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Lua glider license file in Title/Summary

PCP Glider

PCP Glider

PCP Glider is a binary distribution of PCP for the Windows (Win32) operating system. It includes a bundled compiler, Perl runtime (and pre-installed modules that offer the ability to install XS CPAN modules directly from CPAN), a POSIX shell environment and the Performance Co-Pilot toolkit.

  • Publisher: Performance Co-Pilot Project


Intellipool Network Monitor uses Lua as a scripting language to create new types of tests and actions. A new and powerful software that is easy to use for all users.The Intellipool Lua IDE is provided for free to all INM customers, and is accompanied by several useful libraries like FTP, SSH, XML, File handling, DNS, WMI, Windows Performance Counters and SNMP.

  • Publisher: Intellipool AB
  • Last updated: April 6th, 2010
Lua for Windows

Lua for Windows

Lua for Windows (LfW) combines Lua binaries, Lua libraries with a Lua-capable editor in a single install package for the Microsoft Windows operating system. LfW contains everything you need to write, run and debug Lua scripts on Windows. A wide variety of libraries and examples are included that are ready to use with Microsoft Windows.

  • Publisher: The Lua for Windows Project and Lua and Tecgraf, PUC-Rio
  • Home page: code.google.com
  • Last updated: September 12th, 2012

Lua glider license file in Description

Manco .NET Licensing System

Manco .NET Licensing System

Manco .NET Licensing System is powerful licensing and copy protection tools for .NET Windows Forms, WPF, and ASP.NET applications, controls and components. Strong encryption. Flexible license file content. Creates encrypted code and data.

ZFD Mini Inventory

ZFD Mini Inventory

ZFD Mini Inventory 2.44

  • Publisher: Lothar Haeger
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2008
Bricsys Network License Manager

Bricsys Network License Manager

Bricsys Network License Manager is a free-to-use network license server. After starting the network license server, it can be completely configured by using a web interface. Just like BricsCAD needs a license file to run, the server also needs a Network license file that can be activated online or manually.

  • Publisher: Bricsys
  • Home page: www.bricsys.com
  • Last updated: December 24th, 2015
Softing License Manager

Softing License Manager

Softing License Manager is a standalone component to request and activate product license keys. The runtime license feature enables the full functionality of a product only on one computer. The program automatically detects the licenses installed on your computer and it enables you to generate a license file from a remote PC.

Aear Qsaver

Aear Qsaver

Easy to use create screen savers with professional Windows Installer setups. You can deliver it to your friends or customers with confidence because it is really what you call a screensaver. A friendly wizard will guide you through all the work.

  • Publisher: Aear Software
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2008

Additional Lua glider license file selection

MCCE Typing Tutor

MCCE Typing Tutor

Typing Tutor is a program that lets you learn typing. It also serves as a grading tool for the MCCE (Maharashtra Centre For Career Education) exams. This is a portable standalone program that requires no installation. But, you need to setup the license file initially.

  • Publisher: MCCE India
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2014
Rental Software

Rental Software

ESC-Rental is the latest Windows software solution for small and medium sized companies in the equipment rental market.

  • Publisher: VisualAid Software
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2012
RxView - RxHighlight

RxView - RxHighlight

RxView and RxHighlight are Rasterex's standard desktop viewers. RxView allows users to view & print more than 250 different file formats. RxHighlight is the same software installation as RxView, but through the license file, it opens up for advanced functions

  • Publisher: Rasterex
  • Home page: www.rasterex.com
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2015
Adobe Licensing Repair Tool

Adobe Licensing Repair Tool

Adobe Licensing Repair Tool can correct the error message "Licensing for this product has stopped working", which prevents an Adobe application from launching. This tool has been developed to upgrade the licensing service and repair a license file for Acrobat 8 and 9, Creative Suite 3 and 4, Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements, Director, and Technical Communication Suite.

  • Publisher: Adobe
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2018
License4J Floating License Server

License4J Floating License Server

License4J Floating License Server serves floating licenses created by LICENSE4J License manager. It can run on windows, linux and unix operating systems.The only requirement is Java 1.6 and above.

SoftCAT Plus

SoftCAT Plus

SoftCAT is a database application designed to help you organize your software. Not only will SoftCAT help you know what you have and where it is, but it will also help you keep track of information like serial number, and registration name.

  • Publisher: FNProgramvare
  • Home page: www.fnprg.com
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
AccessData® LicenseManager

AccessData® LicenseManager

AccessData® LicenseManager is a secure way to install licenses. The manager allows you to install licenses securely using a DONGLE or a license file provided by AccessData customer support. Altough you have bought the software, you need internet connection for full activation.

  • Publisher: AccessData
  • Home page: accessdata.com
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
JPG File Size Reduce Software

JPG File Size Reduce Software

JPG File Size Reduce Software 7.0 is a small and simple application that reduces the size in bytes of JPG image files. You just need to drag and drop the JPG file to be reduced, select the quality level you want, and click on the Reduce button; that's it.



Evernote can increase your productivity as it allows you to manage notes, lists, and events from a single place. The program has an intuitive and easily navigable. One of the main advantages of this tool is that it lets you access the data from anywhere. For this purpose, it is required to open an account. It is great that Evernote can also run from a portable device.

  • Publisher: Evernote Corporation
  • Home page: evernote.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2024
360 Total Security

360 Total Security

Integrating award winning antivirus engines from 360 Cloud Scan Engine, 360 QVMII AI Engine, QEX and Kunpeng to provide you with the ultimate in Virus detection and protection capabilities. Cloud technology detects latest Ransomware variants in realtime. Intelligent behavior monitoring to identify any document hijacking. Automatically backup your documents before they are tampered with.

  • Publisher: 360 Security Center
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2024