Lui 3.3.5a in Title/Summary

LUI is a program that allows you to replace your World of Warcraft user interface. It provides features such as: - Support for all resolutions from 1280 pixels in width up to 1920 - Support for all addons - Option Panel with more than 3000 possibilities to make your UI unique. - Over 200 Textures that will make your WoW look better than ever before.
- Publisher: LUI DevTeam
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 8th, 2015
Additional Lui 3.3.5a selection

Life of D. Duck II
Help D. Duck in his quest to get Dasy to marry him. D Duck must get rid of Uncle Jubalon who is eating him out of his house, also ooie lui and devie escapes and D. Duck must save them. Dasy runs to D.Duck's cousin Anton's house and refuses to return until he can get his uncle out of the house.
- Publisher: Audunsoft Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 18th, 2009

Goal Planner Plus
Goal Planner Plus will help you set your goals more easily. Main features: - Goals are highlighted so you immediately see which goals are completed and which goals need your immediate attention. - Goals can be prioritized to help you identify which goals are more important.
- Publisher: Francis Lui
- Last updated: April 29th, 2011

It can send messages, files, folders between machines of a Local Area Network. The software is developed in C Sharp and WPF. The software is free and is great for companies who don't want an expensive way of chatting between employees and not only. It's great for fun and entertainment.
- Publisher: Junfeng Lui
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011