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Mars rpn calculator program in Title/Summary

RPN Calculator

RPN Calculator

RPN Calculator is a reverse polish notation programmable calculator for science and engineering. It supports over 180 functions and 11 data types (real, integer, variable, vector, matrix, list, program, unit, complex, string, and tag). The stack, var...

  • Publisher: Tom Boldt
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2015
Migoya RPN Calculator

Migoya RPN Calculator

Migoya RPN is a reverse polish notation calculator for Windows PC Calculator functions can be viewed on the screen-shot at the right. It also includes undo, copy result to clipboard, paste numbers, save stack to a text file and other standar settings.

  • Publisher: Migoya Software


Calculator.NET replaces the standard calculator in Windows. It incorporates full RPN support, extended function set, and customizable user interface.

  • Publisher: KTH
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Mars rpn calculator program in Description



Baculator is a Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator program with an infinite scrollable stack and support for most common mathematical operations as well as some more esoteric operations. Available for Unix/Gtk+, Mac OS X, and MS Windows. You have a lot of complicated mathematical functions to help you in any calculations you want to perform.

  • Publisher: BACwater Software
  • Last updated: January 6th, 2010


MYCalc2 can work as a programmable calculator, being able to store a list of commands to execute them later. It will also let you use it as a scientific, financial, statistical calculator. The buttons will give you access to all the symbols and operations needed for each type of calculator. The program includes a unit converter, that will let you convert between many units.



Enhanced programmable calculator

  • Publisher: Wustenrot
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2010


CadKulator is fully functional scientific RPN calculator capable of performing trigonometric, logarithmic, radical,exponential calculations and more. It can also perform units conversions and angle conversions. It has an install and uninstall file and the best of all, it's free. CadKulator is a CADKEY ADDON application.

  • Publisher: ENGINEERING.com
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2010
FRS Talking Calculator

FRS Talking Calculator

FRS Talking Calculator is an easy to use calculator for use in elementary classrooms with several features that make it ideal for use in situations where assistive software technologies are desirable. Big buttons are easy targets for students with limited motor skills. Large type on buttons and displays make reading the calculator easier for students with vision impairment.

  • Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
  • Last updated: July 21st, 2011

Additional Mars rpn calculator program selection

Moffsoft FreeCalc

Moffsoft FreeCalc

Moffsoft FreeCalc 1.2 is a great replacement for your Windows' calculator. The creators of this program added to this calculator a lot of features that the standard windows calculator does not have. This calculator is very useful and will obviously calculate at the same speed your standard window calculator does.

  • Publisher: Moffsoft
  • Home page: www.moffsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Markosoft Interest Calculator

Markosoft Interest Calculator

Whether you're considering a new loan, or you need to keep track and work out payments, interest, or time schedules on your mortgage, car or business accounts, the Markosoft Interest Calculator program will help you to work them out. With this handy application, originally developed for accountants and bookkeepers, you can calculate payment amounts and the length of your loans.

  • Publisher: Markosoft Incorporated
  • Home page: www.markosoft.net
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2008
TI Connect™ CE

TI Connect™ CE

This app allows for connectivity between your computer and TI-84 Plus family graphing calculator. Main features: - Save time by sending files to multiple connected graphing calculators at once. - Quickly take and manage screen captures. - Create and edit TI Basic programs.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2016


The Heat Load Calculator Program not only facilitates the process of calculating a precise heat load requirement, but also provides a recommendation for the optimal system to meet your particular needs. Tailored specifically to the market in China, the program also has the weather data of 193 major cities in Mainland China.

  • Publisher: Emerson
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2010
DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator

DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator

DreamCalc is an Advanced Scientific and Graphing Calculator for Windows. It provides a fully featured and convenient alternative to using a separate hand-held graphing calculator when you are working on your PC

  • Publisher: Big Angry Dog Ltd
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2017
WGS-84 Calculator

WGS-84 Calculator

WGS-84 Calculator is used to calculate geodetic distance and azimuth between two points (latitude and longitude). In addition, it can calculate a new point from origin using the given azimuth and distance. Lat/long values can be inserted using three different formats; DD:MM:SS.ssss, DD:MM.mmmmmm or DD.dddddddd.

  • Publisher: MR Soft Tmi
  • Home page: www.mrsoft.fi
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2009
Radiant Imaging Color Calculator

Radiant Imaging Color Calculator

Radiant Imaging developed a free Color Calculator program to allow professionals a quick desktop color reference software. Some of the features included with the Color Calculator are: - CIE1931, CIE1976 and Individual SPD graphs - Cx, Cy to u', v' color conversion utility - delta u'v' interactive charting function.

  • Publisher: Radiant ZEMAX, LLC.
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2008
Compression Ratio Calculator

Compression Ratio Calculator

Computer Program to Calculate Compression Ratio, Boring, Stroking and Other Common Engine Building Dimensions. Compression Ratio Calculator is probably the most detailed compression ratio calculator program available. Calculating compression ratio, cylinder volume, and engine displacement from a variety of different inputs.

RF Calculator

RF Calculator

The RF Calculator™ program is a free utility program that calculates various radio frequency data such as: * dB Conversions * Power Density * Wavelength/Frequency * Skin Depth * Power Gain * Frequency Band Allocations * Common Formula Reference * Material Characteristics * Unit Conversions

  • Publisher: SpectraSoft
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2009


WorldCalc is a simple calculator program with the basic mathematics functions and a clean interface. The main objective of this small program is to show you the results of any math operation converted to different currencies automatically. Besides, the program is able to update the conversion rate every time you start the program, giving you precise results.