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Minecraft horse armor recipe in Title/Summary

Oblivion - Horse Armor Pack

Oblivion - Horse Armor Pack

The Horse Armor Pack is an official patch that allows you to outfit any owned horse with a set of armor. The first set of armor is free, and if you do not have a horse with you, you can actually get a horse (an Old Nag) for free from Snak gra-Bura. There is no difference, other than appearance. Putting armor on the horse has the game effect of increasing the health of the horse.

Minecraft Recipe Creator

Minecraft Recipe Creator

Fully functioning windows application for creating recipes for zombes mod pack, you must have his mods installed!!!! Open the file click setup.exe and it will install. It is a WINDOWS APPLICATION to be used with ZOMBE"S MODS. An interesting minecraft editor.

  • Publisher: Christopher Everitt
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2011
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Nilfgaardian Armor Set

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Nilfgaardian Armor Set

Nilfgaardian Armor Set is a downloadable content for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game. Crafted from the finest materials available, the Nilfgaardian Armor Set includes a jacket, gloves, pants, boots and horse tack. This content requires the base game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in order to play.

Minecraft horse armor recipe in Description

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Skellige Armor Set

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Skellige Armor Set

Skellige Armor Set is a downloadable content for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game. Enhanced for the frigid climate of the Skellige Archipelago, this set includes a jacket, gloves, pants, boots and horse tack. This content requires the base game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in order to play.



Horse Racing Simulation, LLC presents the ultimate horse racing handicapping/simulation tool. The SIM2WIN™ PC-Based proprietary computer program will allow both novice horse race fans and professional horse racing handicappers to simulate upcoming horse races at major racetracks in a virtual, full-screen, 3-D environment.

  • Publisher: Horse Racing Simulations LLC
  • Last updated: April 29th, 2012
The Recipe Processor 2000

The Recipe Processor 2000

This is a very comprehensive recipe database manager with network capabilities. The Recipe Processor 2000 allows you to enrich your recipes by adding pictures and video clips to them. It can calculate the caloric and nutritional information of every recipe based on its ingredients and proportions. In addition, you can also classify your recipes into categories and sub-categories.

  • Publisher: Jay Lichtenstein
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2012
Recipe Browser

Recipe Browser

Find a recipe by utilizing built-in recipe search engines. Recipe Browser automatically finds related recipes, recipe links, cooking directories, and other links associated to current website you're visiting.

  • Publisher: 4ComTech
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2010
Resort Chef

Resort Chef

Whilst it may not have all the features of our other products, Resort Chef has been designed to make basic recipe costing as simple as possible. Resort Chef data is fully compatible with our other recipe management products, so exchanging recipes with colleagues is a breeze.

Additional Minecraft horse armor recipe selection

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Free DLC

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Free DLC

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Free DLC contains all the 16 DLC packs released for Witcher 3.DLC list:- Temerian Armor Set - Reserved for the finest of warriors serving the kindgom of Temeria, the Temerian Armor Set includes a jacket, gloves, pants, boots and horse armor.

  • Publisher: CD Projekt Red
  • Home page: www.gog.com
  • Last updated: October 17th, 2015


Minecraft is a game about breaking and placing blocks. At first, people built structures to protect against nocturnal monsters, but as the game grew players worked together to create wonderful, imaginative things. Brave players can battle terrible things in The Nether, which is more scary.

Dragon Age - Origins

Dragon Age - Origins

Master a modern role-playing classic with the only epic guide that shows you how to slay dragons, empower kings, and stitch together your own golem. More than 120 jam-packed maps display every critical piece of information: NPCs, monster locations, treasure spots, side quests, with corresponding walkthroughs to best all quests, puzzles, and pivotal story choices.



This is a fully functional Five Night's at Freddy's remake in Minecraft. Using a majority of the new 1.8 command features, as well as a combination of animated Armor Stands, I have recreated the terrifying experience of playing Five Night's at Freddy's in vanilla Minecraft.

  • Publisher: Reather Hellsong
  • Last updated: July 22nd, 2015
Minecraft Note Block Studio

Minecraft Note Block Studio

Minecraft Note Block Studio is intended to customize the music blocks used in Minecraft, a very popular game. The program has an intuitive interface, which even has a virtual keyboard. Still, you can use a MIDI instrument or an actual keyboard to create your musical notes.

  • Publisher: HielkeMinecraft
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2019
Minecraft GUI

Minecraft GUI

Minecraft GUI is a plugin that allows you to communicate with the server without being in game. It allows you to get some basic information (Server OS, IP, Uptime, Game Port, Version, Online player (count), number of players in Whitelist, time (Day/Night)), and to chat (from GUI to game and from game to GUI).

  • Publisher: Mika56
  • Last updated: November 30th, 2011
Minecraft Texturepack Editor

Minecraft Texturepack Editor

Open any texturepack you have in your minecraft/texturepacks directory - Open several texturepacks simultanieously and compare them - Copy single tiles from one texturepack to another with a mouseclick. - Open single tiles in an image-editor - Save changed images/tiles and save the texturepack. - Change the resolution of any image with a simple mouseclick.

TT MineCraft server creator

TT MineCraft server creator

This program helps you to create your brand new server, and keep it up-to-date with one click. It gives you an easier control panel. Features: - The program has a port forwarding button. You just type in the port, and the program opens it, on your local ip. If your local ip changes, it won't work! (it doesn't work on every computer/router).

The Horse racing game

The Horse racing game

The Horse Racing Game is a turn-based horse racing simulation game. Enter the stadium with your sleek trained race horse, for a period of back to back, authentic horse racing. Complete with commentator,crowd and great ambience. You'll have to choose between 5 horses, while avoiding obstacles.

  • Publisher: Lighttech Interactive
  • Last updated: August 3rd, 2008
Horse Racing Fantasy 3

Horse Racing Fantasy 3

Horse Racing Fantasy 3 is the most realistic 3D game graphics you have ever seen! Developers of the 2007 & 2008 Breeders' Cup simulation fantasy horse games, the 2008 Belmont Stakes Online 3D Racing Game for NYRA (New York Racing Association), and BloodHorse Magazine.

  • Publisher: Horse Racing Simulation LLC
  • Last updated: May 4th, 2011