Ltspice gpu in Title/Summary

LTspice IV
LTspice IV is a high performance SPICE simulator, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for easing the simulation of switching regulators. The enhancements to SPICE have made simulating switching regulators extremely fast compared to normal SPICE simulators, allowing the user to view waveforms for most switching regulators in just a few minutes.
- Publisher: Linear Technology Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

LTspice XVII
LTspice XVII is an analog circuit simulation software tool. This program is a partial rewrite of LTspice IV with a modern graphics library for native multi-monitor support. It features: Unicode (use any character of any living language), new device equations (IGBT, soft recovery, and an arbitrary state machine), editors for most SPICE syntax commands, and more.
- Publisher: Linear Technology Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2021

GPU Decoder Vegas
GPU Decoder plugin for Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere enable realtime GPU decoding and editing of h.264 video files (ACVHD files and files from Canon EOS 5D Mark II). GPU Decoder comes as a plugin for your Non-Linear Editor. It uses the power of your NVIDIA graphic card to decode h.264 video files such as AVCHD or files from Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
- Publisher: DIVIDE FRAME
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 6th, 2012
Ltspice gpu in Description

PSIM’s power electronics simulator can be used for the design of power supplies, motor drives, battery storage systems, microgrid connections, and multi-level converters. It can create embedded program codes from control system block diagrams with a single click.
- Publisher: Powersim, Inc.
- Last updated: February 24th, 2023

GPU Monitor
Considering that it's actually only a simple little gadget, many users won't expect much of GPU Monitor either. But in fact, GPU Monitor is most likely the best tool of its kind, as it's lightweight, yet very feature-rich, customizable, and comprehensive. It will provide a lot of information about the monitored GPU, including real-time data about the clock speed, usage load, temperature, etc.
- Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushin
- Last updated: November 16th, 2020

GPU Temp
GPU Temp is a very small utility that lets you monitor the temperature of your GPU (Graphical Processing Unit), also known as the “graphic card” of your computer. Keeping a close eye on the temperature of the GPU will help you notice high values and timely prevent its crashing.
- Publisher: gputemp
- Last updated: October 13th, 2011

a free hardware monitor for Windows, you can see your CPU/GPU/MB/HDD/RAM state in desktop or overclock your GPU, AgaueEye also support in-game overlay for popular games, so you can monitor the hardware state in games(over 3000 games supported now)
- Publisher: XOptiray
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

AMD Demo - Froblins
The Froblins demo is designed to showcase many of the new techniques for character-centric entertainment made possible by the massively parallel compute available on the ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 GPU series. In a large-scale environment with thousands of highly detailed, intelligent characters, the Froblins (frog goblins), are concurrently simulated, animated and rendered entirely on the GPU.
- Publisher: AMD
- Last updated: August 7th, 2009
Additional Ltspice gpu selection

TechPowerUp GPU-Z
GPU-Z is a lightweight system utility designed to provide vital information about your video card and graphics processor. Main Features - Supports NVIDIA, AMD, ATI and Intel graphics devices - Displays adapter, GPU and display information - Displays overclock, default clocks and 3D clocks (if available)
- Publisher: techPowerUp
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 25th, 2024

ASUS GPU Tweak is a utility that allows you to tweak, tune and overclock your graphics card. The program allows you to modify the GPU Clock according to the GPU Voltage, the Memory Clock and the Fan Speed. Also, it displays real time monitoring of your graphic card and status in real time.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2015

GPU Caps Viewer
GPU Caps Viewer is a tool that lets you monitor the activity of your graphics card. For example, if you are a hardcore gamer or a web developer who uses demanding applications when it comes to graphics, this software can come to your aid. The user interface of GPU Caps Viewer is standard.
- Publisher: oZone3d
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Nv GPU Pro
Nv GPU Pro is a non-intrusive graphic card performance management and overclock program designed for Nvidia GeForce and Quadro graphic cards. The program controls the graphic card performance based on your system configuration and what you are running to give you performance when needed.
- Publisher: Nv GPU Pro
- Last updated: October 17th, 2013

GPU ShaderAnalyzer
GPU ShaderAnalyzer is a tool for analyzing the performance of pixel, vertex, geometry, hull, domain and compute shaders for ATI Radeon™ graphics cards. It gives you accurate performance estimates for your shaders and even allows you to view disassembly of the generated hardware shader, all without having to run the application on actual hardware.
- Publisher: AMD
- Last updated: August 17th, 2012

The NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK provides hundreds of code samples, white papers, to help you get started on the path of writing software with CUDA C/C++, OpenCL or DirectCompute. The SDK code samples covers a wide range of applications and techniques, including: Simple techniques demonstrating
- Publisher: NVIDIA Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Intel Desktop Control Center
Intel Desktop Control Center lets you tune, cool, and maximize performance of your Intel Extreme Series Desktop Board. Integrated auto-tuning makes system optimization easy while maintaining system stability. With this program, you can monitor and adjust the voltages, temperatures, and fan speeds in realtime.
- Publisher: Intel
- Last updated: June 15th, 2020

Mali GPU Shader Development Studio
The Mali GPU Shader Development Studio is an Eclipse plugin that extends the functionality of the Eclipse platform to enable editing of OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders to run on Mali GPUs. It can be used to develop the shaders from scratch or work on existing shaders. Shaders can be previewed as they are being developed by rendering them on remote Mali GPUs or on a remote or a local OpenGL ES 2.0 Emulator.
- Publisher: Arm
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 25th, 2012

FBmn Software's White Balance GPU
White Balance GPU is a plugin designed to work with the Sony Vegas application. The plugin provides GPU acceleration, a weight slider to control the strength of the color correction and a Pick white point button to make the configuration even simpler.
- Publisher: FBmn Software
- Last updated: March 26th, 2014

ACDSee Pro
Bring out the best in your images with a huge RAW editing and digital asset management toolset. Renowned for its organizational prowess and parametric photo editing power, ACDSee Photo Studio Professional 2020 makes it easy to push boundaries.
- Publisher: ACD Systems International Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2020