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Malayalam good bible words in Title/Summary

Malayalam Unicode Bible for e-Sword

Malayalam Unicode Bible for e-Sword

This Malayalam Bible module for e-Sword Bible Software is completely free of cost. Main Features : - You can copy the verse or notes into your websites,emails,blogs,etc. - You can directly type in Malayalam in search, notes, etc - Enhanced search facility.

  • Publisher: Word Of God Team
  • Home page: www.wordofgod.in
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2010
Varamozhi Malayalam Editor

Varamozhi Malayalam Editor

Malayalam is the language spoken in Kerala, a southern India state. This program lets you transliterate words from English to the Malayalam alphabet in a very easy way. Please note that the program does not translate words from one language into another but only transliterates them, that is, it only transforms each English letter into its Malayalam equivalent.

  • Publisher: Cibu CJ
  • Last updated: January 28th, 2010
BibleMax Good News Translation Bible

BibleMax Good News Translation Bible

The Good News Translation Bible is a version of the Holy Scriptures for using with BibleMax software. It features many interesting characteristics, such as commentaries and additional texts in separate windows. Also, you can jump easily to any chapter only by clicking on its number. Bible Max is expandable, letting you to download many Bilbe versions and extra files.

Malayalam good bible words in Description



This free program lets you read and study the Bible in different versions and translations. It has a very simple and straightforward interface that will allow you to start immediately without any complications. If you are a cleric, scholar or a serious Bible reader, then you may want to give it a try.

  • Publisher: Lynn Alan
  • Home page: www.berbible.org
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2017
Computer Bible Study Library

Computer Bible Study Library

The new freeware 2013 Verse-By-Verse Computer Bible Study Library v2 by Dr. Bob Utley, retired Professor of Hermeneutics (Biblical Interpretation) contains more than 9,000 pages of verse-by-verse exegetical Old Testament & New Testament commentaries as well as OT & NT Surveys.

  • Publisher: Bible Lessons International
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2013
BibleMax Contemporary English Version Bible

BibleMax Contemporary English Version Bible

BibleMax module featuring the Contemporary English version of the Bible, which is a modern translation using the type of English most people are used to, thus making the Word of God more accessible to common persons. You can have this module, along with many other texts, by ordering the free CD.

BibleMax Basic English Bible

BibleMax Basic English Bible

The BibleMax software is a source of information and you can find out or look up whatever you want to from the Bible. The Basic English version of the Bible is written using only 1000 words of the language and yet none of the meaning will be lost. There are translations, maps, commentaries from experts, references to look up and dictionaries all included in the program.

PocketBible Life Application NT Commentary (LANTC)

PocketBible Life Application NT Commentary (LANTC)

The add-on product The Life Application New Testament (NT) with the Pocket Bible program will give you all the background information you need to understand the New Testament. Thus it will help you to find how it applies to you in your real life. You can open the Life Application comments along with any Bible in Pocket Bible to get insight for a specific verse and is easy to get that also.

Additional Malayalam good bible words selection



A simple program for reading, studying, and comparing different versions of the Bible. You can choose to display the complete list of books, or only the Old or the New Testament, or several other categories like the Books of Moses, Prophets, and so on. Also, you can download many versions and translations of the Scriptures, as well as dictionaries and other texts.

  • Publisher: BibleDatabase
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008
1-Click Themes

1-Click Themes

This is a free keyword research program which helps you to find words that other web site owners associate with their web sites. Use this program to research additional or alternative potentials for your web business or find good bid words.

  • Publisher: Radiocom
  • Home page: www.webceo.com
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2009
English Malayalam Dictionary

English Malayalam Dictionary

Malayalam is one of the four major Dravidian languages of southern India. It is one of the 22 scheduled languages of India with official language status in the state of Kerala and the union territories of Lakshadweep and Mahé. This extension will show the meaning of English word in Malayalam.

  • Publisher: MindVision Software
  • Last updated: May 12th, 2008
GRE Red & Blue Bible

GRE Red & Blue Bible

GRE Red & Blue Bible provides an English course that is specifically designed for students who wish to improve their English for the preparation of the GRE test. This program can help us learn and train our English vocabulary and pronunciation. This application offers two ways of memorizing the vocabulary: the "free” mode, and the "curve of learning” mode.

  • Publisher: CloudCrown Studio
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible

Computerized version of the King James' translation of the Bible. It features several interesting features, like pictures at startup and main pages, a powerful Search feature, and various reference books and commentaries by reputable scholars. A very comprehensive and easy-to-use version of the Scriptures.

  • Publisher: BiblePath
  • Last updated: March 6th, 2008
The Holy Bible - Tamil-English

The Holy Bible - Tamil-English

This free program features the Christian Bible both in English and Tamil. It has search capabilities, as well as several customizable options, such as color schemes, verse styles, and more. Also, it can show the Tamil and English versions of the Bible separately, or interlineally for comparison purposes.



Bible Discovery is a free Bible software for reading, studying, and comparing different Bible versions. It includes more than 150 Bible translations and 40 dictionaries to help you to study the Word. With the help of the dictionaries you can determine the additional specialized meanings of the translated words. Finding more expressive words you can get more accurate and deeper meanings.

Bible Analyzer

Bible Analyzer

Bible Analyzer is a free, cross-platform, Bible study software program developed to aid Believers in the reading, study, and defense of the Holy Scriptures. The program allows you to easily search for a word, words, or phrase with a handy suggestion box, plus several advanced searching capabilities.

Trendy Bible

Trendy Bible

Trendy Bible software uses the 1769 corrected edition of the year 1611 King James Bible, KJB. Also included in this software, for quick referencing, are the original Wigram's Englishman's Greek and Hebrew Concordances of the year 1839, and Strong's Dictionaries of Hebrew and Greek Words from 1890. Trendy Bible software is a very good tool to use for finding definitions for every KJV Bible verse.

  • Publisher: McMahan and Daughters
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2011
WORDsearch Thompson Chain-Reference Bible Library

WORDsearch Thompson Chain-Reference Bible Library

WORDsearch helps you be a good steward of your time and your finances. - Discover what the Bible says on thousands of subjects - 10 Bibles 48 Reference works in all - Compare multiple translations at once - Cross reference any verse or passage - Hear over 13,000 Greek and Hebrew words pronounced