Midi instrument in Title/Summary

Instrument to MIDI
Inst2Midi converts your monophonic audio source straight into MIDI Data. With Inst2Midi and a scoring Program your voice, clarinet, trumpet, violin, a solo with your guitar or almost any other instrument is translated via microphone into a written piece of music in real-time.
- Publisher: nerds.de GbR
- Home page: www.nerds.de
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

Midi Quest
Midi Quest is a multi-instrument MIDI editor/librarian that allows you to store, organize and edit banks and the individual patches, combinations, multis, performances, drums settings and other SysEx data loaded from your MIDI hardware. It can simultaneously send SysEx dumps to as many as 250 different instruments.
- Publisher: Sound Quest Inc.
- Home page: squest.com
- Last updated: May 13th, 2014

Midi Quest Pro
Midi Quest Pro is a powerful multi-instrument MIDI editor/librarian designed to to complement your studio's requirements. You can store, organize and edit banks and the individual patches, combinations, multis, performances, drums settings and other SysEx data loaded from your MIDI hardware.
- Publisher: Sound Quest Inc.
- Home page: squest.com
- Last updated: May 13th, 2014
Midi instrument in Description

TS-AudioToMIDI is a reliable utility that enables you to convert digitized music into MIDI sequences Unlike other programs it can process the polyphonic music (that is having many tones or voices). What takes several hours of hard work even for a well-trained musician will be a matter of some few minutes for TS-AudioToMIDI.
- Publisher: TallStick Software
- Last updated: August 10th, 2004

GoldKar is a program that will let you play MIDI-KAR files. This program allows you to create playlist using KAR files saved into any folder in your drives. By double-clicking on any entry of the playlist, you will initiate the playing of the related song. The program will show the lyrics in its main window, as well as a console which lets you modify the levels for each MIDI instrument.
- Publisher: Alex Bernardi
- Home page: alexbern.altervista.org
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Notation Composer
Turn any MIDI file into sheet music and arrange it just the way you want it. Change note pitches simply by dragging them and change note durations with a single click. Add notes, measures, staves, common musical expressions, directions, lyrics, and text — anything you need to add your own flair to the arrangement.
- Publisher: Notation Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.notation.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

MusicTime Deluxe
MusicTime Deluxe is the easiest way to make music with your computer using your soundcard or MIDI instrument. Whether you are a beginner, hobbyist, or professional, MusicTime Deluxe gives you the power to create and print music with lyrics, text, and guitar chords on up to 16 staves.
- Publisher: GVOX
- Home page: www.magicsystems.de
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

MusicLab DrumTools Performance Designer Demo
DrumTools Performance Designer is a powerful VSTi drum tool allowing for instant creation of 1-8 measure professionally sounding drum performances including drum loops, fills, intros, endings, solo, and then simply trigger them by MIDI notes from your sequencer. Easily turn separate performances into complete drum track perfectly matching your song.
- Publisher: MusicLab, Inc.
- Last updated: April 10th, 2008
Additional Midi instrument selection

This program is about TIMING ACCURACY. Ear Steady has a graphical representation of how close to the beat you are and gives a more precise reading than using a metronome. To load the program just go to the Ear Power folder and click on the Ear Steady icon.
- Publisher: A.L.H. J. Mañas S.L.
- Home page: www.ear-buchhaltung.de
- Last updated: September 30th, 2013

Score Writer
GenieSoft Score Writer is the affordable notation software that makes recording, editing, arranging and printing your music easy, fast and enjoyable. You can quickly enter notes on-screen with your mouse or computer keyboard, or record a MIDI performance.
- Publisher: Geniesoft
- Last updated: June 19th, 2011

MouSing is based on the Theremin instrument, which uses the position of the mouse over the screen to generate a sound of different frequency and volume. You can play the sound with a wave sound, a midi instrument, or with DirectSound. You can adjust the volume, pitch, vibrato, and timbre; you can use different midi instruments and adjust the pitch.
- Publisher: Sagebrush Systems, Inc.
- Home page: www.sagebrush.com
- Last updated: March 15th, 2012

TransMIDIfier provides convenient MIDI routing and virtual instrument patch switching and customization for the working musician. TransMIDIfier works by functioning as a "middle man" between the sequencer and the sample player. TransMIDIfier reinterprets the incoming MIDI data in powerful ways before passing it along to the sample player.
- Publisher: Be Wary Software
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2015

Personal Composer
Personal Composer is a powerful music notation, MIDI, sequencing, and publishing program which provides spectacular usability with professional results. Features : -Notate as you play a MIDI instrument, with a program-supplied metronome. -Record one staff while playing back others. -Type lyrics directly onto the score.
- Publisher: Personal Composer, Inc.
- Last updated: April 1st, 2013

MidiMidi is a program that enables you to build your own MIDI instruments. With this program and the MaKey MaKey hardware, you can connect anything conductive - coins, fruits, metal, people - to your computer and play chords or melodies. MaKey MaKey connects physical objects to your computer, and the MidiMidi app converts the keyboard messages into MIDI notes or MIDI controller data.
- Publisher: Hauke Menges
- Home page: feelyoursound.com
- Last updated: December 21st, 2016

Sight Reading Challenge
Learn the 21 notes of the Bass Clef and Treble Clef. The program displays the notes on the staff, and you press the name of the letter. If you get it wrong, the program displays the name above the staff. You then press the correct name to proceed.
- Publisher: Wieser Software Ltd
- Home page: www.wieser-software.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard
Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. It can display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player in its interface.
- Publisher: VMPK
- Last updated: February 6th, 2016

IntelliScore can convert WAV to MIDI, MP3 to MIDI, CD to MIDI. It can also compose MIDI music simply by singing or playing any instrument. Features include:Convert MP3 and WAV files to MIDI (.mid) files Grab music from a CD and convert it to a MIDI (.mid) file MIDI-enable any musical instrument, even your voice Helps remove vocals for karaoke singing Speed web page loading time by using intelliScore's MIDI (.mid) files instead of MP3 or WAV files Record MIDI directly into your sequencer software using your voice or any acoustic instrument Generate cell phone ringtones in conjunction with Mobile Music or other ringtone conversion program
- Publisher: Innovative Music Systems, Inc.(tm)

MIDI-OX is a free application that is designed to help us manage our MIDI files/devices. This program gives us the opportunity to generate, record, convert, and compare MIDI data, monitor MIDI port activities, pass data stream from one device to another one, play notes using our computer keyboard, send/receive Sysex files, edit the received data, stop WScript and so on.
- Publisher: MIDIOX Computing
- Home page: www.midiox.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2010