Microsoft tga view plugin in Title/Summary

Street View Plugin
Old Man Biking's Street View plugin is an addon for Google Street View. This plugin can display Google Street View, when you select locations on the map. In order to configure and use this, select "Street View" in the menu at the upper left of ST's map window.
- Publisher: Old Man Biking's SportTracks Plugins
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

AirLive View Plugin
AirLive View Plugin is a free program that grants you video access to your IP cameras directly on your computer. The plugin also allows you to manage your cameras, to search for a specific camera and watch real time events that are captured by your IP cameras.
- Publisher: OvisLink Corp
- Last updated: February 26th, 2014

Hangouts Plugin for Microsoft Outlook
Hangouts Plugin for Microsoft Outlook allows users to schedule meetings and join Hangouts video calls from Microsoft Outlook. The plugin adds two buttons to the Office Ribbon for Outlook Mail and Calendar: one for scheduled and one for unscheduled video calls. You can schedule a Hangouts video call with other Outlook users in your company with a single click.
- Publisher: Google, Inc.
- Last updated: June 4th, 2014
Microsoft tga view plugin in Description

Viira Outlook Suite Plugin
The Viira Outlook Plugin helps you implement the principles of Getting Things Done® with Microsoft Outlook. The plugin integrates tightly with your Outlook environment and synchronizes with the Viira Outlook Suite BlackBerry client to provide you with seamless access to your GTD organizational system from anywhere.
- Publisher: Karta Mobile Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

Microsoft Office Plugin
Microsoft Office Plugin plugin allows JCMS to be integrated in Microsoft Office. This plugin provides an extension of JCMS to Microsoft Office 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2010 on Windows. You must first install and configure the plugin in JCMS, then install the Microsoft Office Add-In on you Windows.
- Publisher: Jalios
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 15th, 2015

The ActiveX version of WEBPlotter was developed as a replacement of the WEBPlotter plugin under Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE). ActiveX is a Microsoft technology, whereas plugin is a Netscape technology. So it is clear that support of the plugin technology is not ideal under MSIE and even under the latest versions of MSIE (MSIE 5.5 SP2 and above) this support is abandoned.
- Publisher: Alexandr Novy
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

3CX Plugins
3CX provides out of the box integration with Microsoft Outlook. This plugin opens the contact record in Microsoft Outlook, creates a new contact if the inbound caller is not found, and creates a journal entry for the contact when the call ends. It also provides click to call functionality by adding menus and toolbars to the Outlook contacts.
- Publisher: 3CX Ltd
- Last updated: August 29th, 2016

VISCOM Image Viewer CP Pro SDK ActiveX
Powerful image processing activex, TIFF PDF to docx sdk activex, Loading, printing and save image files that include PDF,BMP, GIF, ICO, JP2, JPC, JPEG, PCX, PDF,PGX, PNG, PNM, RAS. Convert multipage TIF to multipage PDF.Merge Swap TIFF.
- Publisher: Viscom Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 19th, 2015
Additional Microsoft tga view plugin selection

Microsoft SharedView
Microsoft SharedView program offers tools for immediate communication and express opinions concerning the appropriate documents. Using this program you can easy and quick settle disagreements and make right decision. It’s allowed to engage up to 15 people to the session.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

QlikView Plugin
QlikView is a disruptive technology and as such is deployed in a very different way to other more conventional BI solutions. Our OneView implementation methodology has been designed to be scalable and facilitate the process of taking you from a potentially rapid buying cycle through to a rapid deployment cycle so that you feel in control of the situation and expectations are met all round.
- Publisher: QlikTech International AB
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2011

PictureViewer .EXE
It has never been easier to view your photos, whether they come from the internet, picture galleries, digital cameras or scanners. Create slideshow presentations, browse folders, make playlists, skim thumbnails, rotate, zoom and print images.
- Publisher: SoftTech InterCorp
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

SnagIt Screen Capture Plugin for Windows Live Writer
Screen captures are important when creating Blog content and having an easy way to capture images from the screen in a variety of ways and embedding them into a blog entry is a key feature. TechSmith's SnagIt is an amazing tool for capturing screen shots and marking up and editing captures easily with their built-in image editor.
- Publisher: West Wind Technologies
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012

The Imagine Web Plugin
The Imagine Web Plugin allows you to view the projects embedded in the browser. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera web browsers work with the Imagine Logo plugin. You need to be running a Windows based operating system (98,2000 or XP) too for the plugin to work.
- Publisher: Logotron Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 27th, 2012

Live Writer Insert Symbol Plugin
If you use Windows Live Writer as your offline blogging client then as a blogger you might be facing an issue of inserting of advanced typographic symbols within your blog becuase currently Windows Live Writer does not have such an option. To resolve this issue Brian Vallelunga created a nifty little plugin that allows you to add various typographic symbols within your blog posts.
- Publisher: Brian Vallelunga
- Last updated: April 18th, 2008

CollabNet Desktop - Visual Studio Edition
CollabNet Desktop - Visual Studio Edition is a program that enables you to connect to a TeamForge site and view the projects and application folders in each project. You can create custom tracker and task queries to work with the artifacts that you're interested in.
- Publisher: CollabNet, Inc.
- Last updated: June 19th, 2014

RML Utilities for SQL Server
The RML utilities allow you to process SQL Server trace files and view reports showing how SQL Server is performing. By using this tool you can determine the application, the database, the SQL Server login, or the query that is using the most resources. Additionally, you ou can determine whether the execution plan for a batch is changed when you capture the trace for the batch.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2013

Windows Live Writer Event Plugin
It happens many times that we want to put a list of upcoming events on our blogs, but it is a very cumbersome task if done manually, to reduce this work there is a special plugin that lets you create & share your event within no time. This plugin is Windows Live Writer Event Plugin 1.0 developed by Microsoft Corporation.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corp.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Bullets Plugin for Windows Live Writer
Bullets are often used in blog posts to specify lists. If you are a blogger then you must be tired and bored of using the same old HTML bullets again and again. Well, here is a plugin, Bullets Plugin, that allows you to use non HTML, more prettier and fancier looking bullets.
- Publisher: Dotnetscraps
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 28th, 2008