Magic interlacer lite torrent in Title/Summary

Magic Interlacer Lite
Create quality interlaces of every type! Magic Interlacer Lite is a free standing Interlacer that will interlace just like the Pro Versions (Magic Intelracer Pro 100 and 50) except it is limited in the final image output size (8" x 10" or 20cm x 25cm) and input images can only be RGB image type.
- Publisher: ProMagic
- Last updated: January 9th, 2010

Magic Interlacer Pro 100
Magic Interlacer Pro 100 is the "Premier" digital interlacing program designed and developed by two of the world's leading lenticular artists. Interlace up to 100 images for 3D, Animation, Motion, Morphs, Flips and more. Built in database to save pitch info (LPI) on differnt lens used. User-defined lens materials, lens pitch, output device and print resolution.
- Publisher: ProMagic Software
- Last updated: January 1st, 2010

Magic Interlacer Pro 50
Create quality interlaces of every type! Magic Interlacer Pro 50 is the same as Magic Interlacer Pro 100 except it is limited in the final image output size (16" x 24" or 40cm x 60cm) and input images can only be RGB image type. Just like Magic Interlacer Pro 100.
- Publisher: ProMagic
- Last updated: December 28th, 2009
Magic interlacer lite torrent in Description

ImageSkill Magic Enhancer Lite
Image Skill Magic Enhancer Lite is an image or photo enhancing plug-in for your branded graphics or photo editing applications. The Image Skill Magic Enhancer Lite plug-in can automatically detect and install itself on following photo editing applications: Adobe Photoshop 7, CS, CS2, Adobe Photoshop Elements 2, 3, 4, 5, Coral Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7, 8, 9, Corel Paint Shop Pro etc.
- Publisher: ImageSkill
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

Torrent Stream
Torrent Stream is a media platform that allows distributed and decentralized multimedia data transfer. The program provides audio-visual online broadcast, without the need for maintenance of the park servers and expenditures for payment of the network traffic. The Torrent Stream package contains a TS Engine, a TS Player, a multimedia plug-in and Magic Player.
- Publisher: Torrent Stream
- Last updated: April 28th, 2013

Mermaid Adventures: The Magic Pearl
In this game your goal is to find the Magic Pearl. The Pearl controls the sea and its absence will create a torrent of storms that will sink all of the ships. You can join Alice and her friend, Crabby the crab, as they track down Sprutto and the Magic Pearl.
- Publisher: First Game Interactive 2011
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 4th, 2012

This piece of software helps you download torrent files with an impressive speed. Available for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Besides downloading torrent files, this program also lets you watch movies while they are being downloaded and you have the possibility to organize all of your downloaded files into categories.
- Publisher: MediaGet LLC
- Last updated: October 7th, 2021

Arctic Torrent
Arctic Torrent is an open source C++ application to manage all your P2P transactions based on torrent files. Its simple layout gives you all the basic information you need to know the progress of your file-sharing operations, and will not take up any more system resources than those strictly necessary.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 19th, 2008
Additional Magic interlacer lite torrent selection

MagicTune Lite is the stripped down version of the software with the same name. It allows you to configure various aspects of your Samsung monitor and it is recommended that is to be used with compatible Samsung models. The application is free and it can be used with all the compatible Samsung models.
- Publisher: Samsung
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

µTorrent (uTorrent)
µTorrent is an easy-to-use BitTorrent download client for Windows OS. Download your files as quickly and efficiently as possible without slowing down your other online activities. uTorrent offers advanced settings such as automation, scripting, remote management and more.
- Publisher: BitTorrent Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 15th, 2023

K-Lite Codec Pack
The K-Lite Codec Pack is a collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools. Codecs and DirectShow filters are needed for encoding and decoding audio and video formats. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your audio and movie files.
- Publisher: Codec Guide
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
The Mega variant is the largest of the four variants of the codec pack. It provides everything that you need to play all your audio and video files. Compared to Full variant it contains some extras such as ACM/VFW codecs that can be used by certain old video encoding applications such as VirtualDub.
- Publisher: Codec Guide
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

DAEMON Tools Lite
DAEMON Tools Lite 10 allows you to mount all known types of disc image files and emulates up to 4 DT + SCSI + HDD devices. It enables you to create images of your optical discs and access them via well-organized catalog. DAEMON Tools Lite is ideal to work with files you have and to create new images from optical discs, data files and Audio CDs.
- Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 27th, 2024

EasyBits Magic Desktop
Magic Desktop creates a safe environment, provides children with educational content and delivers lots of fun while they are learning. Magic Desktop runs as an alternative Windows shell or a "kid's desktop", creating a safe and child-friendly playground.
- Publisher: EasyBits Software Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Jardinains 2! Lite
Jardinains 2! Lite is the sequel to Jardinains 1! and is a fairly straightforward game. You have a paddle. You have a ball. You have a whole bunch of bricks. Inside these bricks live 'nains. 'Nains are cute little critters who pop out of their bricks every now and then to have some fun and give you a headache.
- Publisher: Magic Chopstick Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 25th, 2011

Magic Photo Editor
Unlike more standard image editors, Magic Photo Editor has been designed to beautify and embellish your images, rather than cropping, rotating, resizing, or correcting them. It blends your photos with a wide variety of masks, clipart images, cartoons, outlines, speech bubbles, and frames in a simple and seamless way. You can combine various photos and thus make creative collages in minutes.
- Publisher: Photo Editor Software
- Last updated: June 26th, 2020

Magic ISO Maker
Magic ISO Maker (build 0261) a CD/DVD image file creating/editing/extracting tool. It can open / create / edit /extract CD/DVD image files, and it can convert bin to iso and back. as well as make ISO file from DVD/CD-ROM or hard disk, and handle bootable information at meanwhile.
- Publisher: MagicISO, Inc.
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2020

Magic Vines
Prepare yourself for a puzzle game like no other! The latest, greatest adventure in puzzling Magic Vines will take you from the jungles to the plains and everywhere in between. Explore each stop by solving a series of increasingly difficult puzzle boards. Once you have selected a location, fly off to a new part of the world where more challenging puzzles await.
- Publisher: Big Fish Games, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008