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Merge cells in dbgrid delphi in Title/Summary

Merge Cells Wizard

Merge Cells Wizard

With Merge Cells Wizard you can merge data from several Microsoft Excel cells into one cell using any separator you like (e.g. line break). The add-in preserves all data if the selection contains multiple data values. For Excel 2007, 2003, XP, 2000.

  • Publisher: Afalina Software, Ltd.
  • Last updated: February 9th, 2010
Merge Cells Wizard for Excel

Merge Cells Wizard for Excel

Merge Cells Wizard is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that efficiently merges data from several cells into one. Do you need to combine values from multiple cells? Or, do you want to merge entire rows, columns or a range of cells retaining all their values? If you have the Merge Cells Wizard add-in at hand, the task will take you just a few seconds

  • Publisher: Afalina Software, Ltd.
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2011
AbleBits.com Merge Cells Wizard for Microsoft Excel

AbleBits.com Merge Cells Wizard for Microsoft Excel

With Merge Cells you can efficiently merge the contents of several Excel cells into one without losing data. Main features: - Combine multiple cells into one cell - Merge columns row by row - Combine rows column by column - Use any separator to join the content of cells (comma, line-break, space, etc.)

  • Publisher: Add-in Express Ltd
  • Home page: www.ablebits.com
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2017

Merge cells in dbgrid delphi in Description

Kutools for Excel

Kutools for Excel

Kutools for Excel comes with more than 300 advanced functions to simplify various kinds of complicated tasks in MS Excel. It can help you combine worksheets, merge cells, paste to visible cells, etc. It provides you with a Navigation Pane that lists all the workbooks, worksheets, columns, and names in a built-in pane.

X-DBGrid Component Standard

X-DBGrid Component Standard

TXDBGrid component is a powerful functional extension of standard TDBGrid component. TXDBGrid component looks beautiful and implements many additional features like: fixed columns, fixed styles (flat and 3D), Windows XP themes, many variants of gradient drawing style, enhanced flat and 3D scrollbars, proportional scrolling for any DataSet even filtered, expandable columns and title headers.

  • Publisher: X-Files Software by Krzysztof Szyszka
  • Home page: www.x-files.pl
  • Last updated: December 2nd, 2011
True DBGrid Pro

True DBGrid Pro

Add powerful data bound grids to your application. True DBGrid Pro allows end users to browse, edit, add, and delete data in a tabular format.

BarCodeWiz Barcode ActiveX Control

BarCodeWiz Barcode ActiveX Control

Create single barcodes, pages of labels, or mail merge documents in Microsoft Word. Convert cells to barcodes or full sheets of labels directly in Excel. Easily create auto-incrementing barcodes. Add barcodes to your Access Reports.

  • Publisher: BarCodeWiz, Inc
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
eXcelator CTR

eXcelator CTR

Excel Text Merger is a powerful Excel add-in to merge text within a short matter of time. You can merge as many cells text as you want in a single process.

Additional Merge cells in dbgrid delphi selection

TMS Mail Merge Wizards for Delphi / C++ Builder

TMS Mail Merge Wizards for Delphi / C++ Builder

This set of Delphi components allows you to add powerful mail merge capabilities into your software quickly and easily. Features include: - TuilMailMerge gives complete control over the merge - TuilMailMergeWizard makes it easy to allow users to merge - Connects to any TDataSource - Export one or all records of the dataset

Dose for Excel

Dose for Excel

Supercharge Your Excel Workflow with Dose: 100+ Features at Your Fingertips Dose for Excel is an add-in designed to streamline your spreadsheet experience and unlock hidden potential within Microsoft Excel. This powerful tool seamlessly integrates into your existing Excel interface, adding over 100 functionalities to enhance data manipulation, analysis, and formatting.

  • Publisher: Zbrainsoft
  • Home page: zbrainsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare

Beyond Compare lets you compare files and folders using its graphical interface or command-line tools. After comparison, you can merge the changes, synchronize files, and generate reports. It allows you to perform a quick comparison of drives and folders using the file-sizes and -dates.

Adolix Split and Merge PDF

Adolix Split and Merge PDF

Merge PDF files into a single document. Split PDF into multiple files following a custom pattern similar to Word printing. Combine encrypted PDF with just a few clicks. Mix two PDF files.

  • Publisher: Adolix
  • Home page: www.adolix.com
  • Last updated: February 18th, 2025
Icecream PDF Split and Merge

Icecream PDF Split and Merge

Icecream PDF Split and Merge certainly has a very descriptive name. It is a very simple tool that can extract segments from a PDF document and join various of these files into a single one. The tool’s interface is absolutely easy to use and most operations are done in wizard style, so it is highly unlikely that anyone can have problems to use it.

  • Publisher: Icecream Apps
  • Home page: icecreamapps.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020
Compare It!

Compare It!

This application is designed to detect and highlight differences between two text files in various formats. It supports documents that contain code written in programming languages like C++, Java, C#, Delphi, HTML, etc. This tool is useful for programmers and software testers, as it will help them easily find syntax errors and bugs in their code.

  • Publisher: Grig Software
  • Home page: www.grigsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Picture Merge Genius

Picture Merge Genius

Picture Merge Genius is a photo collage creator for Windows. It is an application that allows you to combine several pictures into one image that you can share with your family and friends or use to preserve memories in a special way. The application is simple enough and offers two ways of creating photo montages.

  • Publisher: EasyTools Software
  • Home page: www.easy-tools.net
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2019
PDF Creator Pilot

PDF Creator Pilot

The PDF Creator Pilot library is a true helping hand for developers who wish to create and manipulate PDF documents in their own applications. It does not require any kind of third-party libraries to create, edit, open, or even merge PDF files. It only requires you to include a specific DLL file in your application, and all its PDF-related features would become part of your creation.

Simpo PDF Merge & Split

Simpo PDF Merge & Split

If you happen to be looking for a simple yet fast and efficient PDF utility that allows you to slice PDF documents into pages or page ranges, as well as to join PDF pages and documents into a single one, Simpo PDF Merge & Split is a nice option to consider. Its two-tab neat interface will let you design your own merge and split processes in a flexible yet uncomplicated way.

  • Publisher: SIMPO Technologies
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2010
7-PDF Split & Merge

7-PDF Split & Merge

7-PDF Split & Merge is, as its name implies, a program that allows you to split a PDF file into different parts. You can use it to extract each page of a file into an independent PDF file. Also, you can merge several files into one, and extract selected pages of a file.

  • Publisher: 7-PDF
  • Home page: www.7-pdf.de
  • Last updated: September 10th, 2024