Mobile cfi calculator in Title/Summary

CFI Calculator
CFI Calculator is a software that allows you to calculate different elements when a fire is starting, taking in consideration various factors that can amplify the effects of the fire, such as the dimension of a room, electricity, wind , the heat flux or heat release and much more
- Publisher: CFITrainer
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2010

SEM Fit Calculator
It computes various fit measures (CFI, RMSEA, AIC, etc) for structural equation modeling. The program computes all the fit measures calculated by Amos. However, it is intended primarily for the calculation of CFI and other Bentler-Bonett type fit measures that compare the fit of your model to the fit of some "baseline" model, in situations where you wish to specify your own baseline model.
- Publisher: Amos Development Corporation
- Last updated: January 13th, 2011

CFi Editor
CFi Editor is a fast and feature-filled multiple document text editor. The editor makes it easy to create and edit any plain text-based documents such as text files, web pages, scripts or programming code. Better still, you can open several files in one manoeuvre, and keep up to 99 documents open at once.
- Publisher: Cool Focus International Ltd
- Last updated: July 31st, 2010
Mobile cfi calculator in Description

CFI-Trader is a downloadable platform which offers online access to trading in Forex, Futures, and CFDs. It has been created to provide trade operations and technical analysis in real-time mode. Risk management of your trades is simple with use of a variety of order types.
- Publisher: Credit Financier Invest S.A.L.
- Last updated: April 8th, 2016

Tipster for Windows Mobile
It is a fast, easy, and free Tip and Sales Tax Calculator. With just a few taps, you can: 1. see your bill amount; 2. see the tip amount; 3. calculate the bill + tip total; 4. divide by the number of people; 5. view optional pre-tax tip calculation (Palm OS only) on your screen at once. Change the tip percent or number of people with one tap.
- Publisher: Ilium Software
- Last updated: April 1st, 2008

MxCalc 12c
MxCalc 12c Platinum is a HP 12c * RPN Financial Calculator software for Windows Mobile Pocket PC. Calculates loan payments, interest rates and conversions, standard deviation, percent, TVM, NPV, IRR, cash flows, bonds and more.
- Publisher: 3GR Technologies
- Last updated: October 12th, 2008

Prepware School
Prepware School is the computer-based study and test tool that helps students excel on all FAA Knowledge Exams. More than a “question and answer” recounting of test questions, Prepware School combines years of experience with expertise in working with the tests to prepare the most comprehensive and accurate test preparation materials available in the industry.
- Publisher: ASA
- Last updated: January 28th, 2010

MultiFuN Tool
MultiFuN Tool is a powerful mobile flashing and mobile unlocking application. The program automatically selects the proper EFS file and then writes it to the phone. MultiFuN Tool also includes an automatic model detection feature and a NCK calculator.
- Publisher: Shadab Ahmad
- Last updated: November 12th, 2014
Additional Mobile cfi calculator selection

Mobile Partner
Mobile Partner allows you to manage Internet connections on Huawei netsetter devices. It lets you change the settings and configure the username, password, and other options. You can also connect/disconnect from the Internet using this tool, with a single click.
- Publisher: Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2017

Windows Mobile Device Center
Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center offers a work environement and user interface simple and functional, thanks to its support for Windows Mobile 5 and 6. Thanks to this application we can keep updated our PDAs or Smartphones with our Home or Work PC, in order to keep always our pictures, emails, calendars and contacts in both.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020
- Publisher: Diginext B.V.
- Last updated: August 26th, 2022

NokiaFREE Unlock Codes Calculator
With Nokia Free Unlock Codes Calculator we can unlock our cell phones and we can use it in any company that we want. When we open the program can find eight boxes and one little window. In the first box we can put our cell phone model we can choose between: Alcatel, LG, Maxxon, NEC, Nokia, Samsung, Siemens, Sony, Panasonic and Vitel.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter
Ultra Mobile 3GP Video Converter is mainly intended to help you watch movies on portable devices supporting 3GP format. The tool supports processing files in batches. Luckily, it is compatible with practically every media format. It also lets you extract a segment from a video or split it in chunks of equal size or duration.
- Publisher: Aone Software
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012

Dell Mobile Broadband Manager
Dell Mobile Broadband Manager can be used for configuring Dell network cards on supported laptops. It also has troubleshooting, error detection, and self-diagnostic features. This program is supported on Inspiron, XPS Notebook, Vostro Notebook, Precision and Latitude models.
- Publisher: Dell
- Last updated: March 9th, 2012

Sony Mobile Emma
The Emma work area consists of a Connector overveiw frame, a Connector Details frame, a service Details frame, a Main menu, a Toolbar and a status bar. You can change the look of the work area by hiding parts of it and by moving the frame boundaries between Connector Overview, Connector Details and Service Details.
- Publisher: Sony Mobile Communications AB
- Last updated: April 20th, 2013

Calculator Plus
Calculator Plus is an amazing interface that can truly replace your pocket calculator. It's the top choice to meet your education, business or household needs calcification. Provides more and more accuracy to the users and also maintains history. Calculator Plus App will be nice addition to your collection of essential apps.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2021

Mobile Connection Manager
O2 Connection Manager will help you to manage your internet connections by getting you connected to the fastest available network. Helps you to keep track of your data usage by giving you an indication of how much data you have used against usage allowance on the O2 network.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 9th, 2012

T-Mobile Internet Manager
Use the T-Mobile Connection Manager to manage all of your Wi-Fi connections. If you do not want to cause a conflict with the WiFi adaptor on your PC, you need to temporarily disable or disconnect your wireless network or WiFi adapter. Great application for you when you are on the road, and you need Internet access.
- Publisher: Everything Everywhere Limited
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2014