Measure training results in Title/Summary

With Measure by RFMS your sales activities become timelier, more targeted and relevant. Capture sales leads in Measure. Draw the room layout and create an estimate immediately. Measure and enter rooms in one step using a BLUETOOTH® enabled Leica DISTO™ laser measuring device.
- Publisher: RFMS Inc.
- Last updated: September 28th, 2012

Light Source Measure Tool
Light Source Measure Tool is a tool that was designed to measure light source using i1 series products from X-Rite. The following i1 series products can be used as sensors. i1-Design, i1-Photo, i1-Pro Photo, i1-Pro Publish and i1-Workflow. Operating system(s): Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows 7 32bit, Windows Vista 32bit, Windows XP.
- Publisher: Canon
- Last updated: October 4th, 2010

Measure Schmeasure
Measure Schmeasure is a simple screen ruler for measuring the width or height between pixels in any application. Just load it up and measure away. It can be set to always appear on top of other windows and it can measure both horizontally and vertically. You can also fully customize the colors to suit your preference.
- Publisher: Frode Aarebrot
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Measure training results in Description

Garmin Express Fit
Garmin Express Fit is a free program that communicates with the Garmin Forerunner 220 and Forerunner 620 devices. It allows you to transfer the data from these devices to your computer and visualize your training results in order to make the proper corrections to your training schedule.
- Publisher: Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 11th, 2014

SRM Software
SRM Software is a sophisticated tools for analyzing training and race results optimally. The program is an important part of the whole SRM Training System as all other components. The training data saved in the SRM Powercontrol can be transmitted to a PC directly after the training session.
- Publisher: SRM
- Last updated: January 21st, 2015

Pitch Ability Test
Test your Pitch Ability. Measure your pitch take over and pitch retention abilities. Know where you stand on the road to Absolute Pitch. Especially, measure the criteria: Accurately sing a named note without a reference.
- Publisher: AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

2D Frame Analysis
This application uses a highly flexible, general, finite element method for static analysis of multi span beams, 2D Trusses and 2D Frames. It features a powerful, interactive and easy interface.
- Publisher: EngiSSol
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2008

2D Frame Analysis Dynamic Edition
This application uses a highly flexible, general, finite element method for static and dynamic analysis of multi span beams, 2D Trusses and 2D Frames. It features a powerful, interactive and easy interface.
- Publisher: EngiSSol
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Measure training results selection

Nike+ Connect
Nike Connect is a program that allows you to measure your athletic activities. It sends your Nike data from your device to your account. The devices that require Nike Connect are Nike FuelBand, Nike SportWatch GPS, Nike SportBand and Nike Sport Sensors (for Nike Basketball and Nike Training). Before you use your Nike+ device, download and install Nike+ Connect.
- Publisher: Nike Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 3rd, 2015

Desktop Task Management to help you get organized and manage all your jobs and tasks easily and quickly. It helps you define goals, recrute tasks, track status, submit report, measure the results. Totodo Server facilitates team collaboration also.
- Publisher: Srimax Software System
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2014

SEAN : Session Analysis
SEAN has a lot of options for analysing data. When reviewing, one can select any of the recorded and saved values and plot them in a chart; not only for one training session, but for multiple ones too, comparing results of different training sessions (e.g. members of a crew, or different training sessions of one athlete).
- Publisher: Row-Ware

TypingMaster Pro
TypingMaster provides over 10 hours of customized exercises to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding. This program can help you improve your typing speed, using its unique widget tool. The TypingMeter Widget can automatically track your writing habits and use the collected data in targeted training sessions.
- Publisher: TypingMaster Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 1st, 2023

WinZip Registry Optimizer
WinZip Registry Optimizer is intended to fix those issues and restore your system’s performance. The application can scan the Registry and find problems in such areas as lost file associations, invalid shortcuts and uninstalled entries. After the analysis is complete, you receive visual information on your system status.
- Publisher: WinZip Computing
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

OpenText Brava! DWG Viewer
OpenText Brava! DWG Viewer is a free DWG viewer that enables you to view AutoCAD files quickly and accurately. The program reads DWG, DXF, and DWF files without converting them to raster images. It features crisp views at any zoom level, snap measurement points to geometry for more accurate results, control layer views, view object attributes, and change of background color.
- Publisher: OpenText Corp
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2017

Sothink Logo Maker Professional
Sothink Logo Maker Professional can help you create your own logos. With this application, you can create visually appealing logos, even if you have not received any type of formal training on visual design. The program has an attractive interface, similar to that of Microsoft Office 97. Moreover, you can personalize it with various styles.
- Publisher: SourceTec Software Co., LTD
- Last updated: July 14th, 2014

Stamina 2.5 is created for those who don’t like boring and tiresome educational programs which help to master the blind typing method. The features of the program are the easy and stylish interface, the sequential learning process with free choice of the program modes, the background music and the user-friendly help.
- Publisher: Kazancev Aleksej
- Last updated: February 25th, 2008

As its name suggests, PerformanceTest is a benchmarking application. It includes several tests to gauge performance and compare it against statistical data gathered about other PCs at world level. The tool has a very nice and intuitive interface, which makes it very easy to access each of the tests or run them altogether. However, it should be made more responsive to window resizing.
- Publisher: Passmark Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

OCCT is a load testing tool for your computer CPU, GPU, and power supply. It can generate heavy loads on your components and detect hardware errors or overclocking issues. At the end of a test, you will be able to save a full graphical report of what happened during the test, for diagnostic purposes
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: November 18th, 2024