Merlin justdeals in Title/Summary

Merlin JustDeals
Ever browse through eBay and find that perfect buy-it-auction at dirt cheap price, only to see that someone has already snapped it up? If so, this is the tool for you. Many users often list auctions without researching who much their items are really worth. JustDeals will automatically search eBay for those underpriced auctions constantly and lets you react quickly.
- Publisher: PC TechZone
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Merlin AuctionMagic
Merlin AuctionMagic is an auction tracker and manager for Windows. Merlin AuctionMagic has the base set of features that you would expect to find in an application like this. You can add your eBay auctions and track them over time and you can use the program to snipe your auctions.
- Publisher: PC TechZone
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

MERLIN Messaging Release System Administration
MERLIN Messaging Release 4.0 System Administration gives you the ability to set up and manage a MERLIN Messaging Release 4.0 system from a PC instead of using the existing MERLIN Messaging touch-tone interface You can: Program the system (for example, security, system language, etc.) • Program mailbox extensions, • Program the Automated Attendants
- Publisher: Avaya Communication
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 25th, 2010
Merlin justdeals in Description

Liquid Dream III
Liquid Dream III is a dream journal designed to wake you up in your dreams. To generate a list of common dream signs / category items, click on Tools and then select Dream Sign Builder. This will chart the 10 most used words, which can be clicked on to either be ignored or added to a category.
- Publisher: lucidcode
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 25th, 2012

Merlin InstantFeedback
Everyone knows how important feedback is on eBay, but at times it can be difficult to find the time to keep track of who needs feedback and fill out the forms to post it. Merlin InstantFeedback makes it easy; it simply sits in your system tray and quietly checks your own feedback at any interval you specify watching for fellow eBayers to post for you. When they do, Merlin will automatically post positive feedback for them from a list of pre-made comments, your own custom comments, or one at random. If you should happen to get negative feedback, you will immediately be notified so you can rectify the situation quickly. You can also mass-post feedback for everyone who has left feedback for you starting back a specified number of days, whether they've left it for you or not, with just a mouse click. It even will support multiple eBay accounts ... you'll never have to worry about posting feedback again.
- Publisher: PC TechZone
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

UK Speaking Clock
UK Speaking Clock is a comprehensive desktop clock that has the ability to speak the time in multiple languages and offers several options for different tastes. It has great customization options. By default, the clock comes with a funny animated character - a magician called Merlin.
- Publisher: UK Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 10th, 2008

ABC Spelling and Math
ABC Spelling and Math is a game that allows you to play spelling games, math quizzes, and teach with lessons. You can create them too. It has three characters: Peedy, Genie, and Merlin that helps you to play the game. You can select the level of difficulty, add, edit, delete, export or import: spelling list, multiple choice, math, and lessons.
- Publisher: QMsoftware
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

Merlin Programmer for Kids
Merlin Programmer for Kids is a simple program to help kids, ages 5 - 8, learn about the concept of sequential programming. It allows them to make Merlin or any of the other Microsoft Agent characters perform actions, move, speak, listen for and make sounds in a predetermined manner.
- Publisher: SciSoft - J. Santos-Sacchi
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 9th, 2017
Additional Merlin justdeals selection

Merlin is the BS5950 equivalent of QuikEC3 and remains an effective tool for creating custom sections for export to Quikport, Quikjoint, Quikframe and Quikbeam. Merlin speeds the repetitive calculations required for steel design to BS5950-P1:2000. The program deals with a comprehensive range of section shapes including semi-compact and slender.
- Publisher: Quiksoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 9th, 2010

TSR Merlin
This tool lets you quickly and easily install custom content, mods and other creations in both .sims3pack and .package formats for The Sims 3. You can just as easily uninstall the same content through Merlin's easy to use Download Management facility.
- Publisher: The Sims Resource
- Last updated: August 21st, 2009

Merlin Plus Remote
The Options control toggles between 5 display modes listed below: - Full CCTV image - Full computer image (if VGA signal valid) - Split screen between computer and CCTV image (if VGA signal valid) - Full image with external camera (if camera attached) - Split screen between computer image and external image (if camera attached)
- Publisher: Enhanced Vision
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Merlin Funnies
You can draw a single image, or tile it across the screen. You can shrink or enlarge it, draw a border around it, and choose the position you want it to appear on the screen. Your can also generate a Comics page, which creates a page that is displayed in your web browser that shows all your favorite comics at once.
- Publisher: PC TechZone

Illumina Merlin Input Report
The Illumina BeadStudio Merlin Input Report Plug-in is a software plug-in that works with Illumina’s BeadStudio Genotyping module v3.2 and above. This plug-in allows you to create input files for the Merlin application developed by the Abecasis group at the University of Michigan. v2.0.1 includes an important fix.
- Publisher: Illumina
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2012

Merlin MRP Factory Server
This is the server you need to manipulate the Merlin MRP Factory software. This software incorporates security, administrator assigned user access levels, production control, a faster, more efficient interface etc. The server is easy to install and requires an user name and a password.
- Publisher: Merlin System Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 28th, 2012

Merlin for MCH
MerlinMCH is a Windows based GUI test and simulation program for MIL-STD-1553 bus communications data. The program enables avionics equipment testers to send and receive messages in Bus Controller, Remote Terminal and Sequentional Monitor modes by defining raw data.
- Publisher: Excalibur Systems
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Magic Match
Magic Match by Condeminion is a shareware game for Windows. We can buy this game from the developer’s website. Alternatively, we can download the free demo version and play it for 60 minutes. It features nice graphics and lots of different games and puzzles.
- Publisher: Codeminion Dev Studios
- Last updated: September 15th, 2010

Cute Translator
Cute translator is a multi-language machine translation tool. According to its website, the tool supports translations between 53 major languages. It can translate text that you type or paste into the main window, or it can open documents and translate them all.
- Publisher: Authorsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 11th, 2011

DeskBot is an excellent application that has the ability to read practically any text from any application window in Windows systems. It reads texts right from the clipboard, announces time and does much more, through animated talking characters that can be changed.
- Publisher: BellCraft Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2008