Maui based generic format in Title/Summary

Maui Wowee
Take a break from the hectic life with this tropical twist on the classic match-three puzzler. In a wonderful variation, Maui Wowee lets you decide if you prefer to slide objects or swap 'em! Of course, all your favorite puzzle features are here too.
- Publisher: GameHouse
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) format is a generic format for storing large nucleotide sequence alignments. SAM Tools provide various utilities for manipulating alignments in the SAM format, including sorting, merging, indexing and generating alignments in a per-position format.
- Publisher: Tunnel Vision Labs
- Last updated: July 11th, 2011

ICS Generic HART Release FDT DTM
ICS Generic HART Release FDT DTM contains parameterization, diagnosis, display of dynamic variables and data acquisition with archiving in csv-formatted text files or Microsoft ACCESS data bases. In addition 5 calibration methods with a step by step guide are provided.
- Publisher: ICS GmbH, Ettlingen
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Maui based generic format in Description

Smart Hangers
Smart Hangers is a powerful BIM solution for Autodesk Revit that helps to distribute Hangers or Supports to Ducts, Pipes, Cable Trays, Conduits or other line based Generic Model elements in various ways. Smart Hangers is a tool that helps engineers to evaluate the positioning of their design and make changes in a glimpse.
- Publisher: AGA-CAD
- Last updated: May 29th, 2014

ERCreator Database Edition Demo
ERCreator Database Edition is a price-competitive and productive ER-Diagram tool for data modeling and database design. t lets you design and document your datamodel in a database diagram (ERD) in an easy-learned diagram tool. You can print reports and database diagrams and even check the datamodel for consistency.
- Publisher: ModelCreator Software
- Last updated: April 20th, 2010

Ogitor Scenebuilder is a Plug-In based WYSIWYG editor environment for OGRE. It allows easy creation of scenes which can be loaded in an OGRE application for both rapid prototyping purposes and as final application content. Ogitor stands for 'Ogre Editor'.
- Publisher: The Ogitor Team
- Last updated: September 15th, 2011

Aloaha PDF Suite
Aloaha PDF Suite is an application that allows users to convert and print PDF files from any other file formats. Unlike other PDF converting programs, Aloaha PDF Suite allows you to also preserve the original formatting and design of the converted files, which significantly distinguishes it and places it ahead of its competing applications.
- Publisher: Wrocklage Intermedia GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

MgoSoft XPS To PDF
Mgosoft XPS To PDF facilitates the conversion of Microsoft XPS documents into well-known PDF format files without sacrificing content while giving quality output. It is capable of generating optimized, high quality, and vector-based PDF format files as output out without going over GDI, or going through PDF printer driver.
- Publisher: Inc
- Last updated: December 27th, 2017
Additional Maui based generic format selection

With SWiX you can open any SWF file in XML format, modify it with a handy preview mechanism and save it as SWF or SWiX file. For example, to debug of ActionScript compiler or Flash presentations/banners tuning. Main features: - Full support of Flash format version 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 - Decompiling of SWF into SWiX-format XML
- Publisher: iSpring Solutions, Inc.
- Last updated: November 1st, 2015

XLIFF Translator is a free tool that enables you to translate documents using XLIFF, a standard XML-based file format designed for translation. XLIFF files contain just the text to be translated, without the need to worry about the source file format. This program works on Windows platform.
- Publisher: Ginstrom IT Solutions (GITS)
- Last updated: March 25th, 2022

MeiSe is an eclipse-based music notation editor for the musicological XML-based encoding format of the Music Encoding Initiative – MEI. It provides features such as: - Support for MEI 2013 - Rendering, viewing and editing of MEI encoded note data - Support for different sources - Support for encoding and rendering of variants or readings.
- Publisher: danruebe, jdabbert, jokepper, nikobeer
- Last updated: June 29th, 2015

FileFuzz is a graphical Windows based file format fuzzing tool. FileFuzz was designed to automate the launching of applications and detection of exceptions caused by fuzzed file formats.FileFuzz is a great tool wich helps you to make your work esier an d faster.
- Publisher: Michael Sutton
- Last updated: April 7th, 2008

DynamicPDF Rasterizer for .NET
DynamicPDF Rasterizer for .NET is a simple to use .NET library to quickly take your vector-based file format (PDF that is) and convert it to a pixel-based format (an image format). This process can significantly reduce the overall size of the document and then allows you to use the output image for other purposes where PDF documents may not be ideal. With a Free Evaluation Edition to try, why not start using DynamicPDF Rasterizer Today!
- Publisher: ceTe Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2020

LandXplorer CityGML Viewer
Autodesk LandXplorer CityGML Viewer software is a free downloadable program to view CityGML data sets. LandXplorer CityGML Viewer is an interactive, real-time visualization system, that allows you to effectively load, explore, and edit large 3D city models based on CityGML. CityGML is an open-source, XML-based data format for storage and exchange of virtual city models.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page:

Mgosoft XPS To PDF Converter
Mgosoft XPS To PDF facilitates the conversion of Microsoft XPS documents into well-known PDF format files without sacrificing content while giving quality output.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

Mgosoft PS To PDF Converter
Mgosoft PS To PDF is a simple tool that supports converting PostScript (PS) documents effectively, into Portable Document Format (PDF) format files.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022

ClimGen is written in Fortran95 and the source code is available for use in selected projects. ClimGen reads daily weather data from a Universal Environmental Database (UED) file. You can create a new database using the UED weather data editor. This can be used if you have weather data that is written on paper that you need to transpose to the UED file 'by hand'.
- Publisher: FMIPA-IPB

PROMT Professional
There is a number of automatic translators out there capable of providing you with quick-and-dirty translations for nothing, and then there is PROMT Professional, aimed at those who take translation seriously and believe that not all automatic translations are the same. This excellent tool comes with lexicons, dictionaries, and databases that can guarantee a higher level of quality.
- Publisher: PROMT
- Last updated: August 25th, 2015