Sigma Magic software is based on Excel templates. For each analysis, a separate template is defined. A list of all available templates is shown on the right. The templates are broadly divided into 4 categories: Project templates, lean templates, stats templates and graph templates.
- Publisher: Rapid Sigma Solutions LLP
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 10th, 2016

Excel Trip Expense Manager
Excel Trip Expense Manager is an Excel utility for managing business trip expenses. The program is designed to be an extremely useful tool for those who go on business trips frequently and want to keep track of their business trip expenses systematically.
- Publisher: Vonixx
- Last updated: August 17th, 2010