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Molecular modeling environmental in Title/Summary

Lakes Environmental ISC-AERMOD View

Lakes Environmental ISC-AERMOD View

The AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD) is the next generation air dispersion model based on planetary boundary layer theory. AERMOD utilizes a similar input and output structure to ISCST3 and shares many of the same features, as well as offering additional features. AERMOD fully incorporates the PRIME building downwash algorithms, advanced depositional parameters.

  • Publisher: Lakes Environmental Software
  • Home page: www.weblakes.com
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2011


BALLView is a free molecular modeling and molecular graphics tool. It provides fast OpenGL-based visualization of molecular structures, molecular mechanics methods (minimization, MD simulation using the AMBER, CHARMM, and MMFF94 force fields), molecular editing, as well as calculation and visualization of electrostatic properties (FDPB).

  • Publisher: Plone Foundation
  • Home page: www.ballview.org
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2012


MoCalc: Molecular Calculation Interface is a graphical user interface for the molecular modeling programs Gamess1, Mopac2, Tinker3, Babel4 and Rasmol5. MoCalc helps the user in the preparation of input files, the submission of calculations, the analysis of the results and the visualization of the involved chemical structures. Some properties can also be calculated by MoCalc.

  • Publisher: Anderson Coser Gaudio
  • Last updated: May 28th, 2010

Molecular modeling environmental in Description



MacroModel is a program that combines leading force fields, accurate effective solvation models, and advanced conformational searching methods to provide the most complete molecular modeling package suitable for a wide array of research. Force field-based molecular modeling is routinely applied to examine molecular conformations, molecular motion, and intermolecular interactions.



This program is a sophisticated molecular modeling environment that is known for its quality, flexibility, and ease of use. Uniting 3D visualization and animation with quantum chemical calculations, molecular mechanics, and dynamics, HyperChem puts more molecular modeling tools at your fingertips than any other Windows program.

  • Publisher: Hypercube, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2012


Biodesigner is a molecular modeling and visualization program for personal computers. The program is capable of creating homologous models of proteins, evaluate, and refine the models. The program provides multiple file format support (PDB, Hyperchem, Alchemy, Insight, Sybyl).

  • Publisher: Piotr Rotkiewicz
  • Home page: www.pirx.com
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2008
Moil 11

Moil 11

Moil supports the usual set of tools for molecular modeling by classical mechanics, including energy calculations, energy minimization, molecular dynamics, and more. Moil allows for reasonably straightforward conversion of PDB files to computable datasets (coordinate and energy templates).

HyperChem Lite

HyperChem Lite

HyperChem Lite is an integrated and flexible molecular modeling product for researchers, educators, and students. It is an easy-to-use yet powerful package with capabilities for visualizing, analyzing, and simulating molecules, and for communicating information about molecular structures.

  • Publisher: Hypercube, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2014

Additional Molecular modeling environmental selection



Avogadro is an advanced molecule editor and visualizer designed for cross-platform use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and related areas. Built to work easily for students and advanced researchers both.

  • Publisher: Avogadro
  • Home page: avogadro.cc
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2016


MoluCAD is a full-featured molecular modeling and visualization tool designed for Windows. Originally conceived as an aid for students of organic chemistry, MoluCAD has quickly evolved into much more. The latest version incorporates many advanced features only found in expensive workstation-based modeling packages.

Spartan '16

Spartan '16

The latest Spartan'16 release continues collaboration with Q-Chem, and provides a full range of computational models, spanning Molecular Mechanics, Semi-Empirical models, Hartree-Fock Molecular Orbital models, post-Hartree-Fock models including Density Functional and Moller Plesset approaches, as well as Thermochemistry recipes.

  • Publisher: Wavefunction, INC
  • Home page: www.wavefun.com
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2017
Molecular Conceptor

Molecular Conceptor

The "Molecular Conceptor Learning Series" is an innovative, computer-based learning solution that aims to bring together, in a ready-digested format, knowledge of medicinal chemistry, drug design, cheminformatics, structural bioinformatics and molecular modeling, necessary to the skills, techniques and approaches used by a drug discovery team as a whole.

  • Publisher: Synergix Ltd.


MIFit is a cross-platform interactive graphics application for molecular modeling, fitting, and refinement of protein structures from x-ray crystallography. MIFit has the following features: - Easy to navigate and manipulate multiple structures and maps. - Improvements in graphics rendering performance.



MolPOV is a graphics file converter that reads Brookhaven Protein Data Bank format files and produces a ready-to-render input file for the Persistence of Vision ray tracer (POV-Ray). The PDB files can be from the Brookhaven PDB itself or from any molecular modeling program that can store structures in the PDB format.

  • Publisher: University of Florida
  • Last updated: July 10th, 2010
Dinamica EGO

Dinamica EGO

Dinamica EGO is an environmental modeling platform. EGO graphical interface allows the design of a model by simply dragging and connecting operators that perform calculations upon various types of data, such as constants, matrices, tables, and raster maps.

  • Publisher: CSR - UFMG
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2018


Developed for with two objectives in mind: to take advantage of sufficiently powerful personal computer to carry out certain calculations thus reducing the calculation workload on some to workstations and to provide to the students an easy to use tool to carry out quantum calculations which would be very useful for students during introductory courses of molecular modeling.

  • Publisher: ICOA
  • Last updated: October 24th, 2011
Lakes Environmental Screen View

Lakes Environmental Screen View

SCREEN View is a user-friendly interface for the U.S. EPA screening model, SCREEN3. The SCREEN3 model can be used to estimate worst-case ground level concentrations for a single source as well as concentrations in the cavity zone, and concentrations due to inversion break-up and shoreline fumigation.

  • Publisher: Lakes Environmental Software
  • Home page: www.weblakes.com
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2019
FormIt Converter For Revit

FormIt Converter For Revit

Use real building and environmental data to support design brainstorming. Move your preliminary designs to centralized data storage for access and refinement in Revit. Start a Building Information Modeling (BIM) workflow as you brainstorm your designs.