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Mikrobasic pro usb examples in Title/Summary

mikroBasic PRO for AVR

mikroBasic PRO for AVR

mikroBasic PRO for AVR is a full-featured Basic compiler for developing hardware applications using AVR microcontroller. Present version comes with a more intuitive interface where you can drag & drop functions into the Editor, and rename files directly from the Project Manager. It also features SSA optimizations that can reduce your code size up to 40%.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Home page: www.mikroe.com
  • Last updated: October 13th, 2015
mikroBasic PRO for PIC

mikroBasic PRO for PIC

mikroBasic PRO for PIC allows you to code, debug, and program PIC microcontrollers. It comes with a comprehensive IDE for editing code, designing user interfaces, and compiling the program. The compiler also includes and Interrupt Assistant, that can help you in configuring interrupts.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika d.o.o.
  • Home page: www.mikroe.com
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2019
mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC

mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC

mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC is a full-featured Basic compiler which makes Microchip® dsPIC/PIC24 development suitable for everyone. Popular basic programing language is a neat choice for beginners because of the simple syntax and clear code. Compiler is designed to be smart and efficient, so you can rely on it to do the hard work.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Home page: www.mikroe.com
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2013

Mikrobasic pro usb examples in Description

mikroBasic PRO for 8051

mikroBasic PRO for 8051

mikroBasic PRO for 8051 is a comprehensive BASIC compiler for 8051 micro-controllers developed and marketed by Atmel and Silicon Labs. 8051 based embedded applications are developed, built and debugged using this compiler as a platform. This development environment has a wide range of features such as easy-to-learn BASIC syntax, easy-to-use IDE, very compact and efficient code, etc.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2012
mikroBasic PRO for ARM

mikroBasic PRO for ARM

mikroBasic PRO for ARM is a full-featured Basic compiler which makes ARM Cortex-M0, Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 development suitable for everyone. Popular basic programing language is the best choice for beginners because of the simple syntax and clear code.

  • Publisher: MikroElektronika
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2015


Together with HIMSA's NOAH software, HI-PRO USB has evolved into the de facto industry standard for programming hearing instruments. In fact, the successful standardization of the HI-PRO USB hardware interface on a global scale throughout the hearing industry has helped drive the trend towards first programmable and later digital hearing instruments.

  • Publisher: GN Otometrics
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2011
StellarisWare Windows-side USB examples

StellarisWare Windows-side USB examples

StellarisWare Windows-side USB examples is an oscilloscope application that shows the use of the Stellaris analog-to-digital converter to capture samples from one or two input channels at up to 1MSample per second. It features full remote control of the oscilloscope, local display of captured waveforms on the Windows PC and waveforms can be saved as Windows bitmap files.

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2015
SLIMax Manager

SLIMax Manager

SLIMax Manager is a powerful tool that manages your SIM RACE GT, SIM RACE F1, SIM RACE Deluxe or SIM RACE PRO USB Shift lights Display devices from SIM Display, USB Shift lights Interface and game controllers. The application is capable of managing all devices simultaneously.

Additional Mikrobasic pro usb examples selection

IsatPhone Pro USB driver

IsatPhone Pro USB driver

You will need to install the USB drivers on your PC before installing the contact synchronisation and firmware upgrade tools. Installing the USB drivers also reduces your phone’s charging time.

  • Publisher: Inmarsat
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2013
BurnInTest Pro

BurnInTest Pro

BurnInTest Pro is a program that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously stress tested for endurance, reliability and stability. The program assists in PC troubleshooting and diagnostics and it reduces your test times with simultaneous testing.

  • Publisher: Passmark Software
  • Home page: www.passmark.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
DeepBurner Pro

DeepBurner Pro

DeepBurner Pro is a powerful CD and DVD burner that will provide all the tools you need to backup anything you want easily and fast. This application will enable you to create data, bootable and audio cds as well as data dvds. It also includes a tool for creating labels and booklets, and allows you to design auto start menus to launch programs or documents automatically when you run a CD.



XXCLONE copies (clones) your Windows system disk into another disk with the system files, installed applications, and all of your data files. It is an ideal tool for periodic system disk backup on a regular basis. It makes the target disk Self-Bootable that can replace your main disk without further steps (such as the Restore procedure).

  • Publisher: Pixelab, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
USB Monitor Pro

USB Monitor Pro

USB Monitor Pro lets you monitor incoming and outgoing data of any USB device on your computer. It gives you a possibility to decode, filter, detect errors in the USB data stream without any additional expensive hardware. USB Monitor Pro was created based on extensive experience in USB device driver development.



It is a USB DMX adapter for all computer based lighting needs. Main Features: -Micro processor enabled -1500 V full isolation (data & power lines to protect your computer from surges) -1 Input & 1 Output connector (there is only one DMX port though) -RDM enabled -Supports Various 3rd party Controllers/VJs/Tools -Internal frame buffering

  • Publisher: ENTTEC
  • Home page: www.enttec.com
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2012
KernelPro USB Over Ethernet

KernelPro USB Over Ethernet

USB over Ethernet is a professional tool that allows users to work with USB devices remotely over IP. You can connect to a shared USB device and use it just like it is plugged in your machine. Server and Client parts are installed on the same computer.

  • Publisher: KernelPro Software
  • Last updated: December 10th, 2014
USB Data Recovery Pro

USB Data Recovery Pro

USB Data Recovery Pro is recovery freeware that can effectively recover deleted or lost photos, music, and video from almost all digitals after instances like deletion, corruption and formatting etc. Complete Do-It-Yourself and Risk free, only 3 steps: Connect device; Scan; Select files and Recover!

  • Publisher: Lionsea
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2022
TesPro USB Optical Driver

TesPro USB Optical Driver

TesPro USB Optical Driver is a program that enables you to configure the TP-USB Optical Probe device for Meter Communication. It can be used in electric energy meter parameterization and data reading, proved to be an ideal tool for both utilities and manufacturers.

  • Publisher: Tespro Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2014
USB Disk Storage Format Tool Pro

USB Disk Storage Format Tool Pro

One of the differences between USB Drive Format Tool and the regular formatting tool found in Windows is the fact that this freeware allows users to securely erase data on USB drives with 12 algorithms of industrial strength, while the Windows version does not provide this option to wipe any disk drive.

  • Publisher: Rogosoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.rogosoft.com
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2018