Mandelbrot set images in Title/Summary

Mandelbrot Set Viewer
Mandelbrot Set Viewer is a program that displays images from the Mandelbrot set. This set has become popular outside mathematics for its aesthetic appeal. It is one of the best known examples of mathematical visualizations: the points form a 2D fractal shape. This program allows you to view a grayscale image of any part of this shape, zooming in to any part of it.
- Publisher: Responsive Software Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 8th, 2011

Mandelbrot Explorer by Simon Armstrong
A simple little program that displays the incredible complexity of the Mandelbrot set. Simply click and drag to zoom in to show even greater detail. You can save the image co-ordinates and/or bitmaps. It can also be used as a screen saver - simply rename MandelbrotExplorer.exe to MandelbrotExplorer.scr.
- Publisher: Simon Armstrong
- Last updated: April 17th, 2012

MSPlotter (Mandelbrot Set Plotter) helps you create fractal images using the Mandelbrot Set and the Julia Set. MSPlotter can produce some nice-looking fractals while giving you total control of the process. Fractal AVI movies can also be created.
- Publisher: ASW Software
- Last updated: January 18th, 2010
Mandelbrot set images in Description

Mandelbrot is a program that allows you to view and zoom in and out of the mandelbrot set. The mandelbrot set is a mathematic representation of a subset of the complex plane. Put simply, the mandelbrot set is a picture generated by a math formula. It was discovered in the 1970s by Benoit Mandelbrot. The mandelbrot set itself is not a fractal, but it's boundary is a fractal.
- Publisher: Brian Friesen
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011

jalada Fractual for Windows
jalada Fractual is your program to generate fractal images. It generates color images of the most popular fractal - the Mandelbrot set - and also generates images of the associated Julia sets.
- Publisher: jalada GmbH
- Last updated: October 16th, 2013

Mandelbrot Madness!
Exploring fractals was never this easy! Main features: - Both Mandelbrot and Julia set derivation; derive Julia set data from a previously rendered Mandelbrot set image - Simple point-and-click interface - Full control of input parameters through easy to use dialog boxes and tool bars
- Publisher: GPF Comics
- Last updated: August 18th, 2011

FractalZplot is an interactive application for generating fractal images. The program currently supports the Julia sets, Mandelbrot set, Newton's method, and Phoenix curves, with millions of mapping variations. 3D fractal types include quaternion, hypercomplex, orbital fractals and lsystems, in addition to the original height field and landscape types.
- Publisher: Mystic Fractal
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

Beautiful Fractals
A beautiful screensaver that shows that math is not only an exact science, it can be beautiful. Everything on the screen is described by math expressions. Screensaver includes more than 60 fractals, which will amaze your imagination.
- Publisher: T-Alex Software
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020
Additional Mandelbrot set images selection

ChaosPro is an interesting application that will be really appreciated by fractals' enthusiasts. Some may say that a program of this kind comes without real purposes, but ChaosPro can be used in a large number of fields. Mathematicians or meta-physicists who study fractals will be impressed by all the features included in this application.
- Publisher: Martin Pfingstl
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 29th, 2011

CHAOS has six modules. Great for classroom use or individual exploration. MANDEL. A very fast Mandelbrot set program, incorporating: quadratic and cubic Mandelbrots, various fill patterns, quadratic and cubic Julias, and the gnarly "cubic Mandelbrot catalog" set that Rucker calls the Rudy set. The software was written by Josh Gordon, Rudy Rucker and John Walker.
- Publisher: Josh Gordon,Rudy Rucker,John Walker
- Last updated: August 14th, 2012

Ascendo Photos
Ascendo Photos, Image Manager for BlackBerry, allows you to find photos on you PC, edit them in a BlackBerry emulator, then transfer them from your desktop to your BlackBerry via data cable or Bluetooth.Once transferred to you BlackBerry, you can display slide shows, create screen savers, set background images, view thumbnails, send images by email and lots more.
- Publisher: Ascendo
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 8th, 2008

Fractal Science Kit
The Fractal Science Kit fractal generator is a Windows program to generate a mathematical object called a fractal. The term fractal was coined by Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975 in his book Fractals: Form, Chance, and Dimension. In 1979, while studying the Julia set,
- Publisher: Hilbert, LLC
- Last updated: July 24th, 2018
- Publisher: James Oakley
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 27th, 2019

Visual Fractal
Visual Fractal is an easy to use fractal software to create beautiful fractals. Visual Fractal has the following main features: 1. Using Newton's method to solve complex equations. 2. Creating fractal graphs of Mandelbrot set and Julia set. It is very easy to install and use.
- Publisher: GraphNow
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

Free Wallpapers Slideshow
Wallpaper Slideshow is a freeware program allows you to set a list of files that you would like displayed as your computer's desktop wallpaper. The pictures are then rotated through on a time interval. Features: - Automatically changes your computer's desktop wallpaper. - Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP - Program a list of files or folders to rotate through and so much more.
- Publisher: Breit Technologies
- Last updated: March 1st, 2009

Fractal Orbits
Fractal Orbits is an interactive program for Windows that is optimized to generate high-resolution fractal images. The program was designed to create true-color fractals and videos of 2D and 3D fractal types with random generating methods. Fractal Orbits currently supports the Mandelbrot set, Julia sets, Cloud fractals, quat-trap fractals, Newton's method and more.
- Publisher: Mystic Fractal
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2010

VISCOM Image Viewer ActiveX
powerful image viewer sdk activex for VB.Net, c#, VB, VC++, PowerBuilder, VFP, .Net mark a selection, crop, zoom in , zoom out on selection and rotate the image function. Read, write EXIF image information, binary data types for storage
- Publisher: Viscom Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 9th, 2011

VISCOM Image Viewer CP SDK ActiveX
powerful picture viewer sdk activex for VB.Net, c#, VB, VC++, PowerBuilder, VFP, .Net. Mark a selection, crop, zoom in , zoom out on selection and rotate the image function. Read, write EXIF image information, binary data types for storage.
- Publisher: Viscom Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2022