Lynx virusscan in Title/Summary

Lynx VirusScan
VirusScan antivirus Lynx is designed to detect viruses ,worms both local and foreign. Here are the benefits of Lynx VirusScan: - Do not overload the processor working - Setting priorities scanner - User-friendly interface and easy to understand - Scan automated process - Returns the file / folder hidden by the virus
- Publisher: V-Cyber Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 21st, 2013

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise combines anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, and intrusion prevention technologies to stop and remove malicious software. With VirusScan Enterprise, you get: -Maximum defense against malware -Easy, centralized management -Low impact on performance
- Publisher: McAfee, LLC
- Last updated: October 28th, 2020

LynX 3D Viewer Lite Edition
LynX Lite is a viewer that provides advanced 3D file format features. With LynX Lite, you can view and manipulate 3D models that have been designed with various modeling softwares, such as 3D Studio Max (*.3DS, *.ASE), Maya (*.OBJ) or MilkShape3D (*.TXT) for instance. Its real time 3D technology makes LynX a very useful tool for designers and any user interested in coping with 3D objects.
- Publisher: oZone3d
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008
Lynx virusscan in Description

Lynx configuration Updater
Lynx configuration Updater is an operating software and a configuration updater software. There are 4 stages to the LYNX update process. To install this software you must ensure that your LYNX is powered using the AC adaptor supplied with the unit during the update process. To check that the update has been successful, power on your LYNX and navigate through the menu.
- Publisher: Performance Products
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 12th, 2012

The EZ Web Lynx IDE allows you to quickly develop custom dynamic web pages and send alarm status emails simply by programming in HTML. The IDE features an HTML editor with multiple views (WYSIWYG, HTML, Internet Explorer) and simulator to speed up HTML development and functional testing of the website.
- Publisher: Custom Computer Services, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2018

Lynx for Win32
Here is a thumbnail screen shot of the current phase of Lynx for PC's. The screen is exactly the same for the 386 version as it is for the Win32 version. You will notice it has color. It also demonstrates the fact that although there is a Win32 version it still works in text mode and NOT as a GUI.
- Publisher: patakuti
- Last updated: May 30th, 2012

LYNX APPolo | Control GUI
The LYNX APPolo control system facilitates remote control, status monitoring, and error reporting of all connected LYNX hardware within one centralized system. It has an interactive GUI in which you can reconfigure modules using simple drag and drop.
- Publisher: LYNX Technik AG
- Last updated: December 26th, 2015

HandyBits VirusScan Integrator
Many of us decide on having more than one type of anti-viral programs on our computers. The Handy Bits VirusScan Integrator utility merges the anti-viral programs already installed on our machines into a single system, allowing us to scan files using several antiviruses.
- Publisher: Teknum Systems
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008
Additional Lynx virusscan selection

Lynx is a multi-faceted software that has been created for use with any interactive whiteboard. Here are some of the features that Lynx offers you: Curriculum specific clip art and information resources for a wide range of subjects and key stages. Annotation toolkit including pen, paintbrush, highlighting and area fill tools.
- Publisher: Sahara Presentation Systems plc.
- Last updated: March 20th, 2013

Lynx SSC 32 Terminal
LynxTerm is a free downloadable utility. LynxTerm makes it easy to quickly test all functionality of the SSC-32 Servo Controller. As features: -Firmware V2 PO/QP bug patched within Lynxterm (QP returns 255 instead of 0 at startup if PO activated and value > 0) -Old PO bug patch removed from H2 Seq, no more problem using PO registers with SSC-32 V2
- Publisher: Lynxmotion
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 4th, 2011

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Storage
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise for Storage ensures business continuity by protecting network-attached NetApp storage devices against viruses and other malware. Its multiscanner and multifiler configurations deliver the power of parallel processing for optimal load balancing and flexible failover protection.
- Publisher: McAfee, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

USB Virus Scan
USB Virus Scan is intended to be the smallest antivirus tool for USB drives. It begin to work anytime an USB drive or removable media is inserted, scanning for some kind of threats (like AutoRun viruses or such). Moreover you got a small set of utilities that can be helpful to use with your USB drive, like the "Unlock USB drive on eject" feature.
- Publisher: USB Virus Scan
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 5th, 2010

O-Lynx Touch
O-Lynx Touch is a program to allow individuals at orienteering events to register themselves easily for a course before a competition without assistance. It reduces the workload and stress required to run an event. It reduces the time for the registration for those with their own Sportident card and even for those with a hired one.
- Publisher: TASC Systems Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 15th, 2014

McAfee Personal Firewall Plus
McAfee Personal Firewall Plus safeguards your financial documents, personal information, photos, and online communications, by preventing unwanted Internet connections to or from your PC. Whether you are on a home network, broadband or dial-up connection, or simply enjoying a hotspot, McAfee Personal Firewall Plus helps ensure your personal files and information are not compromised.
- Publisher: McAfee Security
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Netscape Internet Service
With unlimited Internet access and powerful e-mail Netscape® Internet Service gives you everything you need to get online and stay online. With Netscape you also have the option to add powerful features. Pay only for what you choose. Netscape Internet Service offers powerful PC Anti-Virus Protection , E-mail Virus Scan, Extra E-mail Addresses, Extra E-mail Storage and Advanced Spam Blocker.
- Publisher: Netscape Communications Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008
- Publisher: Nival Online
- Last updated: January 20th, 2010

The new design tool from Danfoss Solar Inverters, the LynxPlanner 1.0 is based on the coming PV*Express 4.0 platform from Valentin. Drawing on a comprehensive database of PV modules, updated by the module manufacturers themselves and 1400 meteorological points of observation, the LynxPlanner will make a proficient proposition to system layout.
- Publisher: danfoss solar
- Last updated: June 13th, 2014

FusionTweaker is a tool that allows you to overclock your hardware. It is designed for undervolting and underclocking AMD Lynx (Llano) platform APU's under Windows 7 (XP/Vista). By using it, you can achieve longer battery life (lower power consumption) as well as lower processor temperatures.
- Publisher: Martin Kinkelin and Sven Wittek
- Last updated: February 25th, 2013