Lujosoft xbmc in Title/Summary

XBMC KeyMap Editor
XBMC KeyMap Editor, written by LostIt, is a graphical editor for Windows 9x/XP to configure XBMC's Keymap.xml. It allows you to easily setup what each button is used for in XboxMediaCenter. Edit you new action buttons for you XBox game controller or dvd remote and assign custom keys as you wish.
- Publisher: xbox-scene
- Last updated: November 29th, 2009

XBMC Media Move
XBMC Media Move is a powerful tool designed to fill the gap between software like µTorrent and XBMC Media Center (Kodi) by dispatching media files (video/music/photo/etc.) automatically upon the arrival. Main features: - Copy file / Move file / Command (DOS & Software) support. - Advanced file recognition. - Real time file monitoring. - Advanced file auto renaming.
- Publisher: ZackDepp
- Last updated: June 25th, 2015

PlayIt on XBMC
PlayIt on XBMC extension for Chrome browser sends selected URL to PlayIt service add-on installed on XBMC that resolves link to video and starts playing it. It has the ability to queue the videos to XBMC player by sending consecutive requests. This extension supports YouTube Dailymotion playlists.
- Publisher: ajdeveloped
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2015
Lujosoft xbmc in Description

LuJoSoft ComicReader
LuJoSoft ComicReader provides you with a free solution to view, read, and ultimately enjoy your paperless comics with the highest level of quality. Packed up with useful tools to enhance your reading experience, this totally free tool can be used with the most common comic book formats.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

The SwiftBox TV software allows you to play music and video from your computer directly to your TV.Main features: -XBMC: The most important one, since SwiftBox TV is based on XBMC code. -Team RazorFish: The talented team who creates XBMC skins. -FFmpeg: Video decoding.
- Publisher: Primo Software Corp.
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste
LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste is a simple copy and paste manager. With LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste no more you will have at your disposal all the copy you did since you started the application. When started you will see the application in the system tray. Now all text and image that you will copy will be registered in the app.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

LuJoSoft Movie Nfo Creator Final
With this version LuJoSoft Movie Nfo Creator Final, everyone will be able to use it no matter what kind of template they use to create their descriptions, because now they have the possibility of creating their own template to use with the program. Features: Extended glass effect on the application. Desktop Composition must be enable. Possibility to enter your own Api key.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: January 28th, 2014

LuJoSoft Movie Nfo Creator 2015
After many builds and versions of Movie Nfo Creator, I finally achieved more than what I really wanted from this app. Since day one I wanted to create a tool that would help everyone to create the perfect description to post in forums on the web.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Additional Lujosoft xbmc selection

XBMC Media Center
XBMC Media Center is an open source media player an entertainment hub that allows users to play and view most videos, music, podcasts and other digital media files from local and network storage media and the Internet. It can play all your music including MP3, FLAC, WAV and WMA formats.
- Publisher: xbmc
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2014

LuJoSoft BoxCover II
LuJoSoft BoxCover II is the second version of the series to frame any covers from movies, to make it appear as it was in a DVD case. New tools are included in this new version, the ability to create table reflection with or without background color. Features: Fast. Light on system resources. It will resize the cover image to the right size to fit the box.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: March 14th, 2014

LuJoSoft Movie Nfo Creator V.
LuJoSoft Movie Nfo Creator V. 2 is a comprehensive full-featured NFO creation tool for your movie files. It allows you to add your own information on the movie or to download it directly from IMDb or TMDb. The movies are stored in its built-in database, so that you can also use this tool as a catalog for your movie collection.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: February 14th, 2012

LuJoSoft ThumbAllMovies
LuJoSoft ThumbAllMovies is a tool that creates and saves thumbnails (screenshots) of movie or video files to jpeg files. It uses FFmpeg's libavcodec as its engine, so it supports all popular codecs that you have install on your PC. You can define the number of columns, rows, the width total size of the image and the quality of the jepg image for the size of the output.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

LuJoSoft HideMyDrive
LuJoSoft HideMyDrive will hide the drive from being displayed, applications and the command prompt will still have access to it, and you can still manually browse to the folder if you type in the path. The program hides as many drives you want and supports all Windows OS.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

LuJoSoft BoxCover
LuJoSoft BoxCover is great and simple Windows program to frame any covers from movies, to make it appear as it was in a DVD case. The program is very easy-to-use and besides that it will automatically resize the cover image to the right size to fit the DVD case.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

LuJoSoft Lmdb
LuJoSoft Lmdb is the ultimate movie database software designed to organize your movies collection for easy reference. You can catalog your personal movies collection of DVDs, Blue Ray, VHS tapes and much more. All movie details are downloaded via the Internet automatically. Therefore, there is no manual typing, only in the rare case if the movie cannot be located in our vast database.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft

LuJoSoft Music Description Maker
LuJoSoft Music Description Maker is a special tool to create ready to use template for description in forum or torrent site. With LuJoSoft Music Description Maker you will save time creating your description because it will do it all for you without having to enter any text or the use of your keyboard.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

Kodi isn't just for passive entertainment media. You can also play games on Kodi. Pick from a large number of emulators, or even play a stand-alone game. There's even extensive support for game controllers. Kodi puts your smart TV to shame. Kodi plays almost every kind of media you can find and looks great while doing it.
- Publisher: The Kodi Foundation
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

LuJoSoft MouseClicker
LuJoSoft MouseClicker is a simple program that clicks your mouse automatically anywhere on the screen at variable interval. MouseClicker can be used to make repetitive clicking easy, but should not be used to cheat in online-games.
- Publisher: LuJoSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 19th, 2018