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Mouse emulator rs232 in Title/Summary

Cok Free Mouse Emulator

Cok Free Mouse Emulator

Cok Free Mouse Emulator is a program that simulates your mouse commands by operating your keyboard. You can use the numeric keypad area to control your mouse moving and clicking. You can set it run automatically when the windows startup and minimize to tray icon when it begins to run.

  • Publisher: Cok Software
  • Home page: www.coksoft.com
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2013
WORLD of JOYSTICKS Emulator Standard Edition

WORLD of JOYSTICKS Emulator Standard Edition

An emulator of Keyboard, Mouse and Xbox 360 Controller for Windows. Main features: - Supports XInput gaming controllers with customizable vibrations. - Supports DirectInput gaming controllers with customizable vibrations. - Supports playing with multiple joysticks simultaneously. - Playing with joysticks and mobile device simultaneously.

  • Publisher: Timur Terekhov
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2017
WORLD of JOYSTICKS Emulator Extreme Edition

WORLD of JOYSTICKS Emulator Extreme Edition

World of Joysticks Emulator Extreme Edition is a simulator of keyboard, mouse, and Xbox 360 controller for Windows. Play any PC game with your gamepad, joystick, wheel, smartphone or tablet. The program supports XInput gaming controllers with customizable vibrations.

  • Publisher: Timur Terekhov
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2016

Mouse emulator rs232 in Description



The dwell selection function in Dragger is called AutoClick. When enabled, AutoClick monitors the pointer and clicks the left mouse button when the pointer is brought to rest for the programmable dwell time. If the pointer remains motionless it will not click again.

  • Publisher: Origin Instruments, Corp.
  • Home page: www.orin.com
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2017
Clikka Mouse

Clikka Mouse

This program allows physically disabled people to control the functions of the mouse. The program works both in Windows and in any other program which requires the use of a mouse device: left or right click, double click, scrolling, etc. It should be used together with other mouse emulator programs such as head or eyes pointers.



SofType is a utility which replaces the functionality of a desktop keyboard with a full featured, on-screen keyboard. SofType can be accessed using a mouse or mouse emulator such as the HeadMouse Nano. SofType works by generating an image of a keyboard on the computer screen.

  • Publisher: Origin Intruments Corporation
  • Home page: www.orin.com
  • Last updated: July 12th, 2017
COM Port Data Emulator

COM Port Data Emulator

COM Port Data Emulator is a tool for emulating a com port or an Ethernet device, that generates a serial stream of data. The program can create a data flow, wrap it to data packets (RS232, TCP/IP or UDP) and send to a port. COM Port Data Emulator can help developers or experts test their applications.

  • Publisher: AGG Software
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2016


Q-emuLator is a software emulator of the QL running in Windows and Mac. Q-emuLator has an interpreter of the 68008's instructions, and emulates the basic QL's hardware, redirecting input and output to the Mac's or PC's video, keyboard, mouse, disks, sound hardware and serial ports.

  • Publisher: Daniele Terdina
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2012

Additional Mouse emulator rs232 selection

Free Virtual Serial Ports Emulator

Free Virtual Serial Ports Emulator

VSPE is intended to help software engineers and developers to create/debug/test applications that use serial ports. It is able to create various virtual devices to transmit/receive data. Unlike regular serial ports, virtual devices have special capabilities: for example, the same device can be opened more than once by different applications, that can be useful in many cases.

  • Publisher: Eterlogic Software
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


When rolling the hand you will move the mouse pointer horizontally and vertically, the thumb flexion will emulate the left click, while the other fingers will control the right click. The software permits the user to control the mouse behavior by the movements of the hand and of the fingers.

  • Publisher: DGTech
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008
WinWAP Smartphone Browser Emulator

WinWAP Smartphone Browser Emulator

WinWAP Smartphone Browser Emulator let's you use WAP services on your Windows PC. The browser is a mobile Internet browser that emulates the way you would use the mobile Internet services on built-in browser of a smartphone. t looks like a smartphone on the desktop of your PC.

  • Publisher: Winwap Technologies Oy
  • Home page: www.winwap.com
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center

Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center

The Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center is an app that helps you make the most out of your Microsoft keyboard and mouse. Mouse and Keyboard Center helps you personalize and customize how you work on your PC. Use Spotlight to show people what you're talking about during an online meeting.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2024
Remote Mouse

Remote Mouse

Turn your mobile phone or tablet into a set of wireless mouse, keyboard and trackpad. Control made simple. It's a perfect combination of 3 most common remote control devices. With smarter multi-touch gestures, all you need is to click and slide. Remote Mouse allows you to control your computer freely at anywhere and at any time.

  • Publisher: Remote Mouse
  • Home page: remotemouse.net
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2025
X-Mouse Button Control

X-Mouse Button Control

X-Mouse Button Control lets you customize mouse buttons with application specific behaviors. In games which do not natively support extended mouse buttons, you can map keys to each button. You can change the behaviour of the mouse over certain windows, e.g. make a mouse wheel change its volume when you hover over the system tray.

  • Publisher: Phillip Gibbons (Highresolution Enterprises)
  • Home page: www.highrez.co.uk
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
Lenovo Mouse Suite

Lenovo Mouse Suite

Lenovo Mouse Suite is a free program that allows you to configure the mouse connected to your computer. It provides support for devices such as: - USB Optical Wheel Mouse (FRU PN:41U3013, 41U3030, 89Y1273, 89Y1274, 89Y1275) - Lenovo USB Laser Mouse (FRU PN: 78Y4401, 41U3078) - Lenovo Ultraslim Plus Wireless Mouse.

  • Publisher: Lenovo
  • Last updated: October 1st, 2014
Pinnacle Game Profiler

Pinnacle Game Profiler

Pinnacle Game Profiler allows you to play your favorite games with any gamepad, joystick, or other type of game controller. The program comes preconfigured for most popular game titles and gamepads, which means setup is quick and easy. Also, the program has the ability to detect when games are launched, automatically configuring your desired controller for play.

Mouse Recorder Pro

Mouse Recorder Pro

Mouse Recorder Pro is a powerful tool that records and replays mouse movements and keystrokes. This user-friendly tool is very easy to use, and even a novice user can work with it efficiently. Just after you press the record button, the tool records and saves all mouse and keyboard inputs in any application and allows you to repeat the recoded activities easily at any time.

  • Publisher: Nemex
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2016