Math word phrase generator in Title/Summary

The Math Riddler Worksheet Generator - Whole Numbers Sampler
The Math Galaxy Whole Numbers Worksheet Generator provides an unlimited number of printable math worksheets, with numbers created randomly and a selection of 500 riddles. It's like having your own personal tutor for K-12 math, guiding you through the exercises at your own pace.
- Publisher: Galaxy of Education

Master Math Word Problems
Help your school-age kids to sharpen their Math skills and to develop their logic. Master Math Word Problems is a novel and practical software tool that allows you to improve your basic Math skills through simple but well-designed problems in written form. The program is especially designed for children in elementary school, regardless of how well or bad they are doing with their math.
- Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
- Last updated: December 1st, 2008

Phrase Password Generator
Phrase password generator utility will help you generate your phrase and convert it to unique and secure password. This is simple solution to "hard-to-remember password" problem. Just remember your easy-to-remember phrase. Small size and sui generis algorithm for password generation makes this program helpful assistant.
- Publisher: VaultMate Software
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Math word phrase generator in Description

Bible Bright Reader
This program is a simple Bible reader that allows you to choose between three different versions of the Scriptures: the King James version, the American Standard Bible and Young's literal translation. The program also has a very intuitive interface and a powerful search engine that allows you to look for single words or entire phrases.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008

Spoken arrivals can be disabled. Grab Text containing phrases that you choose, and collect text stringscontaining a specific phrase from your terminal buffer. Visual Button and Button Bar Maker. Ability to show and hide almost all system buttons. Color Themes Font Themes Basic mode and Advanced Mode. Button on top of Board to make it stay on top of other windows.
- Publisher: Idea Builders Software
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

Check My Words
Check My Words is a toolbar you install in Microsoft Word that helps you to write accurately and fluently. Check My Words shows you how words combine in English, explains most of the common errors made by learners of English etc. Main features: - CHECK to see common errors with a word. Select a word and press CLICK to see common errors and complete explanations and practice etc..
- Publisher: My Words
- Last updated: November 14th, 2010

Typing Helper
Autocomplete Word/phrase and Auto-expand Shorthands in your applications on MS Windows. Free you from the pain of laborious typing. All you need do is type a prefix, select the desired phrase or shorthand and the program will autocomplete it for you.
- Publisher: Studio AMK
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2010

Scott's JPEG Commenter
Scott's JPEG Commenter is a free JPEG commenter for Windows. This program has been designed to help us add comments (as far as those are needed) to our photo collection. We can open any folder that has JPEG images and view them (one at a time) in a window on the left, using the internal viewer. We can add any comment that comes to our mind, writing it in the box provided.
- Publisher: SB-Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008
Additional Math word phrase generator selection

Flip Words
Flip Words is an educational game. Main features: - Create words while solving familiar phrases. - Automatically download new phrases created by others. - Global high scores let's you compare words and scores with others. - Create your own phrases to share with others.
- Publisher: HipSoft LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 14th, 2010

FontTwister generates artistic text labels and banners that you can use for different kinds of projects. The application has a straightforward interface that allows you to create amazing text effects with practically no effort. In addition to banners and labels, the application also allows creating video thumbnails to publish on YouTube.
- Publisher: Neuber GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 30th, 2016

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary
The new Lingvosoft Talking Dictionary 2008 is recently launched by Lingvosoft and available in more then 50 languages. It is utilizing a database of a whopping 400,000 words and phrases. Means it contains all generally used words. And lots of features Like multi-language support for user interface, English words pronunciation, speech filter, bidirectional etc. and lots more.
- Publisher: LingvoSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 30th, 2008

Batch Picture Protector
Batch Picture Protector lets you add transparent watermarks to your digital images. Watermarks can combine text, illustrations, and graphics. Batch Picture Protector is compatible with all major image formats. After adding watermark, photos can be saved as new files either in the same or alternative formats.
- Publisher: SoftOrbits
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

This application lets you translate words, phrase and entire texts in a fast and easy manner. It can translate words from any open application, may it be a browser or a document editor. Moving your mouse cursor over that word is enough to view a translation of the word in the language of your choice.
- Publisher: RealSofts
- Last updated: January 26th, 2011

EasyLanguage is an educational program which allows users to learn new foreign words and phrases. It comes in 3 language versions: French, German and Spanish. Key features are: hand-drawn pictures, pronunciation, quizzes and possibility of creating your own category of words. Trial version provides access to 4 out of 35 groups of words.
- Publisher: 1st EasySoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Love Quotes
Love Quotes is a special program that contains many love quotes and hints to be used at different times. These phrases were written by different authors at different situations. Love Quotes also permits you to add new quotes, specifying their authors. It will also help you remember your important tasks and appointments, providing you with a memo to record all your important tasks.
- Publisher: QSX Software Group
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

EZDictionary is an online dictionary helper. It helps users to quickly look up a word or phrase in most popular online dictionaries like,, and so on.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 12th, 2008

QSR NCapture
Use NCapture, a web browser extension, to quickly and easily capture content like web pages, online PDFs and social media for analysis in NVivo 10. You can capture: - Web pages and online PDFs: Use NCapture to gather web pages and online PDFs. Then import them into NVivo as PDF sources.
- Publisher: QSR International Pty Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 8th, 2012

ViPNet Password Roulette
Free password generator utility makes easy-to-remember passwords. ViPNet Password Roulette is an absolutely free of charge password generator. To help persons, who are in charge of the password management, INFOTECS released an absolutely free of charge software password generator, which generates random passwords so that they can be memorized easily
- Publisher: Infotecs
- Last updated: September 12th, 2010