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Maximum cock in Title/Summary

Cock's Revenge

Cock's Revenge

Cock’s Revenge is a shooting game. The cock’s have been bothered for a long time by cats. They were tired of this bothering so they decided to get revenge. Try to kill all cats so the cock’s can live peacefully in this free online shooting game. Click the left mouse button and drag to activate the power.

  • Publisher: 4V4.com
  • Last updated: August 17th, 2011
Maximum Torque

Maximum Torque

Maximum Torque 3D is the high-flying online videogame inspired by the action-packed motorcycle racing movie, Torque. Maximum Torque allows you to choose between 4 kinds of players, with 3 custom made bikes. Also , 3 maps available : Desert, Palm and Los Angeles.

  • Publisher: Warner Bros. Online
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008


Maximum-Football(M-FB) is a completely new concept in football games. Other games, regardless of platform, have been limited to one set of rules or another. On occasion there was an option to turn off the play clock or penalties but nothing has every been done like this before.

  • Publisher: Wintervalley Software
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2011

Maximum cock in Description

Hen Coops Game

Hen Coops Game

Hen Coops Game is a memory game in which a funny cock will show you an egg under a hen and then it will shuffle the three hens from one side to the other. When he finishes, you must say under which hen the egg is. You will have a couple of seconds to select a hen, and the faster you provide the right answer, the higher your score will be.

  • Publisher: ePlaybus.com
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2011


RhymeTime6 is a great learning program for the children who want to use the computer but can't yet use a mouse. The program in a great animated slideshow which contains rhyming songs like: 'Row Your Boat', 'Trot-Trot To Boston', Mary-Mary Quite Contrary', and 'Ride A Cock Horse'. The program is very helpful for children with limited language skills by giving meaning to words and concepts.

  • Publisher: HiYah
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2009
MB Tamil Astrology

MB Tamil Astrology

MB Tamil Astrology Software gives a well-versed interpretation of the characteristics of an individual along with personality traits and the basic nature, on the basis of date of birth. The application makes highly accurate descriptions about the characteristics of the person ruled over by the birds of Tamil Astrology namely Vulture, Owl, Crow, Cock, and the Peacock.

  • Publisher: MysticBoard.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


CorrOpti is a corrugator scheduling tool that generates optimal corrugator schedules. It provides various optimization criteria for the user to select from, including: - minimum trim ratio - maximum profit - maximum profit rate - maximum utilization - minimum time - minimum cost per unit area - maximum profit per unit area - Minimum trim area

  • Publisher: Wael Hegazy
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2010
Super Blackjack!

Super Blackjack!

Super Blackjack! 1.1 is a Blackjact game for the PC. It offers two variants: Super Barroom Blakjack and Super Vegas Blackjack. They differ mainly in the amounts of the bets. Barroom´s bets go from $1 minimum to $200 maximum, while Vegas´ bets go between $100 minimum to $1000 maximum.

  • Publisher: Crazy Hermit Games
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2022

Additional Maximum cock selection

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security

Trend Micro Maximum Security provides comprehensive, multiple device protection and privacy for your digital life. Main features: - Protects Your Privacy on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn. - Safeguards kids online. - Secures Android and iOS mobile devices. - Stores 5 GB of files in a secure cloud.

  • Publisher: Trend Micro Incorporated
  • Home page: www.trendmicro.com
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2015
Trend Micro Maximum Security

Trend Micro Maximum Security

Trend Micro Maximum Security protects your PC from malwares and Internet threats. It identifies and blocks dangerous links on websites and in social networks, emails, and instant messages. It can also identify privacy settings on social sites that may expose your personal information and lead to identity theft.

  • Publisher: Trend Micro Incorporated
  • Home page: www.trendmicro.com
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
Maximum Roller Coaster

Maximum Roller Coaster

Maximum Roller Coaster is a track design tool which allows you to create roller coasters easily. Just change the angles of the parts and extend it. The program also allows you to make your own amusement parks placing various attractions and other facilities.

  • Publisher: Bimboosoft Co.,Ltd.
  • Home page: www.bimboosoft.com
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2012
Maximum Trainer

Maximum Trainer

MaximumTrainer is a free indoor cycling software. You can ride with friends, watch a movie, and acquire fun achievements while pedaling on structured workouts. You can view your speed, cadence, power and heart rate data in real time, target cadence, power, power balance and heart rate, create and edit your workouts, auto-upload your Workouts once you are done (Strava, SelfLoops), and more.



As the magnitude of data increases, it is more crucial than ever for business professionals to efficiently manage their system’s desktop environment. Using NVIDIA® nView® Desktop Management Software, professionals have maximum flexibility and unprecedented control of a single or multiple display environments.

  • Publisher: NVIDIA Corporation
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2020
Folder Lock

Folder Lock

File locking software that Encrypts your important files and lets you shred the unnecessary space consuming files. Furthermore, Clean history and create online wallets to protect banking details, ATM pin number, credit card details and more.

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise combines anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, and intrusion prevention technologies to stop and remove malicious software. With VirusScan Enterprise, you get: -Maximum defense against malware -Easy, centralized management -Low impact on performance

  • Publisher: McAfee, LLC
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2020


DriverUpdate is an app that allows you to download and install the latest drivers.Main features: - Scan Your PC for missing, broken or out-of-date drivers. - Automatically download drivers. - Restore your computer to maximum stability. - Easy to use.

  • Publisher: SlimWare Utilities
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2022
Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a game in which you can travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances. Your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. You can build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits.

Maximum Traffic

Maximum Traffic

Maximum Traffic enables you to generate a steady flow of customers to your websites. It eliminates the need to spend countless dollars on expensive advertising that didn't perform as well as you expected it would anyway. You'll be creating pages that will boost your traffic quality significantly. Quite frankly, it's the best thing you can possibly do to improve your websites' sales performance.

  • Publisher: NerdLib Software
  • Last updated: October 14th, 2011