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Medical science in Title/Summary

eContent on Medical Science

eContent on Medical Science

It provides web links and search to 2200 e-journals, 2500 e–books, e-thesis, e–Learning Courses, and online database covering all major important subject areas. The target user for this site is the institutes, students, and the individuals. You need intel app-up for this software to work properly.

  • Publisher: Total IT Solutions Pvt Ltd
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Focus on Science - Science Investigations 2

Focus on Science - Science Investigations 2

Science Investigations 2 is an easy-to-use interactive science experiments software program which will help students learn and practice skills such as planning an experiment, making predictions and processing data. Perfect for whole class whiteboard teaching and for use as an individual study aid.

Science Diagrams

Science Diagrams

Science Diagrams is a science experiment drawing program that enables you to produce professional looking scientific diagrams. It contains hundreds of pre-drawn, fully scalable and editable pictures in an indexed image library. In addition, a comprehensive palette of drawing tools enables the user to personalize the picture libraries and tailor the graphics to match individual requirements.

  • Publisher: Focus Educational Software Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2014

Medical science in Description

The SUM Program Demo

The SUM Program Demo

The SUM Program for Medical Transcription Training includes a wide variety of voices and dictation styles—male and female, rapid and slow, organized and scattered, regionally and internationally accented, mumbled and clear, formal and informal. The more voices to which a student is exposed, the more prepared the student is for the workplace.

  • Publisher: Health Professions Institute
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2010
Slicer Dicer

Slicer Dicer

Slicer Dicer is a package that allows one to explore 3-D (3-dimensional) and 4-D data sets. It works for a wide variety of volumetric data applications including medical CAT and MRI scans, and scientific data from many fields including astrophysics, atmospheric science, geology, and oceanography. It runs on any reasonably powerful Windows-based PC.

BWMed (for Windows PCs) by Skyscape

BWMed (for Windows PCs) by Skyscape

This resource is designed for students who are learning medicine and uniquely tailored for their needs. Contains all the medicine that you need to know to qualify as a doctor and shows you how to develop the skills and attitudes that are essential for clinical practice.

  • Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2010
Perfect Science Icons

Perfect Science Icons

Create a great scientific software faster with this set of scientific icons. Perfect Science Icons represents objects and symbols commonly used in science and engineering, including Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, and many more.



MedicWords is the perfect all around medical spell checker. If you have to type medical terminology and hate looking up the correct spelling in a medical dictionary or medical speller every time your word processor flags a medical term or all those medical terms as misspelled, then MedicWords can help you with the medical spell check. MedicWords works within the Microsoft's Word.

  • Publisher: Broader Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 2nd, 2008

Additional Medical science selection

Free Medical Dictionary

Free Medical Dictionary

Free Medical Dictionary is a program that offers you information and definitions covering almost all specialties and fields of medicine. You can get information regarding pharmaceutical drugs, healthcare equipment, medical abbreviations and medical terminology.

GraphPad Prism

GraphPad Prism

GraphPad Prism can help you perform detailed analysis and graphing of your data. Prism provides an extensive library of analyses from common to highly specific t tests, one-, two- and three-way ANOVA, linear and nonlinear regression, dose-response curves, binary logistic regression, survival analysis, principal component analysis, etc.

  • Publisher: GraphPad Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Wolfram Mathematica

Wolfram Mathematica

Mathematica is a technical computing software package. It has nearly 5000 built-in functions covering various areas of technical computing; all of them are carefully integrated so that they work perfectly together. It uses the Wolfram Language for writing code.

  • Publisher: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Home page: www.wolfram.com
  • Last updated: October 4th, 2017
XTerm Medical Dictionary

XTerm Medical Dictionary

If you are looking for a medical dictionary which specifically contains only medical related terms then you are on the right place, because here is a best quality XTerm medical dictionary. This medical dictionary not only contains detailed description of medical terms but it is also full of chemical formulas and diagrams.

Science Helper For Ms Word

Science Helper For Ms Word

Science helper for MS Word

  • Publisher: helpscience inc
  • Last updated: March 21st, 2005


Archimedes is a unique package of over 150 medical calculators. All the included calculators are intuitive, easy-to-use and perfectly capable of eliminating the headache of having to deal with manual calculations that involve complicated variables and intricate formulas.

  • Publisher: Skyscape, Inc
  • Home page: www.skyscape.com
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2013
Science Teacher Helper

Science Teacher Helper

Science Teacher Helper was designed with a single purpose in mind - to save you time when editing math, chemistry and physics in documents. You can easily add 765 functions, graphs and charts of physical, chemical and math into MS WORD document.

  • Publisher: HelpScience, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2009
Free Medical Dictionary Spell Checker

Free Medical Dictionary Spell Checker

Free Medical Dictionary Spell Checker provides free medical terminology spell check program for the medical transcriptionist, medical student, and medical professional. By using the Free Medical Dictionary Spell Checker, you can spell check medical terminology on your desktop.

  • Publisher: Free Medical Dictionary Spell Checker
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2009
Bettergrades Science Quiz

Bettergrades Science Quiz

Designed for students aged 9 - 12 in Primary 3 - 6. Over 2000 challenging Science quizzes and structured questions for practice. Topics include Matter, Living and non-living things, Plants, Animals, Reproduction, Energy, Forces, Simple machines, Water cycle, Environment, Astronomy, Biology, Human body systems, Materials, Magnets, etc.

  • Publisher: Bettergrades
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2008
SmrtX Medical Tests Analyzer

SmrtX Medical Tests Analyzer

Medical Tests Analyzer Software will explain and clarify your lab blood test report. SmrtX Medical Tests Analyzer is an application for managing the patient's medical lab results history. Medical lab tests are tools useful in estimating the health condition of an individual. This tool provides a short overview and some tips of the user lab tests.

  • Publisher: SmrtX
  • Home page: www.smrtx.com
  • Last updated: June 16th, 2023