Magicjack autodialer in Title/Summary

magicJack AutoDialer
The magicJack Auto Dialer This program is only useful to magicJack™ owners. The magicJack Auto Dialer automatically starts up with Windows and runs in the background. Whenever you copy a phone number to the clipboard, it dials it using magicJack. This means that in whatever application you are (email program, Web browser, etc.).
- Publisher: Exponenciel
- Last updated: October 30th, 2011

Ozeki Autodialer Studio
Ozeki Autodialer Studio is a useful program that enables you to make automated voice calls. The program can be used with all VoIP PBX systems and VoIP service providers. It can be configured to make calls on work days in business hours or any other time interval you wish.
- Publisher: Ozeki Informatics Ltd.
- Last updated: April 16th, 2015

The "Skyjack" plugin converts your ordinary magicJack into a powerful dual mode magicJack + Skype calling product. This allows you to place and receive free calls to/from over 500 million registered Skype users worldwide without any time limits or restrictions. The Skype user you are calling or receiving a call from does not need to have a magicJack. You may also use Skype for video conferencing.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 19th, 2014
Magicjack autodialer in Description

magicBlock deactivates the magicJack pop-up window. It doesn’t interfere with the usage of magicJack – you can still make and receive calls with a normal phone. It stops the intrusive pop-up window from disrupting whatever your doing whenever someone in your home picks up the phone.
- Publisher: vvisoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 13th, 2008

MagicJackBlocker is a useful application designed to block the MagicJack's interface.Main Features : - block magicJack's interface and restore hulu's movies to full screen. - block magicJack's interface and restore online games to playability. - block magicJack's interface and restore currently active program.
- Publisher: CBS Interactive
- Last updated: August 7th, 2010

Active Phone Server
Active Phone Server (AP Server) is an application designed to manage your incoming and outgoing phone calls.
- Publisher: SoftCab
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Mobiola Headset
Mobiola Headset allows recording of Skype and other calls and transforms your iPhone and iPod Touch into a PC or Mac headset. Simply touch the screen to Record, Pause, Playback your conversations in MSN/Windows Live, Yahoo!, Google Talk, AOL IM, ICQ, YouTube, Skype, MagicJack or any other VoIP applications.
- Publisher: Mobiola
- Last updated: February 19th, 2011
Additional Magicjack autodialer selection

Voice2Phone Auto Dialer
Voice2Phone Auto Dialer software can be configured to accept and record both touch tone and voice responses for added flexibility for you and your target audience. Voice2Phone Auto Dialer includes an automatic voice mail and answering machine recognition option that can be configured to your specifications.
- Publisher: Voice2Phone
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Contact Plus
Contact Plus Personal is an innovative contact management solution for Windows 95/98/NT. It was the winner of the SIC Best Business Software Award and the winner of the People's choice award for Business Software.
- Publisher: Contact Plus Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 10th, 2009