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Lux calculation formula excel in Title/Summary

Excel Formula Expert Addin

Excel Formula Expert Addin

Excel users often find it time consuming and frustrating to create complex Excel Formulas. The Formula Expert Add-In can help you reduce the time and effort involved in trying to understand the intricacies of Excel by providing you with timely and to-the-point answers from Excel experts.

  • Publisher: Excel-Formula.com
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2010
ABarCode for Excel

ABarCode for Excel

ABarCode is a Microsoft

  • Publisher: ABarCode Software
  • Home page: www.abarcode.net
  • Last updated: November 23rd, 2009
Lux Delux

Lux Delux

Lux Delux is a game of strategy and domination inspired by the board game Risk. Control your armies to conquer and hold strategic countries on the map. The object of the game is simple: take over the entire world. Play on historical, geometric, geographic, and fantasy settings. Create your own maps too.

  • Publisher: Sillysoft Games
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Lux calculation formula excel in Description

SpreadsheetGear 2010 for Windows

SpreadsheetGear 2010 for Windows

With one safe managed assembly, SpreadsheetGear 2010 enables ASP.NET and Windows Forms developers to easily take advantage of scalable Excel Reporting, dynamic dashboards from Excel charts and ranges, powerful Windows Forms spreadsheet controls, comprehensive Excel compatible charting, the fastest and most complete Excel compatible calculations and more.

Deskcalc SE

Deskcalc SE

"Deskcalc" is a fully featured adding machine with the functions you expect from a mechanical adding machine plus capabilities associated with a Windows environment.

  • Publisher: pmaSoft
  • Home page: www.pmasoft.net
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2010


Household Calculator is a general purpose ergonomic calculator which combines use simplicity and calculation power. It handles main arithmetic operations with two operands, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and complex formulas with unlimited number of operations and operands.

  • Publisher: Tvalx
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2011
Trapcode Lux

Trapcode Lux

Trapcode Lux is a speedy plug-in that adds volumetric lighting effects to projects that require realistic spotlights, point lights, or stage lighting of all kinds. Simply add a layer, apply the Lux plug-in, and enjoy the enhanced atmosphere, ambiance and drama. Lux automatically creates visible sources for all Point and Spot lights in the scene



Math Center Level 2 consists of Scientific Calculator, Graphing Calculator 2D Numeric, Graphing Calculator 2D Parametric, and Graphing Calculator 2D Polar. Math Center Level 2 can be used for various Windows versions including: Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Vista

  • Publisher: Tvalx
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2012

Additional Lux calculation formula excel selection

Excel Power Expander

Excel Power Expander

Excel Power Expander is a very powerful Automation Toolbox for Microsoft Excel. It adds 87 automation utilities and 125 new worksheet formulas into the world’s most popular spreadsheet software. The tools substantially extend Excel’s functionality and add much intelligence to automate everyday complex spreadsheet tasks.

  • Publisher: Vonixx
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


FormulaDesk adds a variety of additional features to MS Excel 2010, 2013, and 2013. It is designed for engineers, teachers, finance, other professionals to work faster with formulas. Complex formulas could be visualized and viewed as Math equations. You can also split formula into smaller steps for better understanding.

  • Publisher: Slyce Software Limited
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2017
NeoNeuro Data Mining

NeoNeuro Data Mining

NeoNeuro has innovative data analysis which in one click calculates the most important parameters, visually shows the influence of each value of each parameter to the final result and even generates Excel formula which can be used in your business processes or science researches.

  • Publisher: NeoNeuro
  • Home page: neoneuro.com
  • Last updated: November 8th, 2017


AiToolkit - Calcs provides a comprehensive set of tools to allow calculation of the majority of common accident investigation calculations performed. These include calculations used in the UK City & Guilds - Forensic Road Collision Investigation syllabus, taught within UK Accident Investigation training centres along with many other commonly used formula.

  • Publisher: AiToolkit
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2010


The software program enables users - in a very user-friendly way (using Google SketchUp) - to link 3D BIM information to their own calculation models (Excel spreadsheets). You can use it for optimizing and analyzing building designs, and simultaneously calculate the financial or other impacts.

  • Publisher: StrateGis Groep & RDF
Microsoft Office Excel Viewer

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer

If you don’t have Microsoft Excel available in your computer you don’t have to worry, because with Microsoft Excel Viewer you’ll have the possibility to access to all the files created with Excel 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 and 97. This program is a viewer, so it’ll allow you to see the files and print them, but it won’t allow you to edit the files created by Excel.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2013
Microsoft Office Excel

Microsoft Office Excel

Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more. Main features: - Stay organized with a calendar you can customize - Create a budget and keep expenses on track - Create professional looking invoices for your business - Get organized and stay up to date

Excel Compare

Excel Compare

Likeoffice Excel Compare lets you analyze Excel documents differences.

  • Publisher: Formula Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.formulasoft.com
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2020
Dose for Excel

Dose for Excel

Supercharge Your Excel Workflow with Dose: 100+ Features at Your Fingertips Dose for Excel is an add-in designed to streamline your spreadsheet experience and unlock hidden potential within Microsoft Excel. This powerful tool seamlessly integrates into your existing Excel interface, adding over 100 functionalities to enhance data manipulation, analysis, and formatting.

  • Publisher: Zbrainsoft
  • Home page: zbrainsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Excel Timesheet Template Software

Excel Timesheet Template Software

Excel Timesheet Template Software is a program that will create an Excel time sheet for employees, with the number of shits that a given employee will work in a day, the desired time period, the Company Name, Address (2 fields),City, State, Zip Code, Employee Name, Manager Name, Week Starting and Ending, and boxes for the Employee and Manager signatures.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2008