Mgl e1 in Title/Summary

MGL Plates
This utility allows you to import airports plates in PDF format as well as images in JPEG and BMP format and compile them to MGL Avionics plates format which combines multiple plates into single files (for example plates retated to an airport). Plates can also be cropped and geo-referenced.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

MGL Central
It provides a comprehensive aviation database with import facilities for many data sources and formats. Flight planning includes integrated interface to Google maps. MGL Central is a Windows based application. MGL Central operates around a central database that contains aviation related items from airport information, obstacles, navaids and similar.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Home page:
Mgl e1 in Description

MGLTools is a software developed at the Molecular Graphics Laboratory (MGL) of The Scripps Research Institute for visualization and analysis of molecular structures. Its three main applications are: - AutoDockTools - Python Molecular Viewer - Vision
- Publisher: The Scripps Research Institute
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 13th, 2008

XTreme Simulator
Do you want to try an MGL XTreme? Its possible right now by downloading the simulation program (requires a PC running Windows NT, 2000, XP or VISTA) which simulates the operation of the XTreme EFIS. The simulator allows you to almost fully operate a virtual XTreme.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics & Delta Omega
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Additional Mgl e1 selection

VoipMGL can save you up to 80% on your international phone calls. It connects you using your internet connection and any phones. No contract, no access number, no aircharge on your phone. This Phone-to-Phone enables you that connect to your friends and family from everywhere. No need any softphone.
- Publisher: VoipMgl
- Last updated: April 4th, 2012

Enigma BMP to MIF converter
This program is used to convert images in Windows BMP format to Enigma MIF format. You can use this program to make your own Start-up screen (Splash screen) and aircraft layout backdrops for the weight and balance calculator. Note: Splash screens should be made in a size of 320x240 pixels, W&B backdrops are 320x140 pixels.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Last updated: November 8th, 2011

Enigma vector map editor
Enigma vector map editor allows you to create your own vector files or edit existing files and submit. This program should be used with suitable raster map files as backdrop to make it easy to trace features. Suitable map backgrounds can be produced using the Enigma map maker application (download above) using scanned images from aeronautical charts or atlases.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 28th, 2009

Enigma designer and simulator
Enigma designer and simulator is a program that allows you to create or modify screens for your Enigma device. It can be used to maintain several projects for different aircraft if needed and you can create a single executable script file that you can execute on your instrument to transfer your new screens and setups.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 30th, 2013

Odyssey designer and simulator
Odyssey, like its smaller brother Enigma, is a dynamic and very flexible development. Odyssey includes all of the Enigma functionality and adds items related mainly to its additional interfaces (ARINC429 etc). Software based additions to functionality are made available to end users via free and unrestricted internet download
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Stratospheric Flight Log
The Stratomaster Flight Log program can be used for the extraction and viewing of all your flight data from one of the following instruments: -Stratomaster Flight -Stratomaster Extreme -Stratomaster Ultra (all types). Features: -Easy maintenance of your flight log -The flight log can be printed -Flight time calculator can add the times between two given dates
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011

Velocity Simulator E1
This velocity simulator can measure up to 4 EGT/CHT channels, a RPM input, a universal temperature sender input, a universal pressure sender input and also the supply voltage. The simulator allows you to almost fully operate a virtual "Velocity" instrument.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics & Delta Omega
- Home page:

VHF transceiver
This small program allows you to download and upload frequency lists to and from the V10 tranceiver. You can edit these lists and maintain several different lists if you like. VHF Airband transceiver based on modern digital signal processing technology with built in multi-mode dual circuit intercom system.
- Publisher: MGL Avionics
- Home page: