Mcu programmer fujitsu board in Title/Summary

The FUJITSU FLASH MCU Programmer FR (FME) is freeware tool to programm Fujitsu FR microcontroller of MB91460 Series by using the PC's COM port. A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals.
- Publisher: Fujitsu
- Last updated: April 6th, 2012

Elprotronic - FlashPro2000 for TI's C2000 MCU
FlashPro2000 - USB Flash Programmer for Texas Instruments' C2000 Series MCU Features : - Full Speed USB 1.1 (12 Mb/s) communication interface. - Fast MSP430 Flash ProgrammerDSP can be programmed via JTAG or SCI-BOOT interface (TTL level-0-3V). - Fast MSP430 Flash ProgrammerTMS320F2808 with 128 kB Flash each can be programmed in 11 seconds, and can be erased, blank checked
- Publisher: Elprotronic Inc.

Elprotronic - FlashPro-CC GangPro-CC for Chipcons MCU
GangPro-CC and FlashPro-CC are flash programmers for the SoC CC series ChipCon products from Texas Instruments. The GangPro-CC and FlashPro-CC have a similar features like the current programmers GangPro430 and FlashPro430 for the MSP430Fxx microcontrollers have.
- Publisher: Elprotronic Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 13th, 2014
Mcu programmer fujitsu board in Description

PICLAB - a low-cost combined PIC programmer/tester board. Includes free downloadable BASIC compiler.Source code for most of the MadLab kits containing PICs. A useful resource for anyone learning about these microcontrollers. Real-world program examples.
- Publisher: MadLab Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 29th, 2008

MPC560x Programmer
MPC560x Programmer is a free-to-use flashing tool for MPC560x and SPC560Px0. This app uses the ETL HYPER PROG board to communicate with the target MCU. The ETL HYPER PROG has full Optical Isolated interface to provide maximum safety at time of connection and programming.
- Publisher: ETL
- Last updated: February 28th, 2016

MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC18F MCUs
The PIC18 Starter Kit functions as a USB mouse, joystick or mass storage device all using the on-board capacitive touch sense pads. It includes a MicroSD™ memory card, potentiometer, acceleration sensor, and OLED display. With on-board debugger and programming, and USB power, the starter kit is a low-cost way to get started with the PIC18 family.
- Publisher: Microchip Technology Inc.
- Last updated: October 21st, 2011

HC912 Programmer
The HC912-Programmer has been designed for reading,programming of Flash,EEPROM contents of Motorola Microcontroller Unit (MCU)The HC912-Programmer includes two LED's and mode jumper. Color LED's indicate programmer state and external power supply voltage.
- Publisher: Engineering Technical Laboratory
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 10th, 2008

Holtek EverPro K1000
The K1000 is an integrated HT-HandyWriter.exe and HT-MTPWriter.exe new programmer function software. Using the K1000, and together with the HT-ICE, it is now possible to program in majority of the Holtek MCU devices, including OTP and Flash type devices, making it suitable for use during the early development stages of MCU projects.
- Publisher: Holtek
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 16th, 2011
Additional Mcu programmer fujitsu board selection

CC3200 SDK
CC3200 SDK contains drivers, tools, flash programmer, and documentation for programming the CC3200 MCU. It also has tools for configuring network and software parameters (SSID, access point channel, network profile, etc.), system files, and user files (certificates, web pages, etc).
- Publisher: Texas Instruments
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2017

Device Programmer Desktop
Device Programmer Desktop is designed to replace the earlier version of XPROG™ programmer. Device Programmer Desktop is fully upwardcompatible hardware with XPROG™ programmer and have many additional features. The Device Programmer Desktop supports in circuit and on board programming 68HC05,68HC08, 68HC11, 68HC(S)12, TMS370, AVR, ATMEGA, PIC,SPI, EEPROM and FLASH memories.
- Publisher: DB Software
- Last updated: March 1st, 2012

GQ USB Programmer
GQ USB Programmer is an application that lets you burn HEX files to microcontrollers using GQ programming devices. The microcontroller can be automatically determined by the program. The devices supported depend on the programmer hardware connected to PC.
- Publisher: MCUmall Electronics Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 28th, 2015

HC08 Programmer
The HC08-Programmer has been designed for reading, programming of flash, rom, eeprom contents of the Motorola Microcontroller Unit products(MCU).The HC08-Programmer includes three Led's and three mode jumper, which show you the status of the software and much more
- Publisher: Engineering Technical Laboratory
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 14th, 2008

ETL Universal Programmer
The ETLUNIPROG software designed for support early ETL programming tools that arranged the parts of MS-DOS drivers for each separated board now combine into one software shell. The software used communicating with boards . The ETLUNIPROG user interface includes simple controls to activate boards and modes of operate.
- Publisher: Engineering Technical Laboratory
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

Fujitsu Hotkey Utility
Fujitsu Hotkey Utility is a free software application that provides on-screen indicators for hot keys (Fn+F3, F4, F6, F7, F8, F9*).When starting Windows after changing display settings or displaying screen saver, there are no Hotkey indicators with Hot Keys (Fn+F3,F4,F6, F7,F8,F9) operation; however, the Hot Keys will still function. Disk3- Driver for Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows XP
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 4th, 2016

Fujitsu MobilityCenter Extension Utility
Fujitsu MobilityCenter Extension Utility is a utility software specially designed for Fujitsu laptops. It helps you extend the features of Windows Mobility Center. The program requires Windows 7 or Vista operation systems. Now you can easily access your mobile PC settings in one convenient location.
- Last updated: April 24th, 2011

Fujitsu System Extension Utility
The Fujitsu System Extension Utility is a software that supports system extension functions for the Fujitsu Lifebook Series notebooks. You must first log in as the Administrator in order to install this software. Before installing the Fujitsu System Extension Utility, the FUJ02E3 device driver (Version 1.00 or newer) must be installed separately.
- Last updated: September 29th, 2012

Fujitsu Display Manager
Fujitsu Display Manager is a utility for switching displays for PC output. The following conditions are required for use of this Software. - Operating System: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Professional Service Pack 2 Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Tablet PC Edition 2005
- Publisher: Fujitsu
- Last updated: July 27th, 2010

KL3 Universal Programmer
KL3 is a universal board programmer for Midian Electronics products. It enables the following operations: Product Selection: Select the desired product from the Product Selection screen upon boot up or from the File menu New Product. Saving a Data File: Select Save As from the File menu. Click the File Name box, enter the file name and click Save.
- Publisher: Midian Electronics, Inc.
- Last updated: April 6th, 2012