Military whist rules in Title/Summary

Minnesota Whist
Minnesota Whist is a simplified whist variant popular in the Midwest. Minnesota Whist is played as partners, with each pair of partners sitting across from each other. A standard 52-card deck is dealt out so that all 4 players have 13 cards. The first team to score 13 or higher wins.
- Publisher: Lycanth

Far Whist
Far Whist is a card game program for playing Elevator Whist against the computer .In Far Whist, you can choose how the number of cards dealt goes from 1 to 13 (increasing by 1, 2 or 3).Far Whist has the following variations: --Elevator Whist --Oh Hell!-variation close to Elevator Whist --Other variations-by combining the numerous options --Romanian Whist-variation with 32 cards
- Publisher: Vincent Brévart
- Last updated: November 16th, 2012

Whist Card Game from Special K
Play the classic card games of WHIST! Play against the computer, with between 2 and 4 players. Use Windows to achieve the realistic atmosphere of a Whist game with animation and sound. Play Standard Whist rules, or Knock Out Whist rules.
- Publisher: Special K Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025
Military whist rules in Description

Bid Whist Challenge
Bid Whist Challenge is a game prediction software using cards. Two opposing teams of two players each engaged in Bid Whist Challenge. To win a game a team must accumulate twelve books that count as seven points because the first five books do not figure in the score.
- Publisher: Prather Enterprises, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 26th, 2010

DKM CardSharp
DKM CardSharp includes six games to play against computer opponents. Hearts - Classic game where you avoid winning Hearts and the Queen of Spades. Spades - Popular game where you try win as many tricks as you and your partner bid. Spades is always trumps. Oh Hell , Klaberjass and Clobyosh
- Publisher: DKM Software
- Last updated: August 26th, 2011

Military Sokoban
MILITARY SOKOBAN is a remake of classic logic game in military-like style. Game has very simple rules: Your goal - to place boxes(ammo or barrels) on specially chosen place. Boxes possible only to push, pull it is impossible. At a current moment possible to push only one box.
- Publisher: IgorLab Software
- Last updated: June 27th, 2011

The General
The General, a clone of Stratego, is a board game developed by Sean O'Connor. As the original game, The General is extremely absorbing and addictive. The objective consists in capturing the opponents’ flag before they manage to capture yours. The General is the type of game that can keep you busy for long hours.
- Publisher: Sean O'Connor's Windows Games
- Last updated: March 21st, 2008

Overcome your fears, pass all the levels of a dangerous trip to the Cyber World. Reach the green zone and you will be teleported to the next stage of the game. Kill the enemies or you'll be destroyed. Free to download and play. Become a Cyber Hero!
- Publisher: Absolutist Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 7th, 2010
Additional Military whist rules selection

Saints Row®: The Third™
Get your Saints' sins on the Community Map by taking screengrabs of your most over-the-top moments cruising Steelport. Help your fellow Saints by leaving tips for them at Steelport's notable attractions. Come back and reap the benefits of what's going on in real-time in Steelport.
- Publisher: THQ Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011

Rules of Survival
As its name implies, the aim of this game is to make your character survive against multiple attackers. To to do so, you will need to move fast and acquire different weapons to defend yourself, but also to attack and kill other players. The game is action packed, and has good graphics and sounds. If you enjoy shooters and MMORPGs, then you may enjoy this one.
- Publisher: Netease, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 9th, 2018

Speedify uses a military grade ChaCha-based 256-bit key VPN encryption algorithm. Not even the most experienced hackers could snoop on the traffic going through our VPN servers. Keep your personal data safe from hackers, snoops and other cyber criminals.
- Publisher: Speedify
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

ArcGIS Military Analyst
ArcGIS Military Analyst is an ArcGIS extension consisting of a suite of utilities and API designed to enhance the geospatial analysis capabilities of the defense/intelligence user community, specifically those who want to manage and exploit National Geospatial‑Intelligence Agency (NGA) Raster Product Format (RPF) data, Vector Product Format (VPF) data, and Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED).
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 9th, 2011

Desktop (search) rules
DeskRule is a utility that complements and extends the Windows search. The program allows you to find top rated pictures, find audio tracks by artist, locate PDF/Office documents by tags, author or contained keywords, find photos, find DLLs installed by Microsoft, and more.
- Publisher: Zabkat
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 15th, 2016

Military Rescue
Military Rescue deals with a battle and rescue mission in which you will be involved. You will have full responsibility over the hostages and your special armed forces soldiers. If you are a lover of battles, dangers, and military games you will be able to complete the entire game with ease and pride.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: February 21st, 2010

Graphics Rules Maker
Graphics Rules Maker is an application designed to improve the compatibility of The Sims 2 and SimCity 4 games on modern computer systems. The application provides a set of tweaks in order to make your game run on Full HD monitors with higher resolution than 1600x1200.
- Publisher: SimsNetwork
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2015

Airbus Military A400M FSX P3D
This is a simulation package for the Airbus A400M, which is a military transport aircraft designed by Airbus. This model is created in Gmax with virtual cockpit and custom sounds. Three repaints are also included : Royal Air Force, French Air Force, and German Air Force.
- Publisher: Patrick Le Luyer, updated by Andreas Rotowski
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 28th, 2015

ArcGIS Military Overlay Editor
Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) is a set of COM components for developers to create custom applications that support Department of Defense . With MOLE, you can - Add geographic data while composing and positioning unit symbols. - Perform automatic stacking, decluttering of symbols, and placement of leader lines. - Import, locate, and display order of battle databases.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2011

Military Overlay Editor
Military Overlay Editor (MOLE) is a set of COM components for developers to create custom applications that support Department of Defense (DoD) MIL-STD-2525B and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) APP6a specifications. MOLE allows you to easily create, display, and edit military symbology in your maps.
- Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
- Last updated: February 17th, 2010