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Michael jackson ascii in Title/Summary

Michael Jackson Icon Pack

Michael Jackson Icon Pack

Michael Jackson Icon Pack is a wonderful program that includes many photos and emotions of the most popular singer Michael Jackson. This program will add a perfect collection of Michael Jackson photos and dances to your Windows Live Messenger and MSN.

  • Publisher: Sherv.NET
  • Home page: www.sherv.net
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2009
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

This “Prince of Darkness” has taken away the Golden Axe and put an evil curse over all the warriors. However, one of the heroes has their curse relieved and is sent to set things straight – lift curse off others, defeat the villian and return with the Golden Axe. You get four characters to choose from: Amazon, barbarian, panther man, and a big gladiator-type brute.

  • Publisher: pyramid games
  • Last updated: April 15th, 2008
Michael Jackson Drawing Screen Saver

Michael Jackson Drawing Screen Saver

Watch the artist's hand draw hundreds of pictures on your computer!.Order the full version so that you can watch the artist's hand draw hundreds of drawings on your computer. It's like looking over the artist's shoulder. You'll be suprised how fascinated people are that see it running on your computer. It's also a great way to expose your kids to art!

  • Publisher: Drawing Hand Creations
  • Home page: www.drawinghand.com
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012

Michael jackson ascii in Description



Jackson is DJ software from the future. Within a couple of years many professional DJs will use tools like Jackson.Main features:- Jackson allows DJs to alter the structure of songs while playing them: parts can be repeated, skipped, paused and reversed. - Tracks are automatically beat-matched and therefore always play in sync.

  • Publisher: Van Aeken Software
  • Home page: jacksondj.com
  • Last updated: March 8th, 2008
Magic ASCII Studio

Magic ASCII Studio

The Magic ASCII Studio 2.2 is an ASCII Art generating software program that enables users to generate ASCII Art from words, photos and animations. With this program, users can take an image into it and have it processed into a file of color-coded text characters that are combined to resemble the image.

  • Publisher: XoYo Software
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008
3D Art

3D Art

Display original works of 3D Art as your screensaver! Includes 35 images, with captions for the name of the art piece. Select from a number of image transition effects. Use your favorite image as desktop wallpaper. Listen to background music, and more!

  • Publisher: E-Motional
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2008
Truck Clothing Set

Truck Clothing Set

Truck Clothing Set is a nice and very useful tool which can help you to choose the perfect clothes for some models. It offers a jacket and pants set for Michael 4, Hiro 4 and Michael 4 Elite. The jacket comes with three body handles for better fitting around the hip area and four textures: black, blue, brown, or red. The cargo pants have two textures, black or blue.

  • Publisher: Predatron
  • Home page: www.daz3d.com
  • Last updated: June 8th, 2012


This program will help you create your own personalized signature quickly and easily. It includes a huge library of around 7,000 ascii art pictures! Quickly search through SigZag's ascii art libraries and place a picture into your sig. It also allows you to easily use 135 figlet fonts, and thousands of taglines.

Additional Michael jackson ascii selection

ASCII Art Generator

ASCII Art Generator

ASCII Art Generator is a small application able to convert any image in another image based on ASCII character and color coded. A very useful Visual Editor is included in the application for watching the conversion results and for possible necessary retouches on the generated image. Output resulting image can be resized for matching any picture container.

  • Publisher: ASCII Art Generator, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
ASCII Art Maker

ASCII Art Maker

Creating ASCII work of arts isn't an easy task, especially if you're trying to recreate a complex image or an intricate scenery. ASCII Art Maker offers you a simple way to create amazing ASCII masterpieces by using images or text content. Once your work is done, you can save the resulted picture to various image formats or print it directly from the application.

  • Publisher: Aleksey Taranov
  • Home page: www.altarsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 14th, 2013
COM Port Toolkit

COM Port Toolkit

COM Port Toolkit is a protocol, data and timing analyzer designed specifically to help isolate problems with serial (RS-232, 422, 485) data communication control networks. You can use this program for implementing, debugging or reverse-engineering serial protocol.

  • Publisher: Michael Golikov
  • Last updated: October 18th, 2012
ASCII Art Studio

ASCII Art Studio

ACII Art Studio is a handy small application for converting images to ASCII characters pictures. The program enables users to create ASCII Art in an easy manner, as well as to edit any ASCII Art picture. All the created pictures can be rotated and flipped around.

Kannada ASCII Unicode Converter

Kannada ASCII Unicode Converter

Kannada ASCII Unicode Converter is a free program that enables you to convert ASCII Unicode according to your preferences. You can convert ASCII characters to Hexadecimal, pre-selected ASCII field after decoding and insert text and Excel as input files.

  • Publisher: Kannada and Culture Department
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2014
ASCII Animator

ASCII Animator

ASCII Animator can be used to convert GIF images into animations with ASCII characters. This version has support for 64-bit versions of Windows. The program converts all the frames of GIF animated images into ASCII art and saves them as new GIF animtions.

  • Publisher: QQPR
  • Home page: www.qqpr.com
  • Last updated: May 15th, 2014
IDAutomation.com Scanner ASCII String Decoder

IDAutomation.com Scanner ASCII String Decoder

The Barcode Scanner ASCII String Decoder is a software application that decodes and reveals hidden, non-printable ASCII characters and commands from keyboard emulation devices, such as USB Barcode Scanners. It is useful in verifying commands such as FS, RS, GS, and EOT that are encoded in barcodes, because they are not normally revealed when the barcode is scanned.

ASCII data query and parser plugin

ASCII data query and parser plugin

ASCII data query and parser plugin enables users to send and process ASCII data. Advanced Serial Data Logger's ASCII data parser and query module supports two modes: Data query and Data parsers that allows users to transmit queries or commands and parse, filter and format more complex data.

  • Publisher: AGG Software
  • Home page: www.aggsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 29th, 2015
ASCII Generator

ASCII Generator

This program converts any image file from your computer into ASCII art - a series of text characters, grouped in such a way that they reproduce the original picture when you look at them from a distance. This generator achieves exceptional results and can save the output to a simple text file, HTML or image format. Also, it can export to colored ASCII art.

  • Publisher: Jonathan Mathews
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2012


Notepad++ is a free (as in “free speech” and also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Based on the powerful editing component Scintilla, Notepad++ is written in C++ and uses pure Win32 API and STL which ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size.