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Marks morphs in Title/Summary

Mini Morphs

Mini Morphs

Mini Morphs is the first virtual pet simulator for Pokki. The player is able to collect and interact with a small creatures called Mini Morphs that will grow and evolve based on how they are interacted with. Explore the world to discover new items and food for your pet, as well as fun new mini games.

  • Publisher: Pokki
  • Home page: www.pokki.com
  • Last updated: March 17th, 2014
Tread Marks

Tread Marks

Tread Marks 1.6.2 is a game where you will battle and race against other tanks. You will begin by choosing your flag, your tank, your team (if any) and your name. Then, you will decide whether you play in Race Mode or Battle mode. Tread Marks can be played through a network. You will need to set a computer to act as a host server. The others will be able to join the game in that computer.

  • Publisher: Longbow Digital Arts Incorporated
  • Home page: www.longbowgames.com
  • Last updated: April 25th, 2008


SM-Marks is the markbook application that takes the hard work out of recording student results and doing calculations on the marks. Using SM-Marks saves you time and effort, and the results are accurate too. When it's time to print the results you can use the flexible print commands that include: tables, lists, statistics and charts.

  • Publisher: Scott McDonald PC Services

Marks morphs in Description

Morpheus Photo Morpher

Morpheus Photo Morpher

Morpheus Photo Morpher is morphing software which has the amazing picture morphing ability to transform one person to another. It’s easy to use wizard helps to get started with sample morphs. This gives an idea of the capability of the tool. The tool supports infinite number of picture morphing and one cannot find many tools in the market supporting this feature.

Wardrobe Wizard

Wardrobe Wizard

The functionality provided by the plug in and stand alone versions is for all practical purposes identical.Your download will include both versions.The user is encouraged to use whichever they are most comfortable with.The original buttons have been retained because we feel that folks may still find them useful on occasions or when using Poser models generally.

  • Publisher: PhilC Designs
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2008
Morpheus Photo Animation Suite

Morpheus Photo Animation Suite

Morpheus Photo Animation Suite is designed especially for those love fun while working, means you can make powerful morphing animations. This suite contains Morpheus Photo Morpher, Morpheus Photo Warper and Morpheus Photo Mixer along with all 15 sample morphs, warps, and mixes. Morpheus Photo Animation Suite comes with an easy to use interface,

Quickstart Photo Morph Studio

Quickstart Photo Morph Studio

Amaze your friends and family with unbelievable transformations. Morphing is an animation technique in which one image is gradually turned into another. Quickstart Photo Morph Studio lets you make incredible morphs in minutes. You've seen them in the movies and on TV, and now you can create them yourself.

  • Publisher: Selectsoft Publishing
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2008
The Tailor Demo

The Tailor Demo

This is a utility for Poser. It permits to transport the morphs of the body to the clothes. It operates directly with CR2 files and is easy to use. At the start, a wizard will guide you through the functions of the program - you can make your first morphs in a dress in few minutes.

  • Publisher: CodeTwister
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2014

Additional Marks morphs selection

Visual MARKS

Visual MARKS

Visual MARKS is a state of the art membership management and record keeping software system that dramatically increases the effectiveness of data and financial management in nonprofit organizations. It's powerful features are easy to use and can be customized for your organization.



Proteus combines ease-of-use with powerful features to help you design, test and layout professional PCBs. Main features: - 800 microcontroller variants ready for simulation straight from the schematic. - The Advanced Simulation Features product adds graph based analyses to your Proteus circuit simulation.

  • Publisher: Labcenter Electronics
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2016


AirXonix is a 3D arcade type game for the computer. We can download the free demo and/or purchase it from the developer’s website. The registered version includes five different games: easy, classic, modern, hard, and extreme. Each game has several levels. In the free demo, we can only access the easy game with seven levels. We can customize the options for a better performance.

  • Publisher: AxySoft
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


Encore is one of the most well-known music notation programs, which offers composers a flexible environment to render their ideas with ease and precision. With a modern interface, still friendly and intuitive, Encore offers a comprehensive set of tools for composing, arranging, editing, and printing music.

  • Publisher: Lyrrus
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022
CardWorks Business Card Software

CardWorks Business Card Software

CardWorks Business Card Software is a powerful application that offers a fast and convenient manner of creating professional-looking business cards. It lets you design the business cards with a lot of ease as it provides a large array of handy templates, which can be further modified to allow you to personalize the business card so that it will eventually suit your needs and your preferences.

Kingsoft PC Doctor

Kingsoft PC Doctor

Kingsoft PC Doctor, which focuses on providing computer users excellent privacy cleaner, registry cleaner and, brilliant Windows optimization service, is your best free professional and easy-to-use Windows Diagnosis and Optimization software.

  • Publisher: Kingsoft Security
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2012
Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler Trillix

Flash Decompiler Trillix can generate an FLA file from an SWF. Since FLA is the format in which the source code of a Flash file is stored, this will allow you to modify a compiled SWF file, even when the original code is no longer available. This comes in especially handy when you are working on a project and lose the corresponding files but you still have the resulting SWF.

Browser Defender

Browser Defender

The Browser Defender™ toolbar allows you to surf safely by displaying site ratings as you browse the internet. When you visit a site, our server checks the address and Browser Defender™ displays a safety rating based on any potentially malicious behavior or threats associated with the site.

MP3 Toolkit

MP3 Toolkit

MP3 Toolkit offers you six full-featured MP3-related utilities in one single package. With this set of tools you can convert your MP3 tracks into WAV, FLAC, AC3, WMA, or Ogg files, merge and cut your favorite songs, tag them, and even record any audio coming through your sound card and save it as a new MP3 file.

  • Publisher: MP3Toolkit.com
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2022
OLYMPUS Viewer 3

OLYMPUS Viewer 3

OLYMPUS Viewer 3 is free program that allows you to import images and videos taken by a digital camera, and view, edit, and manage them easily. It can also assist your workflow when selecting the best shot from a large number of images using color marks, and selection and light boxes.

  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022