Melodic id in Title/Summary

Melodic ID Demo
Melodic ID isunlimited, graduated (easy to advanced) 4 bar melodic dictation in all keys, simple and compound meters, with instant feedback, immediate scoring, and self testing.Main features: -If you want to practice melodic dictation, demo program with first level (out of 9) enabled.
- Publisher: Kba Software
- Last updated: April 26th, 2011

Sight Singer
Wouldn't you like to look at a music score and be able to hear that music in your mind? Well trained musicians can do it. Sight-Singing is the key.This is a unique program which may help you develop this ability. It has voice pitch recognition capability. It will generate random melodic drills on selected scales, or play custom melodic lines.
- Publisher: earpower
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 28th, 2008
Melodic id in Description

SpellID Demo
Advantages: -Self-instruction at difficulty levels APPROPRIATE FOR YOU. -Unlimited practice with IMMEDIATE feedback AND SCORING. -MIDI input for Pitch ID, Spell ID, and Melodic ID for attached keyboards (not required). -Spell ID includes a companion 154 page music theory ebook in .pdf format to view or print.
- Publisher: Gyl Trythall
- Last updated: April 12th, 2011

GNU Solfege
GNU Solfege is an ear training program written to help you train intervals, chords, scales and rhythms. It is free software and part of the GNU Project. The program is indented to help music students with their ear training. Some of the existing exercises: Recognise melodic and harmonic intervals, Compare interval sizes, Sing the intervals the computer asks for, Identify chords.
- Publisher: Tom Cato Amundsen
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 8th, 2013

Musical Scales
This light, useful program will help you learn many types of music scales in all keys. It has a simple and clear interface showing a music staff and a keyboard. Once you have selected the scale you want to study, it will appear on the staff. By clicking on the Play button, the scale will sound and every note will be highlighted both in the staff and the keyboard. A very useful program.
- Publisher: Hyteq Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 30th, 2008

Guitar-Online Tools - Metronome
This program offers you a light, useful metronome for practicing and honing your rhythm capabilities. It has an easy-to-use interface with basic features, like the tempo and the speed in beats per minute. The shareware version only lets you try the 5/4 tempo and only works during 30 minutes each day.
- Publisher: Terre Mouvante Cie
- Last updated: July 21st, 2008

LetturaNotePro is an excellent program designed to help you to improve your musical skills. With this musical utility, you will be able to practice: Reading notes, Train your ear, and learn to play a score with different instruments. This is a 3 in 1 musical software that will definitely improve your musical skills.
- Publisher: Eugenio Pramotton
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 20th, 2008
Additional Melodic id selection

Lennar Digital Sylenth VSTi
The Lennar Digital Sylenth VSTi 1.2 is a software instrument program based on an analog VSTi synthesizer. Its virtual synthesizer can be hosted by users music editing studios enabling them to produce high quality sounds. Users are presented with a contemporary styled graphic interface that is easy to use.
- Publisher: LennarDigital
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 1st, 2008

Sonic Visualiser
Useful for both music lovers and audio engineers, Sonic Visualiser is an open-source app that offers you a wide variety of visualization options to analyze the components of nearly any audio file and check its quality. From the standard waveform graph and spectrum view to any of the various spectrograms provided, this high-end tool unveils all the subtleties of any audio file in a snap.
- Publisher: Chris Cannam
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

3D Waterfall Screensaver
3D Waterfall Screensaver is a top-quality animated 3D screensaver, having as theme a waterfall setting with enchanting surroundings . With 3D Waterfall Screensaver installed, you can listen to the sounds of the melodic waterfall bubbling by and see the fish rushing up and down the stream.
- Publisher: Astro Gemini Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 12th, 2012

Native Instruments Molekular
Molekular is an modular effects system that brings inspiring effects, limitless routing, and electrifying performance possibilities. Design your own modular system with 35 exclusive effects and set it in motion with powerful modulation. Perform your effects with the interactive morphing field and control the entire system with macros.
- Publisher: Native Instruments
- Last updated: May 4th, 2014

Have you noticed the difference in volume level of your mp3, which produces the unpleasant situation of manually adjusting the volume control of your player according to the type of music you are playing?SuperMp3Normalizer is the unique solution
- Publisher: ProSoftware
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2008
- Publisher: Ilya Schepikhin
- Last updated: September 28th, 2008

MacGAMUT software provides a flexible, graded ear-training and fundamentals learning environment for serious music students, from novices to the most advanced. Though Ann Blombach's students at The Ohio State University had been using her ear-training software for several years as it went through various incarnations and permutations in the course of development.
- Publisher: MacGAMUT Music Software, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

Alesis V49 Editor
Alesis V49 Editor is a powerful, intuitive MIDI controller that lets you take command of your music software with a series of pads, knobs, and buttons. With 49 full-size velocity-sensitive keys and Octave Up/Down buttons, you can expand the keyboard to the full melodic range and play bass lines, chords, and melodies.
- Publisher: InMusic Brands, Inc.
- Last updated: August 5th, 2015

Usage : Replace recorded drums with samples Add spice to a drum loop by adding a sample. Sequence drum sample patterns with spikeGen. Extract single instrument rhythms from drum loops Use your laptop as a drum trigger module Produce atonal melodic patterns from grooves.
- Publisher: apulSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2009

Alesis V25 Editor
The Alesis V25 is an intuitive MIDI controller hardware. With 25 full-size velocity-sensitive keys and Octave Up/Down buttons, you can expand the keyboard to the full melodic range and play bass lines, chords, and melodies. V25 Editor allows you to configure the buttons, knobs, and MIDI channels of V25.
- Publisher: Alesis
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 31st, 2016